“dormant execution”是什么意思?“dormant judgment”呢?

360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-21 09:28 2

摘要:后置执行令状 因未及时依令状扣押财产而丧失了优先执行效力的执行令状。 (2)搁延执行令状 由法院书记官已经正确填写并签字后,本可执行扣押,但注明「搁延」〔to lie〕字样,暂不发给有关官员执行扣押的令状。 (3)先行扣押暂缓执行令状 债权人发给行政司法官〔s

在“dormant execution”中,“execution”并不是指我们常见的“执行”,而是指“令状”。









但在“dormant execution”和“dormant judgment”中,“dormant”都取的是最后一层意思。

“dormant execution”有以下三层意思:

(1)后置执行令状 因未及时依令状扣押财产而丧失了优先执行效力的执行令状。 (2)搁延执行令状 由法院书记官已经正确填写并签字后,本可执行扣押,但注明「搁延」〔to lie〕字样,暂不发给有关官员执行扣押的令状。 (3)先行扣押暂缓执行令状 债权人发给行政司法官〔sheriff〕要求其在接到进一步的命令〔further orders〕或后续执行令〔junior execution〕之前仅能扣押财产而不能将其出售的令状。Dormant execution is an execution which has lost its priority because of delay in making any levy under it.

而“dormant judgment”则为未予执行过的判决;已过执行期限的判决。指未在法律规定的期限内予以执行的判决。由此会导致债权人丧失判决确定的留置权〔judgment lien〕。如要对该判决签发执行令,必须首先恢复该判决的效力〔revive the judgment〕。If a judgment becomes dormant, it may be revived in the same manner as is prescribed for reviving actions before judgment; Provided, no judgment shall be revived unless action to revive the same be commenced within ten years after such judgment became dormant.


A judgment issued in Ohio becomes “dormant” five years after the latter of (a) when the judgment was issued, or (b) the last time it was used to create a lien, generate a seizure, obtain a garnishment order, etc.. A privately held dormant judgment can be revived under Ohio Revised Code Section 2325.15 et seq. if action is taken within ten years after the judgment went dormant.

在俄亥俄州发布的判决在 (a) 判决发布时或 (b) 最后一次用于创建留置权、产生扣押、获得扣押令(以较晚者为准)过后五年内为已过执行期限的判决。 该等已过执行期限的判决可以根据俄亥俄州修订法典第2325.15 条及以下条款恢复,但需在过期后十年内采取行动恢复。

