Unmanned Food Delivery Vehicles Put into Use on Campus
The photo shows a staff member replenishing a "JeDi" unmanned food delivery vehicle at the new campus of Central South University.
food campus fooddelivery 2024-12-22 09:52 3
The photo shows a staff member replenishing a "JeDi" unmanned food delivery vehicle at the new campus of Central South University.
food campus fooddelivery 2024-12-22 09:52 3
food littlefood eatlittle 2024-12-20 06:08 2
近日,大连工业大学食品学院、海洋食品加工与安全控制全国重点实验室、国家海洋食品工程技术研究中心朱蓓薇院士团队在食品领域TOP期刊《Food Research International》(Q1,IF:7.0)?发表题为“Comprehensive determ
A research conference on the relationship between food safety and environmental health under the Lancang-Mekong Cooperation (LMC)
food researchconference safety 2024-12-04 20:07 3
In modern society, the improvement of survival skills is the key to dealing with various challenges. It is not a single ability, b
We are going to have a buffet this night, that's to say we can really pig out!
近日,西华大学理学院青年教师严映坤博士在国际Top学术期刊Food Chemistry(中科院一区,IF = 8.5)上发表研究性论文。论文通讯作者为严映坤博士,硕士研究生包爱玲为论文第一作者,西华大学为该论文的第一完成单位,西南交通大学程玮博士对该工作提供了