3D英语学习法(04) 著名旅游景区导游词精读学习(03)

360影视 2024-12-03 21:00 5




3DEn-Y333 @Tiananmen Square

1/Brief Introduction to Tiananmen Square 天安门广场

Tiananmen Square in 2013

Located in the centrer of Beijing proper and first built in 1417, Tiananmen sqaure was originally named Chengtianmen, which means being endowed with power from the heaven, and succumbing to Providence.

The Square is 880 meters long from north to south and 500 meters wide from east to west, with an area of 400,000 square meters. It is currently the largest square in teh world and can accommodate hundReds of thousands of people.

Northernmost in the Square is Tiananmen Rostrum. In the north of the Sqare flies the National Flag of the People’s Republic of China. The monument to the People’s Heroes stands in teh cener of the Square. South of the Monument is the Solemn Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. The Great Hall of the People flanks Tiananmen Square on teh west, while on the east stands the National Museum of China. The modern and ancient buildings constitute a grand panorama, making Tiananmen a world-famous landmark.

Tiananmen Square witnessed great changes in teh Chinese history testifying to the revolution and victory of the Chinese people’s struggles against imperialism, colonialism.

On October 1, 1949, Chairman Mao Zedong solemnly declared to the world on Tiananmen Rostrum, “The founding of People’s Republic of China, And the Chinese people have now stood up ever since”. The Central People’s Govenment was declared simultaneously to have been founded. In the mean time, Chairman Mao Zedong himself raised the first Five-Star Red Flag.

In the 1987 vote for the sixteen most scenic sports in Beijing, Tiananmen Square, on account of its special locaton, wrich historic background and high prestige, topped the ist with the highest number of votes and hence was given First View of Beijing status.

2/Collocations 词组学习


Tiananmen Rostrum, 天安门城楼

Be endowed with, 被赋予

National Flag, 国旗

Monument to the People’s Heroes, 人民英雄纪念碑

Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, 毛主席纪念堂

Great Hall of the People, 人民大会堂

National Museum of China, 中国国家博物馆

Solemnly declared to, 向........庄严宣告

Rain the first Five-Star Red Flag, 升起五星红旗

3/Studying Vocabularies 单词研究

Tiananmen in 2013


《Definition》 any platform, stage, or the like, for public speaking. / a pulpit.

《Synonym》 platform 月台、stage 舞台、podium 讲台、dais 讲台、pulpit 讲道坛、 stand 站立、soapbox 肥皂箱、snout 鼻口部、stump 残株、ambo 读经 台


《Definition》 to give way to superior force; yield: to succumb to despair / to yield to di sease, wounds, old age, etc.; die.

《Synonym》 yield 生产、submit 使服从、die 死、perish 毁灭、expire 终止、give way 撤退、give in 屈服、surrender 投降、capitulate 屈从,停止反 抗、accede 同意、pass away 逝世、depart 离开

《Antonym》survive 幸免于难


《Definition》 the side of an animal or a person between the ribs and hip/the thin piec e of flesh constituting this part./a slice of meat from the flank of an anim al.

《Synonym》 border/edge/side/wing


英语学习需要学用结合,听和读是“输入”,说和写是“输出”。因本人酷爱旅游和英语,于是便把“旅游+英语”作为“3D英语学习法”学用的一个实践方向, 文中插图多半是本人到访介绍城市的真实照片。

English learning requires a combination of learning and application, with listening and reading as "inputs" and speaking and writing as "outputs". Due to my passion for tourism and English, I have chosen "tourism+English" as a practical direction for learning the "3D English learning method". The illustrations in Chinese are mostly real photos of my visiting and introducing the city.

