《中购联国际商业周刊》丨 LV进军彩妆市场;老铺黄金出海捞金;雀巢宣布收购徐福记……

360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-10 10:12 1




Issue241 | 2025.3.3-9



项目动态 Projects' News




在百货店业态面临压力之际,卡塔尔Olympe Investments的投资支持是对百货店未来的一次雄心勃勃的押注,巴黎春天百货公司此次新店也旨在为零售行业提供未来发展蓝图。

01|PRINTEMPS opens its first U.S. department store

French luxury department store Printemps is preparing to open its first US store, locates in the historic One Wall Street building and opens on 21 March.

In a significant departure from traditional luxury retail formats, Printemps New York positions itself as a lifestyle destination. While this means some major brands — including Louis Vuitton — will be absent, the store’s emphasis on discovery is designed to appeal to a younger, experience-driven clientele.

The opening, backed by Qatar’s Olympe Investments, represents an ambitious bet on the future of department stores at a time when the format is under pressure. Printemps aims to offer a blueprint for the sector’s reinvention.

02|Luna Park乐园即将进行重新开发

澳大利亚悉尼的Luna Park乐园即将进行重新开发。Bill Gravanis凭借其公司Oscar Group成为Luna Park的新业主,并筹集3740万澳元用于乐园的改造资金。Oscar Group计划将Luna Park乐园打造成澳大利亚前五大旅游目的地。

02|Luna Park is about to be redeveloped

Luna Park in Sydney, Australia, is about to be redeveloped. Bill Gravanis, with his company Oscar Group, became the new owner of Luna Park and raised $37.4 million to fund the park's transformation. Oscar Group plans to make Luna Park a top five tourist destination in Australia.

03|布加勒斯特豪华百货商店H Stirbei Palace即将开业

Hagag Development Europe公司于近日宣布,将在2025年底之前开放位于Calea victoria的Stirbei Palace百货商店,将罗马尼亚布加勒斯特最具代表性的历史古迹之一改造成一个高端零售项目。届时,Stirbei Palace将在大约4000平方米的面积上聚集最负盛名的国际奢侈品牌,且不乏旗舰店、品牌集合点、店中店等。

03|Luxury department store H Stirbei Palace to open

Hagag Development Europe is set to open the doors of Stirbei Palace on Calea Victoriei by the end of 2025, transforming one of the most emblematic historical monuments in Bucharest (Romania) into a high-end retail project.

As of fall 2025, Stirbei Palace will be gathering some of the most prestigious international luxury brands across an area of approximately 4,000 square meters. The retail concept is multi-brand, with flagship stores and shop-in-shops.



该主题公园面向年轻游客,设有适合儿童的景点。以孩之宝娱乐公司制作并在Nick Jr. 频道播出的热门动画电视剧《小猪佩奇》为基础,乐园设有七个主题区域、五项游乐设施和一个泥坑嬉水池。

04|Peppa Pig Theme Park opens in Texas, USA

The Peppa Pig Theme Park opened in Texas, USA on 1 March.

The theme park is aimed at young visitors and has kid-friendly attractions. Based on the popular animated television series Peppa Pig, produced by Hasbro Entertainment and broadcast on Nick Jr., the park features seven themed areas, five rides and a mud-pit paddling pool.


日本环球影城的运营公司USJ公司宣布将从5月开始,把单日门票“1 Day Studio Pass”的最高价上调为1.19万日元(约合人民币576.80元)。超过了东京迪士尼度假区(TDR)的单日门票的最高价(1.09万日元,约合人民币528.33元)。鉴于目前游客增加,USJ为了提高收益和缓解拥堵,决定上调票价。


05|Universal Studios Japan to raise the ticket prices

USJ Corporation, the operating company of Universal Studios Japan, announced that it will raise the maximum price of the "1 Day Studio Pass" to 11,900 yen (about 576.80 yuan) starting in May, which surpassed the highest single-day ticket price of 10,900 yen (about 528.33 yuan) at Tokyo Disney Resort. In view of the current increase in tourists, USJ has decided to raise prices to increase revenue and ease congestion.

With the COVID-19 easing, the number of tourists, including foreigners, is increasing. In 2023, the number of visitors to USJ reached 16 million for the first time, ranking third among theme parks in the world.


零售品牌 Brands' News



01|Laopu Gold to launch the overseas market

Recently, the high-end Chinese jewelry brand Laopu Gold has officially taken the first step of its overseas expansion. A number of netizens have posted pictures on social media, revealing that Laopu Gold’s new store in Singapore is under decoration. According to photos and videos provided by consumers, the store is located in the Marina Bay Sands, one of Singapore's landmark buildings and high-end complex.

02|Louis Vuitton进军彩妆市场

近日,Louis Vuitton任命知名彩妆师Pat McGrath担任美妆创意总监,并计划于今年秋季正式推出La Beauté Louis Vuitton美妆系列。首批产品阵容涵盖55款口红、10款润唇膏和8款眼影盘。此外,品牌还将为该系列打造独特包装与收纳盒。

02|Louis Vuitton enters the makeup market

Louis Vuitton recently appointed renowned makeup artist Pat McGrath as beauty creative director, and plans to officially launch the La Beauté Louis Vuitton collection this fall. The initial lineup includes 55 lipsticks, 10 lip balms and 8 eyeshadow palettes. In addition, Louis Vuitton will also create unique package and storage boxes.





