摘要:▶ 华尔街日报: Elon Musk’s artificial-intelligence startup xAI has acquired X, the social-media platform he also owns, in an all-stock t
▶ 华尔街日报: Elon Musk’s artificial-intelligence startup xAI has acquired X, the social-media platform he also owns, in an all-stock transaction, he said
▶ 中文:【埃隆·马斯克的人工智能初创公司xAI已收购其拥有的社交媒体平台X,这是一笔全股票交易,他说道。】
▶ 华尔街日报: President Trump announced he would impose 25% tariffs on global automobile imports, effective April 3. Trump has made a flurry of tariff moves and reversals, targeting more than 30 countries so far. See key moments in Trump’s tariff war.
▶ 中文:【特朗普总统宣布将于4月3日起对全球汽车进口征收25%的关税。特朗普已针对迄今为止超过30个国家采取了关税措施和撤销关税措施。以下是特朗普关税战争的关键时刻。】
▶ 卡塔尔半岛电视台: Russia suffers ‘heavy losses’ in east Ukraine amid shaky limited ceasefire
▶ 中文:【在局势不稳的有限停火期间,乌克兰东部遭受俄罗斯“重大损失”】
▶ 卡塔尔半岛电视台: Trump orders removal of ‘improper ideology’ from top US museums
▶ 中文:【特朗普下令移除美国顶级博物馆中的“不当思想意识”】
▶ 德国DW News: Israel carried out a strike on Beirut for the first time since a ceasefire between Israel and Hezbollah in November:
▶ 中文:【自去年十一月以色列和真主党停火以来,以色列首次对贝鲁特发动袭击:】
▶ 德国DW News: A Spanish court has overturned the conviction of former Brazil international footballer Dani Alves for sexual assault.
▶ 中文:【西班牙一家法院推翻了前巴西国际足球运动员丹尼·阿尔维斯对性侵罪的指控。】
▶ 德国DW News: Cases of colorectal cancer are rising in people under the age of 50. The good news is that the risks are low for young people as survival rates have risen in the last 30 years.
▶ 中文:【年龄在五十岁以下的人群中,结肠癌和直肠癌的病例正在上升。好消息是,由于近三十年来存活率的提高,年轻人患病的风险较低。】
▶ 美国ABC: Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an opinion piece published by the New York Times on Friday, blasted Pres. Trump for "a string of self-inflicted wounds … that are squandering America's strength and threatening our national security."
▶ 中文:【前国务卿希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)周五在纽约时报发表的一篇评论文章中抨击特朗普总统“造成了一系列自伤的行为……正在浪费美国的实力并威胁我们的国家安全”。】
▶ 美国ABC: Pres. Trump signed an executive order behind closed doors on Thursday directing federal agencies and the Smithsonian to eliminate what the order calls "divisive" and "anti-American" content from museums and national parks, sources familiar told News.
▶ 中文:【据知情人士向新闻透露,特朗普总统周四在不公开的情况下签署了一项行政命令,指示联邦机构和史密森学会从博物馆和国家公园中消除该命令所称的“分裂”和“反美”内容。】
▶ 英国BBC: Trump and Carney hold first call amid ongoing tariff war
▶ 中文:【特朗普和卡尔尼在持续的关税战争中首次通话】
▶ 英国BBC: Ex-Barca defender Alves has rape conviction quashed
▶ 中文:【前巴萨后卫阿尔维斯强奸罪指控被驳回】
▶ 英国BBC: Putin suggests interim government for Ukraine with support from UN
▶ 中文:【普京提议在联合国支持下成立乌克兰临时政府】
▶ 美国CNN: US stocks plunged on Friday, with the Dow tumbling 716 points and the S&P 500 on track for its worst quarter since 2022
▶ 中文:【周五美国股市暴跌,道指暴跌716点,标普500指数面临自疫情爆发以来表现最差季度】
▶ 美国CNN: At least 144 dead and more than 730 injured after powerful earthquake in Myanmar with the toll expected to rise, authorities say
▶ 中文:【当局表示,缅甸发生强烈地震后,已造成至少 144 人死亡,超过 730 人受伤,而死亡人数预计还将继续上升】
▶ 美国纽约时报: Putin suggests putting Ukraine under UN-sponsored external governance
▶ 中文:【普京提议将乌克兰置于联合国主导的外来管理之下】
▶ 美国纽约时报: King Charles III’s brief hospital stay reminds UK that monarch is still a cancer patient
▶ 中文:【查尔斯三世国王短暂住院提醒英国民众国王仍是癌症患者】