
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-27 21:42 3












唐滅亡後的兩個世紀是中國文學史上的一個節點:得益於五代時期唐代文學作品的廣泛傳播,以及宋統一後印刷術的興起,學人得以重新整理唐代文學遺產,並以嶄新的形式對其進行傳承。近年來的接受史研究讓我們瞭解到這一進程如何在李白、杜甫、韓愈、白居易、柳宗元等唐代大家身上得以體現。然而,唐代文學的傳承故事不僅僅局限於個別作家或唐文學典籍的建立,它深深植根於 10 至 12 世紀的社會、政治和文化變革之中。宋代學人自視為唐文學的博學「詮釋者」,而非單純的文本「傳遞者」。他們重塑唐代傳統,以回應宋人對歷史和「文章」的道德倫理層面的新關注。那麼,我們該如何利用現有的廣博唐代文學知識來理解這背後的推動力呢?為此,我將重點分析來自宋代不同時期的三個案例,它們分別是北宋早期的《文苑英華》、經修訂的《新唐書》和創新的《唐詩紀事》。這三部作品分別展示了宋人如何以新的形式重塑唐代文學,以滿足其特定歷史時期的特殊時代需求。同時,它們也反映了宋人對個體讀者重新詮釋和重新想像唐代文學遺產的共同信念。最後,我將就中國當代流行文化對唐文化的再創造,以及在二十一世紀向日益多元的學生群體講授唐文學的重要性,提出一些看法。


Anna M. Shields, Gordon Wu ’58 Professor of Chinese Studies, received her A.M. from Harvard University and her Ph.D. from Indiana University. She specializes in classical Chinese literature of the Tang, Five Dynasties, and Northern Song eras. Her particular interests include literary history and the emergence of new literary genres and styles in late medieval China; the sociology of literature; and the role of emotions in classical literature. Her first book, Crafting a Collection: The Cultural Contexts and Poetic Practice of the Collection from among the Flowers (Huajianji) (Harvard Asia Center, 2006) examined the emergence of the song lyric in this path-breaking anthology. Her second book, One Who Knows Me: Friendship and Literary Culture in Mid-Tang China (Harvard Asia Center, 2015) explores the literary performance of friendship in ninth-century China through a wide range of genres, including letters, prefaces, exchange poetry, and funerary texts. One Who Knows Me was awarded the Honorable Mention for the Joseph Levenson Book Prize (pre-1900 China) from the Association for Asian Studies in 2017. Her most recent publication is the 2023 co-edited volume (with Gil Raz, Dartmouth College), Religion and Poetry in Medieval China: The Way and the Words (Amsterdam University Press). She is also co-editing with Robert Hymes (Columbia University) a two-volume set of essays from the Tang-Song Transitions Workshops and Conference held from 2017-2022 at Princeton and Columbia. In 2024, she was awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship to complete her third monograph, currently titled Legacies of Gold and Jade: Transmissions of Tang Dynasty Literature in the Five Dynasties and Northern Song. As a member of the editorial board of the Library of Chinese Humanities, she is serving as the editor for Ronald Egan’s four-volume translation of the selected works of Su Shi. She chaired the Department of East Asian Studies at Princeton from 2018-2019 and 2020-2024.

查詢:shi@hkbu.edu.hk / 3411 2562

