
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-22 08:00 2

摘要:If someone hasinsight, they are able to understand complex situations.He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insigh

insight 洞察力

英/ ˈɪnsaɪt /

美/ ˈɪnsaɪt /

[N-UNCOUNT]If someone has insight, they are able to understand complex situations. He was a man of forceful character, with considerable insight and diplomatic skills.他是个性格坚强的人,有着非凡的洞察力和交际手腕。


- 形容词:insightful,意为“富有洞察力的,有深刻见解的”。例如:She made some insightful comments on the issue.(她对这个问题发表了一些有见地的评论。)


- 同义词:有penetration(洞察力、穿透力)、perceptiveness / perceptivity(感知力、洞察力)、brainstorm / brainwave(灵感、顿悟)、sixth sense(第六感)。

- 近义词:包括perception(感知、理解)、sensibility(敏感性、悟性)、understanding(理解、领会)、apprehension(理解、领悟)、discernment(识别力、洞察力)、savvy(见识、悟性)、intuition(直觉)。


- “obtuseness”强调迟钝、愚钝,缺乏敏锐的感知和理解能力。例如:His obtuseness prevented him from seeing the obvious solution.(他的迟钝使他看不到明显的解决方案。)

- “thickness”在这里表示愚笨、头脑不灵光,缺乏洞察力和敏锐性。例如:The thickness of his mind made it difficult for him to grasp the subtlety of the situation.(他头脑愚笨,难以领会局势的微妙之处。)


- insight into:洞察到;洞悉。如:The study provides new insights into the causes of the disease.(这项研究为该疾病的病因提供了新的见解。)

- have an insight into:看透。例如:She has an insight into human nature.(她能看透人性。)

- give insight:深入了解。如:This book gives us insight into the life of the ancient people.(这本书让我们深入了解古人的生活。)

- 还可与形容词搭配,如clear insight(清晰的洞察力)、sharp insight(敏锐的洞察力)、remarkable insight(非凡的洞察力)等。

与“insight”相关的词汇有insightfulness(洞察力、深刻见解,名词),表示具备洞察力的性质或状态。还有self - insight(自我洞察),指对自己的性格、行为等的深刻理解。

