摘要:"Crawling peg"是一种外汇管理制度,是一种介于固定汇率和浮动汇率之间的制度。在爬行固定汇率制度下,汇率允许在一定幅度内自由波动,但仍受到中央银行干预的限制。
"Crawling peg"是一种外汇管理制度,是一种介于固定汇率和浮动汇率之间的制度。在爬行固定汇率制度下,汇率允许在一定幅度内自由波动,但仍受到中央银行干预的限制。
在英文中,A crawling peg is a system of exchange rate adjustments in which a currency with a fixed exchange rate is allowed to fluctuate within a band of rates. The par value of the stated currency and the band of rates may also be adjusted frequently, particularly in times of high exchange rate volatility. Crawling pegs are often used to control currency moves when there is a threat of devaluation due to factors such as inflation or economic instability. Coordinated buying or selling of the currency allows the par value to remain within its bracketed range.(via. Investopedia)
大概是说,crawling peg是一种汇率调整系统,其中以固定汇率设定的货币被允许在一定的汇率区间内波动。所述货币的基准价值和汇率区间可能经常性地进行调整,尤其是在汇率波动剧烈的时期。crawling peg 通常用于在存在通货膨胀或经济不稳定等因素导致货币贬值威胁时控制货币的走势。协调性地买卖货币有助于维持基准价值在其设定范围内。
在中文里,crawling peg常译为“爬行固定汇率”。
The government, facing inflationary pressures, opted for a crawling peg strategy to gradually recalibrate the currency's reference value and range of rates, aiming to prevent rapid currency devaluation.
In response to economic volatility, the central bank implemented a crawling peg system, allowing the currency to adjust within a range of rates to maintain competitiveness while curbing sudden devaluation risks.