使用 Python 创建多列 Word 文档:综合指南

360影视 2025-01-29 07:40 2

摘要:在 Word 文档中创建多列是使内容更具可读性和组织性的有效方法。这种布局通常用于新闻稿、小册子或学术论文中,在这些文章中,将文本分成两列或多列可以使其更易于理解且具有视觉吸引力。无论您是在处理专业文档还是只是尝试不同的布局选项,了解如何创建和调整分栏都可以极

在 Word 文档中创建多列是使内容更具可读性和组织性的有效方法。这种布局通常用于新闻稿、小册子或学术论文中,在这些文章中,将文本分成两列或多列可以使其更易于理解且具有视觉吸引力。无论您是在处理专业文档还是只是尝试不同的布局选项,了解如何创建和调整分栏都可以极大地改进文档的设计。

将演示如何在 Python 中创建多列 Word 文档,将学习:

如何在 Word 中创建简单的多列布局如何在 Word 中的列之间添加分隔线如何从 Word 中的特定位置开始创建多列如何向多列 Word 文档中的每一列添加页码

要在 Python 中创建多列 Word 文档,我们需要一个合适的 Word 库。本博客将使用一个名为 Spire.Doc 的 Python 库。


Spire.Doc for Python 是一个独立的库,它以编程方式简化了 Word 文档的操作。它允许创建、阅读和编辑各种格式的 Word 文档,如 Doc、Docx、Docm、Dot、Dotx、Dotm 等,而无需 MS Office 或其他软件。此外,它还可以将 Word 文档转换为多种文件格式,例如 PDF、RTF、HTML、文本、图像、SVG、ODT、PostScript、PCL 和 XPS。


在开始之前,我们需要在终端窗口中运行以下命令,从 PyPI 安装 Spire.Doc for Python:

pip install Spire.Doc

有关安装的更多详细信息,请查看此文档:如何在 VS Code 中安装 Spire.Doc for Python。

要在 Word 文档中创建多列布局,请使用 Section.AddColumn 方法。此方法允许我们将列添加到具有指定列宽和间距的节中,以满足不同的布局需求。

下面的 Python 代码显示了如何从头开始创建具有三列的 Word 文档:

from spire.doc import *# Create a new Word documentdoc= Document# Add a sectionsection = doc.AddSection# Set page margins (optional)section.PageSetup.Margins.All = 72# Set page size and orientation (optional)# section.PageSetup.PageSize = PageSize.A3# section.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape# Add 3 columns to the section with specified column width and spacingsection.AddColumn(150, 20)section.AddColumn(150, 20)section.AddColumn(150, 20)# Specify paragraph texttext = "In a rapidly changing world, the value of human connection remains crucial. Genuine relationships, built on empathy and understanding, enrich our lives and foster community. By prioritizing these connections, we create a more compassionate society where everyone feels valued and included."# Add a paragraph to the sectionparagraph = section.AddParagraph# Add a paragraph to the sectionparagraph = section.AddParagraph# Append text to the paragraphparagraph.AppendText(text)# Add a column break to the paragraphParagraph.AppendBreak(BreakType.ColumnBreak)# Add a paragraph to the sectionparagraph = section.AddParagraph# Append text to the paragraphparagraph.AppendText(text)# Add a column break to the paragraphparagraph.AppendBreak(BreakType.ColumnBreak)# Add the third paragraph to the sectionparagraph = section.AddParagraph# Append text to the paragraphparagraph.AppendText(text)# Set the horizontal text alignment of the paragraphs in the section to make the content more polished (optional)for para_index in range(section.Paragraphs.Count): section.Paragraphs[para_index].Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify# Save the documentdoc.SaveToFile("CreateMultiColumns.docx", FileFormat.Docx2013)doc.Close

