Python 中的数据类型

360影视 2025-02-05 00:51 2

摘要:Python 的这种动态特性既是它的优点也是它的缺点。它的优势在于您不必担心类型系统,使您能够在更短的时间内完成很多工作(例如,一次性 POC 项目)。然而,它的弱点会影响软件的寿命(难以重构并且缺乏不言自明的结构)。类型注释(在 Python v3.5 中引

Python 是一种动态类型语言,而不是静态类型语言(如 Go、Rust)。Python 解释器(负责执行 Python 代码)在执行之前不一定知道变量的类型。

Python 的这种动态特性既是它的优点也是它的缺点。它的优势在于您不必担心类型系统,使您能够在更短的时间内完成很多工作(例如,一次性 POC 项目)。然而,它的弱点会影响软件的寿命(难以重构并且缺乏不言自明的结构)。类型注释(在 Python v3.5 中引入)试图弥合差距,这通常比没有类型要好。

Python 具有以下内置数据类型:

数字 (int, float, complex)字符串 (String)序列 (list, tuple, range)二进制 (bytes, bytes, bytearrays, memoryview)映射 (dict)布尔值 (bool)Set (set, frozenset)

Python 中的所有数据都由对象(或对象之间的关系)表示。每个对象都有一个标识、类型和一个值。is 运算符比较两个对象的标识;id 函数返回一个表示其标识的整数。(在 CPython 的情况下,它是存储值的内存地址。type 函数返回对象的类型 (即对象本身)。

在开始数据类型之前,让我们回顾一下没有讨论过的数据类型:None、NotImplemented 和 Ellipsis (...)。

None 是一个特殊的常量,表示没有值或 null 值。这被认为是的。(这意味着在布尔表达式中使用时,它会计算 False。此外,None 是一个单例对象,即内存中只有一个实例。

from typing import Optionalx: Optional[str] = Noney: Optional[str] = Noneprint(id(x) == id(y)) # Trueprint(x is None) # True, since None is a singleton, the `is` operator returns True# A function that doesn't return anything has a return type of None (as it implicitly returns None)def do_nothing -> None: print("Does nothing")print(do_nothing is None) # True

Always use 是检查变量的值是否为 None,而不是使用相等 ==。

此 NotImplemented 是一个类型。有一个具有此值的对象,可以通过内置名称 NotImplemented 访问它。

它主要用于运算符重载和比较。当定义了 __eq__、__add__ 或任何其他特殊方法等方法但无法处理给定的作时,它应返回 NotImplemented。这向 Python 发出信号,尝试反向作,或者如果未定义合适的作,则引发 TypeError 。


class Customnumber: def __add__(self, other: object) -> int: if isinstance(other, int): return 42 + other return NotImplementednum = CustomNumberprint(num + 3) # Output: 45print(3 + num) # Output: TypeError, as reverse operation is not defined

此类型具有单个值。有一个对象具有此值。此对象可通过文本 ... 或内置名称 Ellipsis 进行访问。它的 truth 值为 true。


指示未实现的代码段。切片键入注释以表示可变长度或未指定的元素。# ======== Type Annotations ========def unimplemented_function: ... # Equivalent to `pass`, but more explicit about intent# ======== Slicing ========import numpy as nparray = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])print(array[..., 1]) # Output: [2, 5] - selects the second column# ======== Type annotations ========from typing import Callable# A function taking any number of arguments and returning an intFuncType = Callable[..., int]def example_func(*args) -> int: return len(args)


在 Python 中,您可以使用整数 (int)、浮点数 (float) 或复数 (complex) 来表示数值数据。

整数表示无限精度的整数(正数或负数)。在内部,整数是使用任意精度实现的,允许 Python 处理非常大的数字而不会溢出。

x = 42print(type(x)) # Output:

浮点数表示带小数点的实数。Python 浮点数基于 IEEE 754 标准,提供大约 15-17 位的精度。

pi = 3.14159print(type(pi)) # Output:

复数表示具有实部和虚部的数字。虚部用 j 表示,可以通过 .imag 和 .real 属性访问。

z = 3 + 4jprint(type(z)) # Output:


num: int = 100 print(num) # 100 print(num + 100) # 200 print(num + 100.50) # 200.5 print(num - 100) # 0 print(num - 100.50) # -0.5 print(num * 100) # 10000 print(num * 100.50) # 10050.0 print(num / 100) # 1.0 print(num / 100.50) # 0.9950248756218906 print(num // 100) # 1 print(num // 100.50) # 0.0 print(num % 100) # 0 print(num % 100.50) # 100.0 print(num**2) # 10000 print(num**2.5) # 100000.0