03|Steam Liu’s entered the Singapore market

Liuyang standard steamed cuisine brand Steam Liu's first overseas store landed in Singapore on 22 February.

The product pricing range is mostly between 3.9-6.9 Singapore dollars, equivalent to about 21-37 yuan. In terms of ingredients, a central kitchen is built in Singapore to ensure the quality and taste of dishes.

It’s reported that this landing has become a vivid practice for Liuyang steamed cuisine testing in the overseas market. Steam Liu’s will successively lay out a number of stores in Singapore in the future.



门店设计上,喜茶将中国茶元素等传统文化特色与LAB门店的实验感相结合。在产品方面,除经典产品以外,该门店还单独设立TEA LAB系列产品线,首发呈现10款独家茶饮新品,探索“茶”的无限可能。

04|HEYTEA's first overseas LAB store landed in Times Square, New York

The first overseas LAB store of the new tea brand HEYTEA opened in New York's Times Square on 22 February .

In terms of store design, HEYTEA combines traditional cultural features such as Chinese tea elements with the experimental feeling of LAB stores. In terms of products, in addition to classic products, the store has also set up a separate TEA LAB series product line, presenting 10 exclusive new drinks to explore the infinite possibilities of tea.



5、Yanjin Shop plans to invest 220 million yuan to build a subsidiary in Thailand

Yanjin Shop announced on 24 February that it intends to set up a wholly-owned subsidiary in Thailand and invest in the construction of a production base, with an investment amount of about 220 million yuan. The company plans to to build an intelligent production base with konjac, potato chips and other core products to promote overseas business expansion.


行业资讯 Industrial News



01|Chinese cosmetics developed the Southeast Asia market

Chinese cosmetics brands are developing the Southeast Asia market. The emerging Skintific and JudyDoll, which focus on online sales, have won wide support among young people, and the focus on locally oriented products has further boosted sales.

China's cosmetics market growth is sluggish, while Southeast Asia's cosmetics market is expanding rapidly with the increase of the middle class, and Chinese brands will accelerate the development of demand.



02|Food is leading the perfume Renaissance

According to Circana, a global consumer behavior research institute, the global luxury perfume market reached $12.74 billion in 2023 and is expected to climb to $23.26 billion in 2033, of which gourmet perfume has become one of the fastest growing segments due to its unique healing properties.


内衣品牌Victoria's Secret & Co(维密)在截至2025年2月1日的2024财年内,销售额同比增长1%至62.3亿美元,净利润录得1.65亿美元。2025财年,维密将持续推进促进北美和国际市场销售增长的战略,预计2025财年的净销售额将在62亿美元至63亿美元之间。

03|Victoria's Secret had more than $6.2 billion in sales last year

Lingerie brand Victoria's Secret & Co reported a 1% y-o-y increase in sales to $6.23 billion and a net profit of $165 million in the 2024 fiscal year ending 1 February 2025.

In fiscal year 2025, Victoria's Secret will continue to advance its strategy to drive sales growth in North America and international market, and expects net sales in fiscal year 2025 to be between $6.2 billion and $6.3 billion.



04|adidas had revenues of €23.7 billion in 2024

adidas recently released the 2024 fiscal year results, showing that the group has recovered strongly from the trough of the last fiscal year, with annual revenue increasing by 10.5% to €23.683 billion, gross margin increasing to 50.8%, net profit attributable to shareholders recording €764 million. Footwear led the main growth, up 17% y-o-y, driven by strong double-digit growth in the Originals, football and training series.




05|On's sales jumped nearly 30% in 2024

Swiss professional sports brand On released the 2024 fiscal year results, showing that sales rose 29.4% to 2.32 billion Swiss francs (about 18.9 billion yuan), and net profit rose 204.5% to 242.3 million Swiss francs (about 1.98 billion yuan).

By region, the strongest revenue growth was in Asia Pacific, where sales jumped 84.5% to 260.2 million Swiss francs, the Americas, where sales rose 27.4% to 1.48 billion Swiss francs, and EMEA, where sales rose 18.2% to 577.8 million Swiss francs.


投融资 Investment and Financing


Prada集团日前宣布已与英国投资管理公司M&G达成协议,以约2.5亿英镑的价格收购位于伦敦新邦德街150-151号和Bruton Place 40号的核心零售物业。


01|Prada spends £250 million on new property

The Prada Group has announced that it has entered into an agreement with UK investment management company M&G to acquire the core retail properties located at 150-151 New Bond Street and 40 Bruton Place in London for approximately £250 million.

The acquisition not only consolidates Prada's long-term presence in the global luxury market, but also reaffirms the attractiveness of core luxury retail properties in the investment market. According to Goldman&Flexfield's latest Main Streets Across the World report, New Bond Street is the third most expensive shopping street in the world, behind Milan's Via Montebonaparte and Manhattan's Upper Fifth Avenue.



02|Nestle officially announced the acquisition of Hsu Fu Chi

Recently, Nestle's official website announced that it has reached an agreement with the Xu family to acquire the remaining 40% of the shares of Xu Fu Chi. As early as 2011, Nestle bought a 60% stake in Hsu Fu Chi for $1.7 billion to become its controlling shareholder, and the acquisition of the remaining 40% means that it will achieve full control of Hsu Fu Chi.