Python 创建多列 Word 文档

有时,我们可能希望将现有 Word 文档中的文本拆分为多列,而不是从头开始创建新文档。下面的 Python 代码显示了如何将现有 Word 文档中的文本转换为两列:

from spire.doc import *# Open a Word documentdoc = Documentdoc.LoadFromFile("Bicycle.docx")# Get the first sectionsection = doc.Sections[0]# Set page size and orientation (optional)# section.PageSetup.PageSize = PageSize.A3# section.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape# Set the horizontal text alignment of the paragraphs in the section to make the content more polished (optional)for para_index in range(section.Paragraphs.Count): section.Paragraphs[para_index].Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify# Add a column to the section with specified column width and spacingsection.AddColumn(150, 20)# Save the modified documentdoc.SaveToFile("CreateMultiColumns.docx", FileFormat.Docx2016)doc.Close

Python 在 Word 中将文本转换为多列

如果我们想在 Word 文档中的列之间添加行以使内容看起来更有条理,我们可以通过将 Section.PageSetup.ColumnsLineBetween 属性设置为 True 来轻松实现此目的。

下面的 Python 代码显示了如何在 Word 文档中的列之间添加分隔线:

from spire.doc import *# Open a Word documentdoc = Documentdoc.LoadFromFile("Bicycle.docx")# Get the first sectionsection = doc.Sections[0]# Set page size and orientation (optional)# section.PageSetup.PageSize = PageSize.A3# section.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape# Set the horizontal text alignment of the paragraphs in the section to make the content more polished (optional)for para_index in range(section.Paragraphs.Count): section.Paragraphs[para_index].Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify# Add a column to the section with specified column width and spacingsection.AddColumn(150, 30)# Add lines between columnssection.PageSetup.ColumnsLineBetween = True# Save the modified documentdoc.SaveToFile("CreateMultiColumnsWithLines.docx", FileFormat.Docx2016)doc.Close

Python 在 Word 中创建具有单独行的列


下面的 Python 代码显示了如何将 Word 文档中特定段落后的文本转换为两列:

from spire.doc import *# Open a Word documentdoc = Documentdoc.LoadFromFile("Bicycle.docx")# Get the first sectionsection = doc.Sections[0]# Set page size and orientation (optional)# section.PageSetup.PageSize = PageSize.A3# section.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape# Set the horizontal text alignment of the paragraphs in the section to make the content more polished (optional)for para_index in range(section.Paragraphs.Count): section.Paragraphs[para_index].Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify# Get the 5th paragraph in the sectionparagraph = section.Paragraphs[4]# Start a new section to move the content after the paragraph to the new sectionparagraph.InsertSectionBreak(SectionBreakType.NoBreak)# Add a column to the new section with specified column width and spacingdoc.Sections[1].AddColumn(150, 20)# Save the modified documentdoc.SaveToFile("CreateMultiColumnsAtSpecificPosition.docx", FileFormat.Docx2016)doc.Close

Python 在 Word 中的特定位置创建多个列

在具有多列的 Word 文档中,当每列代表一个不同的部分或我们希望为每列自定义分页时,为每列添加单独的页码可能很有用。

例如,对于两列布局的 Word 文档,每列的页码将如下所示:

第 1 列:第 1、3、5 页...(奇数页)。第 2 列:第 2、4、6 页...(偶数页)。


以下是向两列 Word 文档中的每一列添加页码的关键步骤:

1. 计算每列的页码

通过查看列,我们可以很容易地推断出,对于奇数列,页码应该是 2 * 当前页码 - 1;对于偶数列,页码应为 2 * 当前页码;总页数应为 2 * 总页数。

在 MS Word 中,有两个字段用于显示页码:页面字段 ({ PAGE }) 和 NumPages字段 ({ NUMPAGES })。前者用于显示当前页码,后者用于显示总页数。所以:

对于第 1 列:计算当前页码的表达式应为 2 * {Page} - 1对于第 2 列:计算当前页码的表达式应为 2 * {Page}

为了动态执行这些计算,我们将使用 Expression Fields。表达式字段由字段 + FieldMark(字段分隔符)+ FieldMark(字段结束标记)组成。页码字段(如 {PAGE} 或 {NUMPAGES})可以嵌套在表达式字段及其字段分隔符之间。完整的字段结构如下所示:

