ZHANG Jun: Enhancing Unity and Trust, Towards a Shared Future

360影视 2024-12-03 14:14 11

摘要:On November 22, the Boao Forum for Asia held its Regional Conference in Seoul, South Korea, under the theme of “Towards a Shared F

ZHANG Jun: Enhancing Unity and Trust, Towards a Shared Future

— Welcome Speech by Secretary General Zhang Jun at the Opening of the Boao Forum for Asia Seoul Conference

On November 22, the Boao Forum for Asia held its Regional Conference in Seoul, South Korea, under the theme of “Towards a Shared Future”. Secretary General Zhang Jun delivered welcoming remarks and chaired the opening ceremony.

In his speech, Secretary General Zhang Jun expressed his appreciation to the strong support of the Government of the Republic of Korea and the city of Seoul. He noted that two months ago, the United Nations held a successful summit on the future of mankind. It is an important initiative by the global community to stay on the right course, strengthen solidarity & cooperation, and promote sustainable development & global governance. The Summit further led us to realize that we are in one same boat with one shared future, and that multilateralism is the right way forward. In face of an increasingly dangerous world, the international community must take effective actions, stay on the right course and prevent from falling off track. The Seoul Conference represents an important step by the BFA in promoting improved global governance and supporting the implementation of the UN Summit of the Future outcomes.

Secretary General Zhang Jun emphasized that we’re living in a world of profound and transformational changes. The international order is being reshaped by multiple factors. Some are opportunities. Others are pressing challenges, emerging hazards and unknown risks: we’re faced with growing instabilities & uncertainties, intensifying regional conflicts, and an increasingly complex security situation. The world is becoming a more dangerous place; people are at a loss for the right way forward. Lack of trust & rising confrontation among big powers is breaking the world apart, and posing severe challenges to global governance; deglobalization, unilateralism and protectionism stand in the way of an open world economy, cooperation & integration, and grossly undercut the resilience of global growth; we’re way behind and woefully off-track in achieving SDGs & the 2030 Agenda, still plagued by inequality & social injustice, and facing a growing need to address climate change, energy transition & the Digital Divide; We’re in a direction crisis, a trust crisis, and a governance crisis. Humanity has again come to a new crossroads.

Secretary General Zhang Jun stated that Asia has been an important player in safeguarding world peace and promoting common development. We must work together with the global community, strengthen solidarity & cooperation, take on our common challenges, and translate the Summit’s consensus & pledges into actions on the ground. We must stick to the multilateral approach, forge the broadest possible global partnerships, rebuild trust, rekindle cooperation, improve global governance, and ensure that the world is safe, equal and just. We must work towards an open world economy, deepen regional economic integration, and ensure that globalization is more balanced, inclusive and beneficial for all. We must explore new growth drivers, leverage science, technology & innovation (STI) for the benefit of people, and strengthen international cooperation & governance on AI and other emerging technologies. We must pursue sustainable development, accelerate the UN 2030 Agenda, and achieve green & high-quality development. Our shared future calls for collective efforts by all stakeholders. We need your vision, wisdom, policy advice and actions to make our future better, more sustainable, peaceful and prosperous.

