CNN- 英伟达透露下一个 AI 芯片平台新细节

360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-20 23:53 2

摘要:And speaking of sunshine, today is the March equinox, also known as the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.

Music Music Hello Sunshine.


It's Thursday, March 20th.


Happy Friday Eve.


I'm Koi Wire.

我是Koi Wire。

Welcome to CNN 10.

欢迎收看CNN 10。

And speaking of sunshine, today is the March equinox, also known as the vernal equinox in the northern hemisphere.

说到阳光, 今天是春分日,在北半球也被称为春分。

The sun crosses the celestial equator, marking the start of spring and roughly equal amounts of daytime and nighttime hours worldwide.

太阳越过天球赤道,标志着全球范围内春季的开始, 并带来昼夜时长大致相等的时光。

So spring has sprung.


And now it's time for your news.


In the Middle East, the ceasefire deal between Israel and Hamas has effectively come to an end.


This week, Israel launched a series of attacks in Gaza, carrying out what it says were extensive strikes on Hamas targets.

本周, 以色列在加沙地带发动了一系列袭击,声称对哈马斯目标进行了广泛的打击。

Gaza's health ministry says the attacks killed hundreds of people and wounded hundreds more, making Tuesday the deadliest day in Gaza in more than 15 months.

加沙卫生部表示, 这些袭击造成数百人死亡, 数百人受伤,周二成为加沙地区15个多月以来最致命的一天。

The fragile ceasefire deal, which paused fighting in Gaza, lasted nearly two months.


International mediators like the US, Qatar, and Egypt spent months brokering the ceasefire, which was announced on January 15th and came into effect four days later.


The agreement was structured in phases that paused fighting to allow the release of hostages in Gaza and Palestinian prisoners in Israel.

该协议分阶段实施,暂停了战斗,以便释放加沙地带的 hostage 和以色列的 Palestinian prisoners。

Both Israelis and Palestinians celebrated the bittersweet truce after more than a year of war since the October 7th Hamas attacks on Israel.


The ceasefire deal was already on shaky ground.


The first phase of the deal ended more than two weeks ago.


Talks to reach a path forward to release remaining Israeli hostages and reach a permanent peace deal had stalled.


A spokesperson for Hamas says the militant group wanted to see the continuation of the ceasefire agreement with Israel and is still in touch with mediators in the wake of renewed fighting.


But Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused Hamas of refusing to release hostages or accept a U.S. proposal to extend the Gaza ceasefire.


Israeli officials sAId the attacks would continue as long as necessary to complete war objectives like releasing hostages and removing future threats by Hamas from Gaza.


Pop quiz, hotshot!


The first ever computer bug was not software-related, so what kind of insect was it?


Ant, roach, moth, or fly?


The answer is moth.


The term computer bug came about when computer scientist Grace Hopper found an actual moth stuck in the Mark II computer in 1947.


Thus, the term for fixing computer glitches or debugging was born.


In the tech world, artificial intelligence computer chip maker NVIDIA revealed new details about its next AI chip platform.


The company says the technology levels up AI computing compatibility beyond chatbot interactions, helping apps to reason and act on a user's behalf.

该公司表示, 这项技术将AI计算兼容性提升到了超越聊天机器人互动的水平,帮助应用程序为用户进行推理和行动。

Anna Stewart shows us why the announcement at the annual conference for the company comes at a very important time.


Earlier this year, NVIDIA was the most valuable company in the world amidst an AI boom.


Its chips have been pivotal to data centers fueling the likes of Microsoft, Amazon, and Google.


NVIDIA's share price, though, lost steam in recent weeks, sparked in part by the release of DeepSeq's latest reasoning model, R1, created in China at a fraction of the cost of comparable models.

然而, NVIDIA的股价在最近几周失去了动力,部分原因是DeepSeq最新推理模型R1的发布,该模型在中国以远低于同类模型的成本创建。

And really, it raised questions as to whether expensive hardware like nvidia's is really necessary well in nvidia's annual conference the ceo was keen to emphasize that the next waves of ai like agentic or reasoning ai and the ai to power robots will open new market opportunities for the company the computation requirement the scaling law of ai is more resilient And in fact, hyper-accelerated.

这确实引发了一个问题, 即像NVIDIA这样昂贵的硬件是否真的必要。 在NVIDIA的年度会议上, CEO强调了下一代AI, 如代理AI或推理AI,以及为机器人提供动力的AI, 将为公司开辟新的市场机会。 AI的计算需求和扩展规律更加稳固, 事实上,是超加速的。

The amount of computation we need at this point as a result of agentic AI, as a result of reasoning, is easily 100 times more than we thought we needed this time last year.


Jensen Wang also announced the Blackwell Ultra for the second half of this year.

Jensen 王还宣布了今年下半年的 Blackwell Ultra。

It's an upgraded version of Nvidia's existing AI chip, which has been in really high demand.


And plenty more to come.


He teased ahead to even more advanced chips in the pipeline.


next year, a chip called Vera Rubin, named after the astronomer, followed by the Ultra Rubin for 2027.

