【#重返大地#:乡村美育课】在中山的桂南学校,“让自己成为世界里的一点美好”不仅是校训,更深深地融入了教育的每一个细节。除了传统课程,学校还开设了美育课与农耕课,校园里随处可见学生的艺术作品,宛如一座开放的美术馆。这些课程为何诞生?它们对孩子们的成长意味着什么?让我们一起走进桂南学校,探寻答案。#乡村新浪潮# #乡村振兴# At GuiNan School in south China's Guangdong Province, "Make yourself a part of the better world" is more than just a motto – it's woven into every aspect of its approach to education. In addition to traditional subjects, the school offers farming classes and aesthetic education, transforming the campus into an open-air gallery filled with students' artistic creations. What inspired these unique courses? How do they shape students' growth? Join us for a visit to GuiNan School to find the answers.