用英语讲中国文化:“谷日 / 顺星节”,双语故事《八仙过海》

360影视 2025-02-05 16:42 3

摘要:正月初八又被称为“顺星节” (Festival of Honoring the Stars)。在这一天晚上,人们会摆放灯盏,以祈求新的一年顺利平安,流年照命星宿包括:日Sun 、月Moon 、金Venus、木Saturn、水Mercury、火Mars、土Jup


传说正月初八是谷子的生日,被称为“谷日” (Grain Day)

正月初八又被称为“顺星节” (Festival of Honoring the Stars)。在这一天晚上,人们会摆放灯盏,以祈求新的一年顺利平安,流年照命星宿包括:日Sun 、月Moon 、金Venus、木Saturn、水Mercury、火Mars、土Jupiter 等)。

正月初八还有放生祈福(Releasing Living Creatures for Blessings)的习俗,人们会将家中养的鱼、鸟等生物放归自然。


由于“八”与“发”同音,正月初八也被民间称为“敬八仙节”(Honoring the Eight Immortals)。人们会准备佳肴水果祭祀八仙,祈求新年吉祥如意。


八仙过海 The Eight Immortals Cross the Sea

相传很久以前,有八位得道成仙的人物,分别是:铁拐李、汉钟离、吕洞宾、曹国舅、张果老、韩湘子、蓝采和和何仙姑。他们各自拥有独特的法器和神通。Long ago, there were Eight Immortals: Iron Crutch Li, Han Zhongli, Lü Dongbin, Royal Uncle Cao, Zhang Guolao, Han Xiangzi, Lan Caihe, and He Xiangu.Each possessed unique magical items and powers.

一天,八仙受邀参加王母娘娘的蟠桃盛会,享用仙桃美酒。宴会结束后,他们决定返回人间。在路过东海时,吕洞宾提议不借助云彩,而是各显神通,利用自己的法器渡海。One day, the Eight Immortals were invited to the Queen Mother of the West’s banquet to enjoy celestial peaches and fine wine.After the feast, they decided to return to the mortal world.Passing by the East Sea, Lü Dongbin suggested that instead of riding on clouds, they should each display their divine powers and use their magical items to cross the sea.


Iron Crutch Li first placed his iron crutch on the sea’s surface, which instantly transformed into a small boat, carrying him toward the opposite shore.Next, Han Zhongliplaced his plantain fan on the water, stood atop it, and smoothly crossed the sea.The other immortals also displayed their magic, using their respective items to traverse the East Sea.

吕洞宾取出宝剑,骑在剑上飞行过海。何仙姑将荷花抛入水中,站在荷花上随波漂游。 张果老骑着他的纸驴,倒骑驴背渡海。韩湘子吹奏玉笛,笛声化作桥梁,踏音而行过海。蓝采和将花篮放在水面,站在篮中漂浮过海。曹国舅拿出玉板,怀抱玉板开路,巨浪退避,顺利渡海。

Lü Dongbin took out his treasured sword, rode on it, and flew over the sea.He Xiangu tossed her lotus flower into the water, stood upon it, and drifted with the waves to cross the sea. Zhang Guolao rode his paper donkey, sitting backward, to traverse the sea.Han Xiangziplayed his jade flute, and the melodies transformed into a bridge, allowing him to walk across the sea on the notes.Lan Caihe placed his flower basket on the water, stood inside it, and floated across the sea.Cao Guojiu took out his jade tablet, held it in front of him to clear a path, causing the huge waves to recede, and crossed the sea smoothly.

他们的举动惊动了东海龙王,他认为八仙擅自渡海,未曾通报,十分无礼。于是,龙王派遣虾兵蟹将前去阻拦。八仙见状,不甘示弱,与龙王展开了一场激烈的斗法,最终战胜了龙王,继续前行。Their actions alarmed the Dragon King of the East Sea, who felt it was disrespectful for the Eight Immortals to cross his domain without prior notice.He dispatched shrimp soldiers and crab generals to stop them.The Eight Immortals, unwilling to back down, engaged in a fierce battle of magic with the Dragon King.Ultimately, they defeated him and continued on their journey.


This story embodies the spirit of individuals utilizing their unique strengths to overcome challenges.The idiom “The Eight Immortals cross the sea, each displaying their own prowess” has thus come to describe people leveraging their talents and skills to collaboratively accomplish a task.




初八到,好运绕,幸福生活步步高!As the eighth day arrives, good luck surrounds you, and happiness rises step by step!

初八迎福,福气满满,健康平安!Welcome blessings on the eighth day, may you be full of good fortune, health, and peace!

初八吉祥,八方来财,事业蒸蒸日上!Good luck on the eighth day, may wealth come from all directions, and may your career flourish!

初八福星高照,事业顺利,家庭美满!The lucky star shines on the eighth day, may your career be smooth and your family happy!


2025-02-05 @ Grain Day