# Arithmetic Operators# Addition: 1 + 2 = 3# Subtraction: 2 - 1 = 1# Multiplication: 2 * 3 = 6# Division: 3 / 2 = 1.5# Floor Division: 3 // 2 = 1 a = a + 2# Subtraction Assignment: a -= 2 => a = a - 2# Multiplication Assignment: a *= 2 => a = a * 2# Division Assignment: a /= 2 => a = a / 2# Floor Division Assignment: a //= 2 => a = a // 2# Modulus Assignment: a %= 2 => a = a % 2# Exponentiation Assignment: a **= 2 => a = a ** 2

如果 str type 分别有效,我们也可以将 str type 转换为 int 和 float。

num1_str: str = "100" try: num1_int: int = int(num1_str) print(num1_int) except ValueError as e: print(f"Error: {e}") num2_str: str = "100.50" try: num2_float: float = float(num2_str) print(num2_float) except ValueError as e: print(f"Error: {e}")


print(3 == 3.0) # True print(3 == 3.0000000001) # False print(3 == "3") # False字符串

字符串是字符序列。创建字符串的方法有很多种 — 单引号 (')、双引号 (“),对于多行字符串,我们可以使用三引号 (”“”)。

# Single quotes are used to create stringsemail_subject: str = "Welcome to the Python Type System Course!"# Double quotes are used to create stringsemail_body: str = ( "Hi there, welcome to the Python Type System course. We hope you enjoy it!")# Triple quotes are used to create multi-line stringsemail_html: str = """ Welcome to the Python Type System Course!

Hi there, welcome to the Python Type System course. We hope you enjoy it!


使用哪一个取决于您的偏好或代码库偏好,但请坚持使用一个 U 盘和一种样式。我们可以使用斜杠 \ 来转义引号。

error_msg: str = "'str' object does not support item assignment"print(error_msg)# 'str' object does not support item assignment

Python 没有单独的字符类型,就像在 C 中我们有 char 一样。


msg: str = "Hello, World!" # Immutable msg[0] = "h" # Error: 'str' object does not support item assignment # Iterable for char in msg: print(char)

以下代码段涵盖了 String 上派上用场的一些常见方法:

msg: str = "Hello world"print(msg)print(msg.upper) # Convert the string to uppercaseprint(msg.lower) # Convert the string to lowercaseprint(msg.capitalize) # Capitalize the first letter of the stringprint(msg.title) # Capitalize the first letter of each wordprint(msg.startswith("Hello")) # Check if the string starts with "Hello"print(msg.endswith("world")) # Check if the string ends with "world"print(msg.Replace("world", "Python")) # Replace "world" with "Python"print(msg.split(" ")) # Split the string into a list of wordsprint(msg.find("world")) # Find the index of the first occurrence of "world"print(msg.index("world")) # Find the index of the first occurrence of "world"print(msg.count("l")) # Count the number of occurrences of "l" in the stringprint(len(msg)) # Get the length of the stringprint(" ".join(["Hello", "world"])) # Join a list of strings into a single stringprint(msg.strip) # Remove leading and trailing whitespaceprint(msg.lstrip) # Remove leading whitespaceprint(msg.rstrip) # Remove trailing whitespaceprint(msg.isalpha) # Check if the string contains only alphabetic charactersprint(msg.isnumeric) # Check if the string contains only numeric charactersprint(msg.isalnum) # Check if the string contains only alphanumeric charactersprint(msg.isdigit) # Check if the string contains only digitsprint(msg.islower) # Check if the string is in lowercaseprint(msg.isupper) # Check if the string is in uppercaseprint(msg.istitle) # Check if the string is in title caseprint(msg.isspace) # Check if the string contains only whitespace characters索引和切片

就像 list 和 tuple 一样,我们可以为字符串编制索引并对它们进行切片。

msg: str = "Hello world"print(msg)print(msg[0]) # Hprint(msg[1]) # eprint(msg[len(msg) - 1]) # dprint(msg[-1]) # dprint(msg[-2]) # lprint(msg[0:5]) # Helloprint(msg[6:11]) # world

在 concatenation 中,我们组合两个字符串。+ add 运算符是重载的,这意味着,就像我们可以添加两个数字一样,我们也可以添加两个字符串。(我们也可以添加两个列表。

greeting: str = "Welcome"username: str = "John"# Concatenationfull_greeting = greeting + ", " + usernameprint(full_greeting) # Output: Welcome, John

