摘要:(我们恳请您立即赦免警官德里克·肖万(Derek Chauvin)。他遭到不公正定罪,目前正因乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)之死及相关联邦指控服刑22年半。)
致特朗普总统祈求赦免 "BLM"服刑警察
(prepared by alexcwlin)
Alex Lin
Dear President Trump,
We write to urge you to immediately issue a pardon for Officer Derek Chauvin, who was unjustly convicted and is currently serving a 22-and-a-half year sentence for the murder of George Floyd and associated federal charges.
(我们恳请您立即赦免警官德里克·肖万(Derek Chauvin)。他遭到不公正定罪,目前正因乔治·弗洛伊德(George Floyd)之死及相关联邦指控服刑22年半。)
As you know, this was the inciting event for the BLM riots that caused $2 billion in property damage in cities across the United States and set America’s race relations on their worst footing in recent memory. Yet the evidence demonstrates that Derek Chauvin did not murder George Floyd.
George Floyd was high on Fentanyl. He had a significant pre-existing heart condition. He was saying he could not breathe before he was even out of the car. Derek Chauvin, for large segments of the widely circulated video of the encounter, had his knee on George Floyd’s shoulder or back, not on his neck; this was confirmed by the autopsy, which showed no damage to George Floyd’s trachea. There was no accusation at trial that Derek Chauvin targeted George Floyd for his race.
Perhaps most significantly, there was massive overt pressure on the jury to return a guilty verdict regardless of the evidence or any semblance of impartial deliberation. This pressure took the form of threats, coercion, and intimidation. The Mayor of Minneapolis pre-judged the outcome of the trial and immediately issued a large settlement to the Floyd family. Then-President Biden, Congresswoman Maxine Waters, and others pre-judged the outcome of the trial and took to national media to create pressure on the jury to go along with their preferred narrative.
(最重要的是,陪审团在巨大压力之下不得不做出有罪判决,完全无法进行公正审议。这种压力来自威胁、胁迫和恐吓。明尼阿波利斯市长在审判结果出炉前便已对案件作出定性,并迅速向弗洛伊德家属支付了一笔巨额赔偿。当时的总统拜登、国会议员马克辛·沃特斯(Maxine Waters)等人公开预判审判结果,并利用全国媒体向陪审团施压,迫使他们接受既定叙事。)
Under these circumstances, there was no opportunity for blind justice to work, and a man is now rotting in prison because of it.
Make no mistake—the Derek Chauvin conviction represents the defining achievement of the Woke movement in American politics. The country cannot turn the page on that dark, divisive, and racist era without righting this terrible wrong.
Thank you for your commitment to ending the weaponization of the American justice system.
Ben Shapiro