└ 页码域 ({PAGE} 或 { NUMPAGES }) + FieldMark(页码域分隔符) + FieldMark(页码域结束标记)
└ FieldMark(表达式字段分隔符)
└ FieldMark(表达式字段结束标记)


2. 使用表格对齐页码


在页脚中插入一个具有一行和两列的无边距表格。将第 1 列的页码放在左侧单元格中,将第 2 列的页码放在右侧单元格中。将两个单元格中的文本居中对齐,以获得干净的布局。from spire.doc import *# Function to insert FieldMark (Field separator and Field end mark)def Insert_Field_Mark(document, paragraph, field): # Add FieldSeparator separator_field_mark = FieldMark(document, FieldMarkType.FieldSeparator) paragraph.Items.Add(separator_field_mark) # Add FieldEnd end_field_mark = FieldMark(document, FieldMarkType.FieldEnd) paragraph.Items.Add(end_field_mark) field.End = end_field_mark# Function to add page numberdef Add_Page_Number(footer_paragraph, document, direction): # Add text footer_paragraph.AppendText("Page ") # Create a custom expression field for the current page number calculation current_page_field = Field(document) current_page_field.Type = FieldType.FieldExpression current_page_field.Code = "=2*" footer_paragraph.Items.Add(current_page_field) # Create a nested PAGE field (current page number) field_page = Field(document) field_page.Type = FieldType.FieldPage footer_paragraph.Items.Add(field_page) # Add FieldMark (separator and end) for PAGE field Insert_Field_Mark(document, footer_paragraph, field_page) # Adjust the page number calculation expression for the left column (Column 1) if direction == "Left": # Subtract 1 (2*{Page}-1) for the left column footer_paragraph.AppendText("-1") # Add FieldMark (field separator and field end mark) for the current page field Insert_Field_Mark(document, footer_paragraph, current_page_field) # Add text footer_paragraph.AppendText(" of ") # Create a custom expression field for the total page number calculation total_page_field = Field(document) total_page_field.Type = FieldType.FieldExpression total_page_field.Code = "=2*" footer_paragraph.Items.Add(total_page_field) # Create a nested NUMPAGES field (total number of pages) field_num_pages = Field(document) field_num_pages.Type = FieldType.FieldNumPages footer_paragraph.Items.Add(field_num_pages) # Add FieldMark (field separator and field end mark) for NUMPAGES field Insert_Field_Mark(document, footer_paragraph, field_num_pages) # Add FieldMark (field separator and field end mark) for NUMPAGES field Insert_Field_Mark(document, footer_paragraph, total_page_field) # Set text alignment of the footer paragraph to center footer_paragraph.Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center# Open a Word documentdoc = Documentdoc.LoadFromFile("Bicycle.docx")# Get the first sectionsection = doc.Sections[0]# Set page size and orientation (optional)# section.PageSetup.PageSize = PageSize.A3# section.PageSetup.Orientation = PageOrientation.Landscape# Set the horizontal text alignment of the paragraphs in the section to make the content more polished (optional)for para_index in range(section.Paragraphs.Count): section.Paragraphs[para_index].Format.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Justify# Add a columnsection.AddColumn(150, 20)# Clear existing footer contentfooter = section.HeadersFooters.Footerfooter.ChildObjects.Clear# Insert a 1x2 table in the footertable = footer.AddTable(False)table.ResetCells(1, 2)# Add page number for the left column (column 1)Add_Page_Number(table.Rows[0].Cells[0].AddParagraph, doc, "Left")# Add page number for the right column (column 2)Add_Page_Number(table.Rows[0].Cells[1].AddParagraph, doc, "Right")# Save the modified documentdoc.SaveToFile("CreateMultiColumnsWithPageNumber.docx", FileFormat.Docx)doc.Close

