
360影视 2025-01-11 20:18 9

摘要:通过注册会员收集邮件列表。通过注册会员收集邮件列表是非常有效的方法。例如 邀请用户注册会员,初次购买可以享受折扣等各种优惠。用此方法获得的邮件列表,可用 比较高。






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Today Xiaobian brings you an article

"Overview of Cross-Border Marketing(32):"EDM Marketing II"

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第二节 实施EDM

Section Two: Implementing EDM


The implementation of EDM marketing requires consideration of the following three aspects.


Obtain and manage customer list

1.获取邮件列表(用户资源) 邮件列表中的用户数量是直接影响电子邮件营销效果的重要因素。获取邮件列表用户资 源的途径比较多。下面介绍几种常用方法。

Obtain email list (user resources) The number of users in the email list is an important factor that directly affects the effectiveness of email marketing. There are several ways to obtain user resources for the email list. Below are several commonly used methods.

(1)通过注册会员收集邮件列表。通过注册会员收集邮件列表是非常有效的方法。例如 邀请用户注册会员,初次购买可以享受折扣等各种优惠。用此方法获得的邮件列表,可用 比较高。

Collecting email lists through membership registration is a very effective method. For example, inviting users to register for membership can provide various benefits such as discounts on their first purchase. Email lists obtained through this method can be relatively extensive.


Advertise to attract users to actively subscribe. When posting ads, leave an email subscription address and encourage people to contact the business via email.


Use incentive measures in the event. By offering rewards, you can encourage users to participate in a themed event and also collect users' email addresses, which can yield better results.

(4)购买邮件列表。通过第三方邮件营销服务商获取企业潜在客户的邮件列表,这些数据一般比较详细,不仅包括邮件地址,还会有性别、年龄、职业、地区等有价值信息。购买时要先明确本企业的客户画像,然后对第三方服务商提供的邮件列表进行筛选后再购买,这 样群发邮件的效果会比较好。

Purchase email lists. Obtain email lists of potential business clients through third-party email marketing service providers. This data is generally quite detailed, including not only email addresses but also valuable information such as gender, age, occupation, and region. When purchasing, it is important to clarify the customer profile of your business first, and then filter the email lists provided by the third-party service providers before making a purchase. This way, the effectiveness of mass emails will be better.

2.管理邮件列表Manage mailing lists

(1)根据列表用户细分推送个性化内容。内容越个性化,收件人的阅读体验越好。据调查, 细分的邮件列表组点击率和阅读率是普通列表的9倍。

Push personalized content based on segmented user lists. The more personalized the content, the better the reading experience for recipients. According to research, the click-through and reading rates of segmented email list groups are nine times higher than those of regular lists.

(2)重视活跃度高的用户。邮件列表可以分为高度活跃、活跃、相对活跃3个层次。可 以让很活跃的用户参与到企业开展的一些活动中。

Value users with high activity levels. The mailing list can be divided into three tiers: highly active, active, and relatively active. Very active users can be involved in some activities conducted by the company.


Engaging inactive users. Use email analytics reports to identify recipients who did not click or read, and systematically implement user activation strategies.

二、制作营销内容Creating marketing content


In cross-border e-commerce, the goals of EDM marketing are mainly to acquire customers (for sales) and enhance brand image (for profit margins). This mainly discusses two types of email content: development letters and brand stories.

1.开发信Development letter


A foreign trade development letter is when foreign trade salespeople send emails or letters about their company's products, services, and advantages to potential foreign users, hoping to establish a cooperative relationship for mutual development. If the potential foreign users are interested upon receiving the email or letter, they will further communicate and negotiate with the foreign trade salesperson, ultimately establishing a purchase contract.

2.品牌故事Brand Story

撰写品牌故事的常见方法有2种: 一是企业发展历程中的关键事件视角。从企业名称的来源、发展历程、产品研发(设计) 等方面的关键事件展开,用强故事性、有品质的文章传递品牌价值。 二是企业品牌主张视角。围绕品牌主张确定推广主题,根据推广主题组织情景故事,在 故事中植入企业品牌主张或产品信息,达到品牌和产品推广的目标。 无论哪种品牌故事,一定要注意对客户有用且要有趣。

There are two common methods for writing a brand story: First, the perspective of key events in the company's development history. This involves exploring key events related to the origin of the company name, its development history, product research and design, etc., and conveying brand value through strong storytelling and quality articles. Second, the perspective of the company's brand proposition. This focuses on determining the promotional theme based on the brand proposition and organizing situational stories around this theme, embedding the company's brand proposition or product information in the story to achieve the goals of brand and product promotion. Regardless of the type of brand story, it is crucial to ensure that it is useful to customers and engaging.

三、应用营销工具Application marketing tools


With the EDM email list and email content, EDM marketing can be executed, but to improve efficiency and effectiveness, auxiliary application marketing tools need to be used.






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