关于ScraplingScrapling 是一款高性能、智能的 Python 网页抓取库,可自动适应网站变化,同时性能远超其他热门工具。无论是初学者还是专家,Scrapling 都能提供强大的功能,同时保持简单性。>> from scrapling.default import Fetcher, StealthyFetcher, PlayWrightFetcher# Fetch websites' source under the radar!>> page = StealthyFetcher.fetch('https://example.com', headless=True, network_idle=True)>> print(page.status)200>> products = page.css('.product', auto_save=True) # Scrape data that survives website design changes!>> # Later, if the website structure changes, pass `auto_match=True`>> products = page.css('.product', auto_match=True) # and Scrapling still finds them!功能介绍摘要:关于ScraplingScrapling 是一款高性能、智能的 Python 网页抓取库,可自动适应网站变化,同时性能远超其他热门工具。无论是初学者还是专家,Scrapling 都能提供强大的功能,同时保持简单性。
工具要求Python 3.8+
工具安装由于该工具基于Python 3开发,因此我们首先需要在本地设备上安装并配置好最新版本的Python 3环境。
pip3 install scraplingWindows
camoufox fetch --browserforgemacOS
python3 -m camoufox fetch --browserforgeLinux
python -m camoufox fetch --browserforge基于 Debian 的发行版
sudo apt install -y libgtk-3-0 libx11-xcb1 libasound2基于 Arch 的发行版
sudo pacman -S gtk3 libx11 libxcb cairo libasound alsa-lib源码获取git clone https://github.com/D4Vinci/Scrapling.git工具使用智能导航
>>> quote.tag'div'>>> quote.parent ...'>>>> quote.parent.tag'div'>>> quote.children[“The...' parent=', by , Tags: ]>>> quote.siblings[ , ,>>> quote.next # gets the next element, the same logic applies to `quote.previous` >>> quote.children.css_first(".author::text")>>> quote.has_class('quote')# Generate new selectors for any element>>> quote.generate_css_selector# Test these selectors on your favorite browser or reuse them again in the library's methods!>>> quote.generate_xpath_selector'//body/div/div[2]/div/div'如果你的案例需要的不仅仅是元素的父元素,你可以像下面这样迭代任何元素的整个祖先树:
>>> quote.find_ancestor(lambda ancestor: ancestor.has_class('row')) ...' parent='基于内容的选择和查找相似元素
>>> page = Fetcher.get('https://books.toscrape.com/index.html')>>> page.find_by_text('Tipping the Velvet') # Find the first element whose text fully matches this text>>> page.find_by_text('Tipping the Velvet', first_match=False) # Get all matches if there are more[
]>>> page.find_by_regex(r'£[\d\.]+') # Get the first element that its text content matches my price regex
' parent='>>> page.find_by_regex(r'£[\d\.]+', first_match=False) # Get all elements that matches my price regex[
' parent=',
' parent=',
' parent=',
' parent=',# For this case, ignore the 'title' attribute while matching>>> page.find_by_text('Tipping the Velvet').find_similar(ignore_attributes=['title'])[
,# You will notice that the number of elements is 19 not 20 because the current element is not included.>>> len(page.find_by_text('Tipping the Velvet').find_similar(ignore_attributes=['title']))# Get the `href` attribute from all similar elements>>> [element.attrib['href'] for element in page.find_by_text('Tipping the Velvet').find_similar(ignore_attributes=['title'])]['catalogue/a-light-in-the-attic_1000/index.html', 'catalogue/soumission_998/index.html', 'catalogue/sharp-objects_997/index.html', ...]>>> for product in page.find_by_text('Tipping the Velvet').parent.parent.find_similar: print({ "name": product.css_first('h3 a::text'), "price": product.css_first('.price_color').re_first(r'[\d\.]+'), "stock": product.css('.availability::text')[-1].clean }){'name': 'A Light in the ...', 'price': '51.77', 'stock': 'In stock'}{'name': 'Soumission', 'price': '50.10', 'stock': 'In stock'}{'name': 'Sharp Objects', 'price': '47.82', 'stock': 'In stock'}
Product 1
Description 1
Product 2
Description 2
如果你想抓取第一个产品,也就是有p1ID 的产品。你可能会写一个这样的选择器:
Description 1
Description 2
选择器将不再起作用,您的代码需要维护。这就是 Scrapling 自动匹配功能发挥作用的地方:
from scrapling import Adaptor# Before the changepage = Adaptor(page_source, url='example.com')element = page.css('#p1' auto_save=True)if not element: # One day website changes? element = page.css('#p1', auto_match=True) # Scrapling still finds it!# the rest of the code...>> from scrapling import Fetcher>> page = Fetcher.get('https://quotes.toscrape.com/')# Find all elements with tag name `div`.>> page.find_all('div')[ , ,# Find all div elements with a class that equals `quote`.>> page.find_all('div', class_='quote')[ , ,# Same as above.>> page.find_all('div', {'class': 'quote'})# Find all elements with a class that equals `quote`.>> page.find_all({'class': 'quote'})# Find all div elements with a class that equals `quote`, and contains the element `.text` which contains the word 'world' in its content.>> page.find_all('div', {'class': 'quote'}, lambda e: "world" in e.css_first('.text::text'))[ ]# Find all elements that don't have children.>> page.find_all(lambda element: len(element.children) > 0)[, Quote...' parent=', ,# Find all elements that contain the word 'world' in its content.>> page.find_all(lambda element: "world" in element.text)[“The...' parent=', Tags: ]# Find all span elements that match the given regex>> page.find_all('span', re.compile(r'world'))[“The...' parent=']# Find all div and span elements with class 'quote' (No span elements like that so only div returned)>> page.find_all(['div', 'span'], {'class': 'quote'})# Mix things up>> page.find_all({'itemtype':"http://schema.org/CreativeWork"}, 'div').css('.author::text')['Albert Einstein', 'J.K. Rowling',...]许可证协议本项目的开发与发布遵循BSD-3-Clause开源许可协议。