明年, 将推出一款名为维拉·鲁宾的芯片,以那位天文学家的名字命名, 随后在2027年推出超鲁宾芯片。

Plenty for investors to mull over.


A conservation comeback worth commemorating.


We are seeing a rebound in humpback whale populations, and it is an international ban on commercial whaling that's being credited for it.


Humpback whales were nearly hunted to extinction during the 19th and 20th centuries, but today the whales can be seen gathering off the coast of South Africa in supergroups of hundreds of whales.


Watch as one photographer takes us out to sea for a first-hand look.


A light fog hangs over South Africa's scenic Cape Peninsula on an early morning in December.


For renowned photographer Chris Fallows and his wife and co-captain Monique, it's a picture perfect start to the day.


So we're trying to create exceptional images and this morning we're very lucky we've got a beautiful scene developing with tablecloth rolling over Table Mountain.


First rays of light are just starting to kiss that iconic landmark and it's looking pretty good.


Just need to find the whales now.


They're searching specifically for the playful and acrobatic humpback.


That's a young humpback whale.


That's a species we're looking for.


But it's more than one or two they're hoping to find.


So early in the morning we usually find ones and twos that then lead us to either a feeding area or are part of a structure that actually comes together and forms a supergroup.


A so-called supergroup is when at least 20 individuals, often many more, are feeding close to each other.

所谓超群, 指的是至少20只个体,通常更多, 紧密聚集在一起觅食的情况。

So these supergroups of whales have really only been around for probably the last 10 years or so.


Before that they were extremely difficult to find and in recent times, as their population has started to recover, So we've ever increasingly started seeing big, big groups of these whales, which has been truly incredible.


It's one of the great positive news stories on the ocean.


Slowly on this side next to Earth.


Slow down the whisker.


Go neutral.


I would say maybe 70% of my attention is making sure that I'm not going to impact an animal in any way in terms of where the boat is, so I'm extremely aware that is the number one focus when we are out there.

可以说,我大约70%的注意力都集中在确保船只的位置不会对任何动物造成影响,因此我极其清楚, 在户外时,这是我们的首要任务。

Oh magic man, oh what a magic one!


Obviously one of my key objectives is to create works of art that are amongst the best in the world, but equally I think my primary objective is to inspire people.

显然, 我的一个主要目标是创作出世界顶尖的艺术作品,但同样重要的是, 我认为我的首要目标是激励人们。

And I think that is a way to connect people with the ocean and hopefully create more ambassadors to make sure that they, like me, love these animals and realize the importance of conserving them.

我认为这是一种连接人们与海洋的方式, 并有望培养更多的使者,确保他们像我一样热爱这些生物, 并认识到保护它们的重要性。

Oh, that was a good one.


That was a really good one.


Their days in the water are also dedicated to collecting data to share with environmental authorities, like the Department of Forest, Fisheries and the Environment.

他们在水中的日子同样致力于收集数据, 以便与环境部门共享,如林业、渔业和环境部。

So he's south, 33 degrees.


And capturing photo IDs of individual whales for a conservation project called Happy Whale that helps track their movements non-invasively.


I'll go on the left side, you go on the right side, OK?


Chris has spent the better part of three decades photographing some of the planet's most legendary and imperiled wildlife.


But the comeback of the humpbacks paints a different picture.


They are incredibly important animals.


And for me, the humpback is really the phoenix that gives all species that have turned to ashes hope that they too could rise again.


Today's story, getting a 10 out of 10, people have totally redeemed themselves after giving a poor little fish a glow up.

今天的故事, 满分10分,人们通过让这条可怜的小鱼焕然一新, 彻底证明了自己的价值。

Turns out when the gelatinous blobfish was declared the world's ugliest animal back in 2013, ouch, it wasn't given a fair shake.

原来, 2013年当凝胶状的翻车鱼被宣布为世界上最丑的动物时,哎呀, 它并未得到公平的评判。

The deep sea creature you see lives thousands of feet underwater, and it looks a lot less globular down there, where water pressure is more than 100 times stronger than the air pressure we experience on land.

你所见到的深海生物生活在数千英尺的水下,在那里, 它的外形远没有那么圆润,因为那里的水压比我们在陆地上经历的空气压力强100多倍。

Now, the blobfish has a new title, Fish of the Year, after voters in New Zealand weighed in as part of a competition bringing awareness to the country's marine life, so next time you're feeling like people are hating on you, hang in there.

现在, Blobfish 获得了新的称号——年度鱼类,这是在新西兰的一次比赛中, 选民们为提高人们对国家海洋生物的认识而投票选出的,所以下次当你觉得人们都在讨厌你的时候,坚持住。

Anything is possible.




Congrats, blob.


All right, it is shout-out time now.


We're sending some love to McNeil Middle School in Wichita Falls, Texas, and all our Mustangs giddy up.


And Mount Pisgah and all the Patriots in Johns Creek, Georgia, rise up.


We see you, Miss Jardina.


Go on out, make it a great day.


I'll be right back here to finish this week strong with you on Friday.


I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.

我是Coy Wire,这里是CNN 10。

