摘要:1329、We in government must readily subjected ourselves to oversight of the law, the supervisory body and the people, 我们政府工作人员必须接受法
1321、to draw on their expertise, 利用他们的专业技能
1322、talent-strong country, 人才强国
1323、to step efforts to make China a talent-strong country, 加速建成人才强国
1324、island patrols, 绕岛巡逻
1325、with the aim of , 目的是
1326、mass line, 群众路线
1327、auditing-based oversigth, 审计监督
1328、subject oneself to, 屈服于
1329、We in government must readily subjected ourselves to oversight of the law, the supervisory body and the people, 我们政府工作人员必须接受法律监督,监察监督和人民的监督
1330、secure a decisive victory, 取得决定性胜利
1331、to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects, 全面建成小康社会
1332、a great modern socialis country, 社会主义现代化强国
1333、to give full experessions to the will of the people, 充分体系人民的意志
1334、to spark their creativity, 激发他们的创造力
1335、systematic and institutional guarantees, 制度体系保证
1336、to province systematic and institutional guarantees to ensure the people to run the country, 用制度体系保障人民当家做主
1337、core socialist country, 社会主义核心价值观
1338、values shared by the Chinese people, 全体人民共同的价值追求
1339、the principal contradition facing Chinese society, 中国社会的主要矛盾
1340、evolve into, 演变成