征稿ING | 第二届PHBS-IER会议诚邀您投稿!

360影视 欧美动漫 2025-03-22 05:23 2

摘要:第二届PHBS-IER会议由北京大学汇丰商学院(PHBS)与International Economic Review(IER)共同主办,会议主题为“人口变化与迁移:事实、模型与政策影响”。会议将于2025年12月20日至21日于北京大学汇丰商学院举行。部分会

“Demographic Change and Migration: Facts, Models and Policy Implications”


中国 · 深圳 · 北京大学汇丰商学院

第二届PHBS-IER会议由北京大学汇丰商学院(PHBS)与International Economic Review(IER)共同主办,会议主题为“人口变化与迁移:事实、模型与政策影响”。会议将于2025年12月20日至21日于北京大学汇丰商学院举行。部分会议论文将有机会收录至International Economic Review 特刊(Special Issue)。

This conference aims to bring together a set of papers that analyze the drivers and consequences of demographic change, migration flows within and across countries and their consequences for public finances, labor markets and technological progress and innovation. Papers with a focus on Asian economies are especially encouraged for submission, but work on demographic change and migration more broadly is also very welcomed. Specific topics that are of interest to the conference include (but are not limited to):

· Driving factors of demographic change: empirics and modeling of fertility and mortality.

· Internal and international migration flows induced by demographic change.

· The impact of population aging on public finances and the future of social insurance systems (social security, health care, long-term care etc.).

· Demographic change, migration flows and national and local labor markets.

· Migration and the spatial distribution of economic activity.

· The interaction between demographic change, technological progress, and economic growth.

· The impact of demographic change on housing and financial asset prices and returns.

Special Issue

Papers selected for presentation at the conference will be eligible for consideration for inclusion in a special issue of the International Economic Review (the fifth issue of 2026), subject to editorial review and referee reports. Authors must indicate their interest in having their paper considered for the special issue during the submission process. Papers submitted for the special issue should not be under review at IER as a regular submission or any other journal until the special issue review process concludes. We expect notifications on whether papers will proceed for inclusion in the IER special issue to be sent out by the end of July, 2025.

Scientific Committee for the Conference/ Special Issue:

Kaiji Chen, Emory University

Hanming Fang, University of Pennsylvania

Dirk Krueger, University of Pennsylvania

Kai Li, Peking University HSBC Business School

Pengfei Wang, Peking University HSBC Business School



