
360影视 2024-11-29 11:19 13

摘要:This issue will introduce the understanding and calculating the application example of the intensively read replica paper "Emergen









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Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy!

Today, the editor brings the

"Yue Lan(80)—intensive reading replica paper

'Emergency decision-making method based on

multi-granularity probability language

and dual reference points

'Understanding and calculating

the application example (7)".

Welcome to visit!

一、内容摘要(Summary of Content)


This issue will introduce the understanding and calculating the application example of the intensively read replica paper "Emergency decision-making method based on multi-granularity probability language and dual reference points" in terms of mind maps, intensively read content, and knowledge supplementation.

二、思维导图(Mind mapping)

三、精读内容(Intensive reading content)


Last week, we calculated the perceived value formula for predicting the effect of the beneficial risk factor the probability density function in this case.


This week, a replica of the perceived value formula will be implemented with code. To determine the deviation values of different scenarios on various key risk factors when implementing different feasible solutions, considering that all indicators have been converted into utility-type risk factors in this case, according to formula (18) to calculate the perceived value of different scenarios on various key risk factors when implementing different feasible solutions. The perceived value calculation formula of the estimated effect on the utility-type risk factor in the case is shown in the figure below:

The code of the perceived value formula for each key risk factor in the face of different scenarios is shown in the following figure:

The running result is shown as follows:


Pearson 相关系数,也称为 Pearson 积差相关系数,是由英国统计学家卡尔·皮尔逊于1895年提出的。它是一种用于衡量两个连续变量之间线性关系强度和方向的统计量。Pearson 相关系数的取值范围在 -1 到 1 之间,具体含义如下:

Pearson correlation coefficients, also known as Pearson product-difference correlation coefficients, were developed by English statistician Carl Pearson in 1895. It is a statistic used to measure the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two continuous variables. Pearson correlation coefficients range from -1 to 1 and have the following meanings:

r = 1:表示两个变量之间存在完全正相关,即一个变量的增加伴随着另一个变量的等比例增加。

r = 1: Indicates that there is a completely positive correlation between two variables, that is, the increase in one variable is accompanied by an equal proportion increase in the other variable.

r = -1:表示两个变量之间存在完全负相关,即一个变量的增加伴随着另一个变量的等比例减少。

r = -1: Indicates that there is a completely negative correlation between two variables, i.e. an increase in one variable is accompanied by a proportional decrease in the other.

r = 0:表示两个变量之间不存在线性关系,即一个变量的变化与另一个变量的变化没有明显的线性关联。

r = 0: Indicates that there is no linear relationship between the two variables, that is, there is no obvious linear relationship between the change of one variable and the change of the other.


The formula for calculating the Pearson coefficient is:


The Pearson coefficient is used in a wide range of fields, including psychology, sociology, biology and economics. It can be used not only to evaluate the degree of linear relationship between two variables, but also to help infer the correlation of the overall data. However, it should be noted that the Pearson coefficient has certain requirements for the normality of the data, and it is only suitable for measuring linear relationships, not nonlinear relationships.





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