摘要:为取得赊购信用优惠支付的对价,如买受人以分期付款方式为其所购商品、服务支付之费用等,但不包括保险费、拖欠费〔delinquency charges〕、律师费、法庭费用等。在美国,融资费用受州或联邦《诚实贷款法》〔Truth-in-Lending Act〕调整,
Finance charge 融资费用
为取得赊购信用优惠支付的对价,如买受人以分期付款方式为其所购商品、服务支付之费用等,但不包括保险费、拖欠费〔delinquency charges〕、律师费、法庭费用等。在美国,融资费用受州或联邦《诚实贷款法》〔Truth-in-Lending Act〕调整,该法要求提供赊购信用者全面披露融资费用的情况。本词愈来愈作为代替「利息」〔interest〕一词的矫揉造作之用法。
A finance charge is a fee charged for the use of credit or the extension of existing credit. It may be a flat fee or a percentage of borrowings, with percentage-based finance charges being the most common. A finance charge is often an aggregated cost, including the cost of carrying the debt along with any related transaction fees, account maintenance fees, or late fees charged by the lender. Finance charges allow lenders to make a profit on the use of their money. Finance charges for commoditized credit services, such as car loans, mortgages, and credit cards, have known ranges and depend on the creditworthiness of the person looking to borrow. Regulations exist in many countries that limit the maximum finance charge assessed on a given type of credit, but many of the limits still allow for predatory lending practices, where finance charges can amount to 25% or more annually. 相关例句如下,供参考:
Finance charges are a form of compensation to the lender for providing the funds, or extending credit, to a borrower. These charges can include one-time fees, such as an origination fee on a loan, or interest payments, which can amortize on a monthly or daily basis. Finance charges can vary from product to product or lender to lender.
There is no single formula for the determination of what interest rate to charge. A customer may qualify for two similar products from two different lenders that come with two different sets of finance charges.