字符串插值是将变量或表达式的值插入字符串的过程。有几种方法可以做到这一点 — 使用 % 运算符、str.format 和 f-strings 格式的字符串文字。

greeting: str = "Welcome"username: str = "John"using_percent: str = "%s, %s!" % (greeting, username)format_string: str = "{}, {}!".format(greeting, username)f_string: str = f"{greeting}, {username}!"布尔

Boolean 有 2 个可能的值:True 和 False。在 Python 中,还有用于表达真值和假值的概念。

以下脚本是 check_truthiness 函数计算给定输入的布尔值的示例:

from typing import Anyis_married: bool = Trueis_dead: bool = Falsedef check_truthiness(value: Any) -> bool: if value: return True return Falseprint(check_truthiness()) # Falseprint(check_truthiness()) # Falseprint(check_truthiness({})) # Falseprint(check_truthiness(set)) # Falseprint(check_truthiness(0)) # Falseprint(check_truthiness(0.0)) # Falseprint(check_truthiness("")) # Falseprint(check_truthiness(" ")) # True

类型转换为布尔值很简单,因为所有 falsehood 值都转换为 False,而其他值则转换为 True。

from typing import Anydef convert_to_bool(value: Any) -> bool: return bool(value)print(convert_to_bool("True")) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool("False")) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool("true")) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool("false")) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(1)) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(0)) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool(100)) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(-100)) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(1.0)) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(0.0)) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool(100.0)) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool()) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool([1, 2, 3])) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool({})) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool({"key": "value"})) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool()) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool((1, 2, 3))) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(set)) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool({1, 2, 3})) # Trueprint(convert_to_bool(None)) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool("")) # Falseprint(convert_to_bool(" ")) # True


使用相等 (==) 进行比较,而不是使用恒等 (is)。布尔运算符 (and、or、not) 表现出短路行为,这意味着它们并不总是计算所有作数。在比较或运算中混合使用布尔和非布尔作数可能会因隐式类型转换而导致意外结果。x: bool = Truey: bool = True# Identity and equalityprint(x is True) # Output: Trueprint(x == True) # Output: True. Though `==` should be avoid to compare value with Trueprint(x is y) # Output: Trueprint(x == y) # Output: True# Short-circuiting behavior# some_function is not called if the first operand is Trueresult = True or some_function # Output: True# Mixing boolean and non-boolean operandsprint(True + 1) # Output: 2 (True is treated as 1 in numeric context)print(True > 0) # Output: True (True is greater than 0 in numeric context)二元的

二进制数据类型专门用于处理原始二进制数据,这些数据经常在文件、网络通信或低级作中遇到。Python 提供了三种内置的二进制类型:bytes、bytearray 和 memoryview。


不可变的字节序列(8 位值,范围从 0 到 255)。它用于存储和处理原始二进制数据,例如文件内容或编码字符串。

它表示为前缀为 b 或 B 的序列(例如,b“hello”)。每个字节都是一个整数,并且直接对这些整数执行作。

# Creating a bytes objectb = b"hello"print(b) # Output: b'hello'# Accessing individual bytesprint(b[0]) # Output: 104 (ASCII value of 'h')# Slicing a bytes objectprint(b[1:3]) # Output: b'el'# Encoding a string into bytestext = "Python"encoded = text.encode("utf-8")print(encoded) # Output: b'Python'print(encoded.decode("utf-8")) # Output: "Python"字节数组

可变的字节序列。与 bytes 不同,bytearray 可以在创建后进行修改。它适用于需要就地更新二进制数据的情况,例如修改文件缓冲区或网络数据包。

# Creating a bytearrayba = bytearray(b"hello")print(ba) # Output: bytearray(b'hello')# Modifying the bytearrayba[0] = 72 # ASCII for 'H'print(ba) # Output: bytearray(b'Hello')# Adding bytes to the bytearrayba.append(33) # ASCII for '!'print(ba) # Output: bytearray(b'Hello!')


with open("example.bin", "rb") as f: data = bytearray( Modify the datadata[0] = 255with open("example_modified.bin", "wb") as f: f.write(data)


# Creating a memoryview from a bytes objectb = b"example"mv = memoryview(b)# Accessing data through the memoryviewprint(mv[0]) # Output: 101 (ASCII for 'e')# Slicing the memoryviewprint(mv[1:4].tobytes) # Output: b'xam'# Casting the memoryview to a different formatmv_cast = mv.cast("B") # Cast to unsigned bytesprint(list(mv_cast)) # Output: [101, 120, 97, 109, 112, 108, 101]


data = bytearray(b"large binary data here")mv = memoryview(data)# Modify a portion of the datamv[0:5] = b"small"print(data) # Output: bytearray(b'small binary data here')

