摘要:Deposition翻译为:庭外取证,其英文释义为:The testimony of a party or witness in a civil or criminal proceeding taken before trial, usually in an
Deposition翻译为:庭外取证,其英文释义为:The testimony of a party or witness in a civil or criminal proceeding taken before trial, usually in an attorney's office.在民事或刑事诉讼中当事人或证人在审判前进行的证词。
庭外取证(Deposition)是英美诉讼法上特有的制度,可以由双方当事人在审判前互相询问对方或其证人进行采证,发生在审判前,而且是在庭外进行的,其实质是法庭外的交叉询问(cross-examination),通常需要有法庭书记员(court reporter)在场对双方证词做记录。在作出证词之前通常也需要宣誓,因此在庭外取证程序中得到的证词成为了宣誓证词(sworn testimony),如果在该证词中撒谎,同样可能被指控伪证罪(perjury)。
The Court Management Section provided support services to the judicial processes of the Tribunal, including provisions of real-time transcripts of proceedings, support for site visits to Rwanda, certification of witness statements, depositions and video-link hearings from various countries.