
360影视 2024-12-26 09:41 12

摘要:2024年8月17日,由德国欧博迈亚负责建筑设计的武汉航空新材料产业发展研究院(以下简称 “武航院”)在蔡甸区文岭生活城德国小镇举行了重要的奠基仪式。该项目总投资约5亿元、占地约6亩,预计2025年年底竣工。武航院肩负着 “建设成国家实验室,打通武汉材料企业参


2024年8月17日,由德国欧博迈亚负责建筑设计的武汉航空新材料产业发展研究院(以下简称 “武航院”)在蔡甸区文岭生活城德国小镇举行了重要的奠基仪式。该项目总投资约5亿元、占地约6亩,预计2025年年底竣工。武航院肩负着 “建设成国家实验室,打通武汉材料企业参与中国商飞国产大飞机生产的‘最后一公里’” 的历史使命”。

On August 17, 2024, the important groundbreaking ceremony of Wuhan Institute of Aviation New Materials Industry Development (referred to as the "Wuhan Aviation Institute") was held. OBERMEYER takes the responsibility for the architectural design. The project is located in the German Town of Wenling Life City in Caidian District of Wuhan. The development is expected to be completed by the end of 2025 with a total investment of about 500 million RMB and an area of about 6 acres. Wuhan Aviation Institute shoulders the historical mission of “establishing as a National Laboratory and bridging the 'last mile' for Wuhan's material enterprises to participate in large aircraft production”.


设计灵感 Design Inspiration

德国欧博迈亚凭借其简约、经典、创新的德式设计风格,受邀负责武航院的建筑设计。欧博迈亚深知武汉是楚文化的发祥地之一,"高山流水遇知音"的来源地。武航院在设计上取意“知音”典故,意在创造一个错落有致、相互呼应的 "浮空翼 "层次,浮动平台仿佛悬浮在半空中。同时融入绿色植物、弧形飞翼等元素,增强建筑的漂浮感,为航空业树立独特的城市地标。

With its concise, classic, and creative design style, OBERMEYER has been entrusted with the Architectural design of the Wuhan Aviation Institute. OBERMEYER is deeply aware that Wuhan is one of the birthplaces of Chu culture and the location of the story "Meeting a soulmate with high mountains and flowing water". The design is deeply inspired by the allusion to "Knowing the Music” and with the intention to create a staggered level of ‘Floating Airfoils’ that echo each other. The floating platforms shall appear to be suspended in mid-air. While integrating green plants, curved wings and other elements to enhance the floating sense of the building, establishing a unique image for the aviation industry as a city landmark.

错落的内庭 - 空中花园 Staggered Inner Courtyard - Sky Garden

叠山落水空间示意图 Cascade Landscape Schematic

功能布局 Functional Layout


Relying on the surrounding beautiful natural environment and historical regional culture, the design takes the academician's working platform as the center, creates the future science and innovation center which includes office, exhibition, R&D, test and other Functions, which is human-oriented and multi-dimensional composite, and contributes to the take-off of China's large aircraft industry.

功能布局示意图 Function Diagram


Looking forward to the completion of Wuhan Institute of Aviation New Materials Industry Development in 2025!


OBERMEYER Wuhan Practices


Integrated Underground Space of Wuhan Optics Valley Center City

武汉光谷中心城一体化地下空间 Integrated Underground Space of Wuhan Optics Valley Center City

欧博迈亚与以国家中心城市著称的武汉合作由来已久。 2014-2015年,欧博迈亚受邀设计了武汉光谷中心城一体化地下空间项目——当时亚洲最大的单体地下空间项目,被誉为“超级地下城”,总投资超过100亿元,现已建成并成为中国大型地下空间的典范之作。

OBERMEYER has a long history of cooperation with Wuhan, known as a national central city. From 2014 to 2015, OBERMEYER was invited to design the integrated underground space of Wuhan Optics Valley Central City — the largest single underground space project in Asia at the time, honored as the "Super Underground City," with a total investment exceeding 10 billion RMB. The project is now complete and stands as a model for large-scale underground spaces in China.


Wuhan Sino-German International Industrial Park Enterprise House

武汉中德国际产业园企业之家 Wuhan Sino-German International Industrial Park Enterprise House

2019年,时任德国总理默克尔访问武汉,促成中德国际产业园在蔡甸区启动建设。欧博迈亚受邀设计产业园内的 “国际企业之家” 。该项目从象征中德两国紧密合作的中国传统“榫卯”结构中汲取灵感,以简约德式风格、工业理性美学、多功能空间及工艺美学景观,共同塑造了彰显国际品质的旗舰地标。

In 2019, then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel visited Wuhan, paving the way for the establishment of the Sino-German International Industrial Park in Caidian District. OBERMEYER was entrusted to design the Park’s "International Enterprise House". Drawing inspiration from the traditional Chinese "mortise-and-tenon" architecture, symbolizing the close alignment between China and Germany, the project combines simple German aesthetics, rational industrial design, multifunctional spaces, and landscapes reflecting craftsmanship to create a flagship landmark of international quality.

