老师送我一条“蛇”?期末“花式评语”背后是教育走心 Behind the “fancy comments” is the heart of education

360影视 2025-01-09 15:12 8







“Wow, my teacher drew mealittle snake and wrote 'smart and clever'!”

“I received an 'optimistic snake', what 'snake' is yours?”

January 7, in Changsha County Songya Lake Primary School first grade 2402 classroom, the children sat around together, they can not wait to open their respective quality report, chattering and discussing, overflowing with joy. They received a carefully prepared end-of-term surprise from their head teacher, Ms. Hu Liping, a“fancy comment”full of creativity and love.

The “Fancy Comments” are creative and refreshing. In fact, this is not Hu Liping's first attempt. She has also sent students“oracle bone comments,”where each student receives an oracle bone text that reflects his or her personal characteristics. That creativity not only stimulated the children's interest in oracle bones and traditional culture, but also strengthened her determination to accompany the children's growth with creative rubrics.

“The essence of education is to use one heart to awaken another. With enough respect and heart, you can find the most suitable education method for each child.” In her opinion, every child is a unique individual with his or her own sparkle and rhythm of growth, which needs to be discovered and guided by educators with keen insight and love.(翻译:万姗姗)

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