摘要:Please pay a little attention. When I call you, it means I am thinking of you wholeheartedly. When I don't call you, it means I am
01 坦坦荡荡喜欢着你,不觊觎他人情长,不纠结是非短长,在喜欢你的每段时光中与你情投意合,如此便是心之所向,安然若素。
I like you openly and aboveboard. I don't envy others' love affairs and don't tangle with right and wrong. In every period of time when I like you, I am in harmony with you. This is what my heart desires and I am at peace as usual.
I adore you straightforwardly. I don't covet others' romances and don't get entangled in disputes. In every moment of loving you, I am on the same wavelength with you. This is what my heart yearns for and I am calm as always.
02 你是我未曾预想的邂逅,亦是我不期而至的惊喜。
You are an unexpected encounter for me and also an unanticipated surprise.
You are a chance encounter I never expected and also an unexpected delight.
03 你且留意几分,我唤你的时刻便是满心念你,未唤你的时分,便是暗自盼你。
Please pay a little attention. When I call you, it means I am thinking of you wholeheartedly. When I don't call you, it means I am secretly longing for you.
Be a bit attentive. The moment I call you is when I am full of thoughts of you. When I don't call you, it is when I am quietly hoping for you.
04 世事难遂你愿,我来遂你愿,顺遂若离你而去,我定伴你左右。
Things in the world may not go as you wish. I will fulfill your wish. If good fortune leaves you, I will surely be by your side.
The world may not fulfill your desires. I will do it. If success leaves you, I will definitely accompany you.
05 切勿肆意伤我情,心中唯你是真心。
Don't hurt my feelings recklessly. In my heart, only you are true.
Never hurt my feelings wantonly. In my heart, only you are sincere.
06 你走路要小心一点哟,因为不止一次,撞到我心上。
Be careful when you walk. Because more than once, you have bumped into my heart.
Watch your step. Because more than once, you have run into my heart.
07 如我这般依人的小甜心,遭逢一星半点的忽视,情便会碎落。
As a sweet and dependent person like me, if I encounter a little bit of neglect, my feelings will shatter.
As a charming and clingy sweetheart like me, if I experience a tiny bit of neglect, my love will fall apart.
08 天气预报说,今晚到明天上午有点想你,预计下午转为持续想你。
The weather forecast says that from tonight to tomorrow morning, I will miss you a little. It is expected that in the afternoon, it will turn into continuous missing of you.
According to the weather forecast, from tonight to tomorrow morning, I will miss you somewhat. It is predicted that in the afternoon, it will change to constantly missing you.
09 我倾慕你,毫无半分伪饰与机巧,仅是赤诚地想伴你身旁,想令你欢畅,你是我准则之外的情动,倾慕你是起始,恋你永无终章。
I admire you without any pretense or artifice. I just sincerely want to be by your side and make you happy. You are an emotion beyond my principles. Admiring you is the beginning, and loving you has no end.
I am enamored of you without any falsehood or trickery. Only with wholeheartedness do I want to accompany you and make you cheerful. You are an affection outside my norms. Admiring you is the start, and loving you will never end.