摘要:If you describe something asambiguous, you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can be understood in more than one way.
ambiguous 英/ æmˈbɪɡjuəs / 美/ æmˈbɪɡjuəs / 模棱两可的
[ADJ]If you describe something as ambiguous, you mean that it is unclear or confusing because it can be understood in more than one way. 如果你用ambiguous来描述某件事,你的意思是它不清楚或令人困惑,因为它可以用不止一种方式来理解。This agreement is very ambiguous and open to various interpretations.这个协议非常模棱两可,可以有多种解释。其他形式
- 副词:ambiguously
- 名词:ambiguity
- equivocal:指言辞等因有多种解释而模棱两可、含糊不清,如“an equivocal answer”(含糊其辞的回答)。
- vague:侧重于表达不清晰、不具体,缺乏明确性,如“a vague description”(模糊的描述)。
- obscure:常指因复杂、深奥或隐晦而难以理解或辨认,如“an obscure poem”(晦涩的诗)。
- clear:表示清晰易懂、没有歧义,如“a clear explanation”(清晰的解释)。
- unambiguous:意思是明确的、不含糊的,如“an unambiguous statement”(明确的陈述)。
- explicit:指清楚明确地表达出来,没有任何模糊或含蓄,如“explicit instructions”(明确的指示)。
- ambiguous attitude:模糊的态度,如“He has an ambiguous attitude towards this plan.”(他对这个计划持模糊的态度。)
- ambiguous position:不明确的立场,如“The company's ambiguous position on the issue has caused public dissatisfaction.”(公司在这个问题上不明确的立场引起了公众的不满。)
- ambiguous evidence:模棱两可的证据,如“The ambiguous evidence made it difficult for the jury to reach a verdict.”(模棱两可的证据使陪审团难以做出裁决。)
- ambivalence:名词,意为“矛盾情绪;摇摆不定”,与“ambiguous”在含义上有一定关联,如“His ambivalence towards the job offer was obvious.”(他对这份工作邀请的矛盾态度很明显。)
- ambiguate:动词,意为“使含糊;使模棱两可”,如“These additional conditions only serve to ambiguate the contract.”(这些附加条件只会使合同变得含糊不清。)