
360影视 2024-11-29 02:10 9


摘 要





The development of science and technology has given the hospital a new way of physical examination. The emergence of wechat app terms has changed the habits of users, and also opened a new market for managers. Wechat applets can also be understood as the use of applets to solve the needs. This way can break the time and place restrictions, and provide users with a platform to make an appointment at any time. Users can find a physical examination package to make an appointment at any time on the platform. Wechat small program hospital physical examination system combines users and physical examination more closely, reducing the problem of time and place.

The hospital physical examination management system based on wechat applet is developed by the combination of wechat and server. In the server side, Java language and MySQL database are used to design, and the debugging of idea software is needed. This system is developed with the concept of online website. Users can browse different physical examination packages on the website. If they find the packages that meet the requirements, they can make an appointment online or consult online. After consulting, they can receive the reply from the administrator. In order to make it more convenient for users to use the system, the system also adds the content of physical examination knowledge. The implementation of the system can help users make an appointment at home, which is very in line with the needs of modern people's physical examination.

Key words: physical examination package; physical examination appointment; physical examination report; general knowledge of physical examination


摘 要 1

Abstract 2

第1章 绪论 6

1.1课题开发背景 6

1.2课题开发目的和意义 6

1.3课题开发的目标 7

1.4论文结构安排 8

第2章 系统分析 9

2.1系统使用相关开发技术分析 9

2.1.1 Jsp技术介绍 9

2.1.2 Idea介绍 9

2.1.3 b/s架构 10

2.2系统需求分析 11

2.3系统可行性分析 11

2.3.1技术可行性分析 11

2.3.2经济可行性分析 12

2.3.3 操作可行性分析 12

2.4业务流程分析 12

2.4.1数据流程分析 15

第3章 总体设计 18

3.1系统模块总体设计 18

3.2数据库设计 20

3.2.1数据ER图设计 20

3.2.2数据库表设计 22

第4章 系统详细设计与实现 26

4.1系统运行平台设置 26

4.2系统首页界面的设计实现 26

4.3用户注册功能的设计实现 27

4.4用户登录功能的设计实现 28

4.5用户个人信息修改功能的设计实现 29

4.6体检套餐信息功能的设计实现 30

4.7预约功能的设计实现 31

4.8体检常识功能界面的设计实现 32

4.9我的功能的设计实现 33

4.10在线咨询功能的界面实现 34

4.11管理员功能模块的设计实现 35

第5章 系统测试 37

5.1系统测试的目的 37

5.2系统测试的步骤 37

5.3具体实例测试 38

5.3.1搜索功能、分类功能测试 38

5.3.2预约功能测试 39

5.3.3用户注册功能测试 40

5.3.4体检套餐信息管理功能测试 41

5.4测试总结 42

结 论 43

致 谢 44

参考文献 45






