摘要:FREQUENT blood donors might be getting more than a warm, fuzzy feeling from their altruism, as giving blood may also enhance your
FREQUENT blood donors might be getting more than a warm, fuzzy feeling from their altruism, as giving blood may also enhance your ability to produce healthy blood cells, potentially reducing the risk of developing blood cancer.
Hector Huerga Encabo at the Francis Crick Institute in London and his colleagues analysed genetic data extracted from blood cells donated by 217 men in Germany, aged between 6o and 72, who had each given blood more than 100 times.
伦敦弗朗西斯·克里克研究所的Héctor Huerga Encabo及其团队对德国217名年龄在60至72岁之间的男性献血者的血细胞基因数据进行了分析,这些男性每人累计献血超过100次。They also looked at samples from 212 men of a similar age who had donated blood fewer than 10 times each, and found that frequent donors were more likely to have blood cells carrying certain mutations in a gene called DNMT3A.