
360影视 2024-12-02 18:24 11

摘要:Grint, who played Ron Weasley in the magical film franchise, was ordered to pay the money in 2019 after H.M. Revenue and Customs,

还记得在电影《哈利波特》中饰演罗恩的英国演员Rupert Grint(鲁伯特·格林特)吗?






Grint, who played Ron Weasley in the magical film franchise, was ordered to pay the money in 2019 after H.M. Revenue and Customs, the U.K. tax agency, investigated his tax return from seven years earlier.


The agency said Grint had wrongly classed 4.5 million pounds in residuals from the movies — money from DVD sales, TV syndication, streaming rights and other sources — as a capital asset rather than income, which is subject to a much higher tax rate.


Lawyers for Grint appealed, but after years of wrangling a tribunaljudge ruled against the actor this week.


Judge Harriet Morgan said the money “derived substantially the whole of its value from the activities of Mr. Grint” and “is taxable as income.”



年少成名让Rupert 早早拥有了外人难以企及的财富和名声。小时候的他还完全搞不清自己拍《哈利波特》到底赚了多少钱。

Plucked from obscurity at age 11, Rupert Grint had little concept of Hollywood movie finances when initially cast as Ron Weasley. He said that his dad handled all that business side.


But as the films progressively became among the most lucrative in history, his paychecksnaturally swelled to dramatic heights. Yet the staggering amounts were intentionally hidden from Grint through his adolescence.



“I actually don’t know how much I have. I couldn’t even really guess.”It doesn’t really motivate me too much. It makes you comfortable, that’s the good thing about it, I think.”I’m glad it’s there but I’m not really that focused on it.” he said in an interview with The Radio Times. But he feels deep gratitude looking back years later.

“我其实不知道自己有多少钱,甚至连猜都猜不出来。”他在《广播时报》的采访中说道,“这并没有给我太多动力。 它让你感到舒服,这大概是它的好处吧。”他说,“我很高兴它在那里,但我并不太关注它。”回首往事时,他内心充满了感激之情。




2020年,他和女友乔治娅·格洛梅(Georgia Groome )迎来了他们的第一个女儿,他给女儿取名为Wednesday。他还在采访中表达了自己初为人父后紧张又兴奋的心情。

"It's great. I'm absolutely loving being a dad. It's just the best thing," the star, who played Ron Weasley in the beloved films, told the outlet. "


"I don't want to go too into detail, but the first night was just terrifying. You can't sleep at all, just constantly checking that she's breathing," he said at the time. "Sleeping, in general, for me, is something I've really struggled with. I think as a kid, people always said, 'They died in their sleep,' so I always thought sleep was a really dangerous, dangerous thing."


媒体也经常拍到他们一家三口幸福出行。每个人对幸福的定义都 不同,也许对于Rupert来说,这就是他最理想的生活。


bill/ bɪl / n.账单

tax/ tæks / n.税

tribunal/ traɪˈbjuːnl / n.法庭

paycheck/ ˈpeɪtʃek / n.付薪水的支票,薪水

adolescence/ ˌædəˈles(ə)ns / n.青春期

bill/ bɪl / n.账单

