
360影视 2024-11-28 22:06 5







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Learning over a thousand mountains:Standard Time (or Work Norm) ,

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Standard Time (or Work Norm) refers to the total of working time, preparation time, rest time, and physiological time required to complete a qualified product according to the product's technological process and under a certain technical state and production organization mode. Regarding its measurement methods, the following will elaborate on the Time Study Method, the MOD/Model Method within the Predetermined Time Standards (PTS), and the Work Sampling Method in detail.


Time Study Method


The Time Study Method is a method of determining standard time by directly observing and measuring the execution time of a certain process or task, while also considering abnormal conditions under stress. This method typically takes into account factors such as human fatigue, work pace, and operational proficiency that affect working time. However, it may be influenced by the observer's subjective judgments, so it requires careful operation to ensure accuracy.


Predetermined Time Standards (PTS)


The Predetermined Time Standards (PTS) is a method of determining the time required for various operations using predefined time standards for those operations. Instead of relying on direct observation and measurement, it decomposes tasks into basic actions and establishes standard times for each. The core of this method lies in simplifying complex task processes into a series of combined basic actions, thereby facilitating time measurement and calculation.

在PTS中,MOD/模特法是一种常用的技术。MOD(Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards)法,即模特法,是一种基于人体工程学实验的时间研究方法。它根据人的动作级次,选择一个正常人的级次最低、速度最快、能量消耗最少的手指一次动作的时间消耗值,作为它的时间单位,定为1MOD。MOD法具有易懂、易学、易记的特点,并且基本动作只有21种,便于记忆和应用。此外,MOD法还可以根据作业强度、疲劳程度等因素对时间值进行调整,以更准确地反映实际情况。

Within PTS, the MOD/Model Method is a commonly used technique. MOD (Modular Arrangement of Predetermined Time Standards), also known as the Model Method, is a time study method based on ergonomics experiments. It selects the time consumption value of a single finger movement with the lowest level of effort, fastest speed, and least energy consumption for a normal person as its time unit, defined as 1 MOD. The MOD Method is easy to understand, learn, and remember, with only 21 basic actions, facilitating memorization and application. Additionally, the MOD Method can adjust time values based on factors such as workload intensity and fatigue levels to more accurately reflect actual situations.


Work Sampling Method


The Work Sampling Method is a method of estimating overall working time by randomly selecting samples, observing and recording their work status within a specific period, and then extrapolating from the sample data. The key to this method lies in determining an appropriate sample size and duration to ensure the representativeness and accuracy of the sample data.


The advantage of the Work Sampling Method is that it can measure time without interfering with normal workflow, avoiding the impact on working time due to the observer's intervention. At the same time, it can flexibly adjust the sample size and duration according to actual needs to adapt to different scales and complexities of the work environment. However, the Work Sampling Method may also be affected by factors such as sample selection and observation errors, so it requires control during implementation.






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