
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-14 12:13 2

摘要:城市体育服务综合体会议同传术语中英对照-重庆同传Gino小翻译​1. 体育场馆型:stadium - type2. 户外运动休闲空间型:Outdoor sports - leisure space - type3. 商业空间载体型:Commercial spa


1. 体育场馆型:stadium - type

2. 户外运动休闲空间型:Outdoor sports - leisure space - type

3. 商业空间载体型:Commercial space - carrier - type

4. 体育场馆:Sports stadiums and Gymnasiums

5. 户外运动休闲空间:Outdoor sports - leisure space

6. 商业空间:Commercial space

7. 体育健身休闲服务:Sports fitness and leisure services

8. 体育场馆服务:Sports venue services

9. 体育赛事服务:Sports event services

10. 文化服务:Cultural services

11. 旅游服务:Tourism services

12. 休闲服务:Leisure services

13. 娱乐服务:Entertainment services

14. 商业服务:Commercial services

15. 餐饮服务:Catering services

16. 健身功能:Fitness function

17. 健美功能:Body - building function

18. 健心功能:Mental health function

19. 资源整合功能:Resource integration function

20. 创新服务功能:Innovative service function

21. 城市发展功能:Urban development function

22. 足球场:Football field

23. 篮球场:Basketball court

24. 网球场:Tennis court

25. 游泳馆:Swimming pool

26. 健身房:Gymnasium

27. 跑道:Running track

28. 看台:Grandstand

29. 更衣室:Locker room

30. 医务室:Infirmary

31. 体育消费集聚:Sports consumption agglomeration

32. 产业融合:Industrial integration

33. 业态融合:Format integration

34. 多功能:Multifunctional

35. 多业态:Multi - format

36. 高效益:High - efficiency

37. 全民健身:National fitness

38. 全民健康:National health

39. 体育强国:Sports power

40. 城市更新:Urban renewal

41. 消费升级:Consumption upgrading

42. 运营管理:Operation and management

43. 配套设施:Supporting facilities

44. 主题元素:Thematic elements

45. 辐射人口数:Radiated population

46. 经济水平:Economic level

47. 交通便利性:Traffic convenience

48. 公共配套设施:Public supporting facilities

49. 文化特性:Cultural characteristics

