摘要:指证人就争议问题陈述的自己的观点、看法或推论,区别于证人就自己所了解的案件事实而作的客观性陈述。证据规则通常不允许普通证人以其对案件事实的意见或推论作证,但是有例外,如因具有相应的科学技术或其他专业知识而具备专家资格的专家证人〔expert witness〕的
opinion evidence 意见证据
指证人就争议问题陈述的自己的观点、看法或推论,区别于证人就自己所了解的案件事实而作的客观性陈述。证据规则通常不允许普通证人以其对案件事实的意见或推论作证,但是有例外,如因具有相应的科学技术或其他专业知识而具备专家资格的专家证人〔expert witness〕的意见可以作为证据采信;普通证人的意见证词一般只有在符合法律规定的少数例外情况下才可予采信,如美国《联邦证据规则》〔Federal Rules of Evidence〕规定,对普通证人以意见或推论形式作出的证词只有在符合:1.合理建立在证人的感觉之上,和2.对清楚理解该证人的证词或确定争议中的事实有益时,才可被采纳。
Opinion evidence refers to evidence of what the witness thinks, believes, or infers in regard to facts, as distinguished from personal knowledge of the facts themselves.[1] In common law jurisdictions the general rule is that a witness is supposed to testify as to what was observed and not to give an opinion on what was observed. However, there are two exceptions to this rule: expert evidence and non-expert opinion given by laymen which people in their daily lives reach without conscious ratiocination. 以下为相关例句,可供参考:
In general, witnesses should testify only as to the facts observed and should not give opinion. The main rationale for such a rule is that the admission of opinion evidence would not assist, or might even mislead, the court and in particular the jury. This is because opinion evidence is usually irrelevant. Moreover, admission of such evidence would usurp the functions of the jury, which alone should be the tribunal of fact and draw its own inferences.
Evidence of the opinions or beliefs of a witness, as opposed to evidence of facts about which he can give admissible evidence. At common law, under the opinion rule, opinion evidence is in general inadmissible; however, this rule is subject to many exceptions, so that a witness of fact may give evidence of identity, as well as evidence of matters of impression and narrative. Expert witnesses may give their opinions on any matter falling within their expertise that falls outside the experience and knowledge of the court.
Evidence that constitutes an inference, evaluation, interpretation or belief rather than observed fact. Opinion evidence is inadmissible in court proceedings as a general rule, although there are some exceptions. Opinion evidence is generally excluded because it has the potential to mislead the court (i.e. the jury) despite being irrelevant and extraneous material. It is generally understood that the only value judgment or opinion allowed in a court should be the one formed by the jury/judge at the close of proceedings, and that should be based on solely on the tribunal of fact before it.
Opinion evidence can be categorised into expert evidence and layperson evidence. Admissibility, however, is not dependent on the distinction as such but is determined by the general rule. Procedurally, the distinction is noteworthy since a party is required to give notice of its intention to rely on expert evidence in civil cases. In criminal cases, the prosecution is required by the Constitution to disclose expert opinion evidence to the accused prior to the commencement of the trial.