摘要:loose cannon指一个失去控制、无视权威、打破常轨的人, 引申为“那些言行无法预测,可能失去控制的人”,这种人往往会伤害自己人;现在也指言行容易引起争端或不必要的麻烦的人,或言行变化无常的人;脾气容易一触即发的人。该俗语来源于几百年前的海战,当时船上的
loose cannon指一个失去控制、无视权威、打破常轨的人, 引申为“那些言行无法预测,可能失去控制的人”,这种人往往会伤害自己人;现在也指言行容易引起争端或不必要的麻烦的人,或言行变化无常的人;脾气容易一触即发的人。该俗语来源于几百年前的海战,当时船上的大炮被放在一个带轮子的平台上。平时用绳子栓住,以防随便移动。可当风暴来临,绳子在风浪的冲击下断了以后,大炮就会在甲板上到处滚动,甚至会把船员轧死,这比真正的敌人还危险。 Cannon是大炮的意思。
1. 指举止无法预料的人士:一个失去控制、无视权威、打破常轨的人;我行我素的人,随心所欲的人
Max is a loose cannon politically.
She was widely regarded as something of a political loose cannon.
Jason is an enthusiastic smart worker, but he can be a bit of a loose cannon.
In fact, he's a loose cannon who might do more damage to our side than the man I'm running against.
I know this guy is a smart political worker. But he's hard to control. In fact, he's a loose cannon who might do more damage to our side than the man I'm running against.
This candidate had appealing ideas, was a good speaker, and had an impressive record. But he lost. Too many voters were afraid he was a loose cannon who'd go his own way.
这位候选人的政见受人们欢迎,他也很善于词令,同时还有光彩傲人的经历。 然而他却败选了,因为有太多的选民担心他一意孤行,为所欲为,有难以预料的潜在危险。
He's more than a wild card; he's a loose cannon!
他 不仅言行难以预料, 而且还是个一意孤行的危险人物。
wild card对结果有难以预料的影响的人或组织
The minor party candidates can't win, but they are wild cards. If the election is close they might take enough votes away from Mr. Bush or Mr. Gore to help the other one win.
小党的候选人没有可能赢得竞选胜利,但是他们对选举结果的影响却难以预计。如果小布什和戈尔之间的得票数目相当, 那么小党候选人就可能从他们俩人中的某一个人那里夺走相当数量的选票,从而帮助另一个人赢得胜利。
I've taken the liberty of scripting your appearance on the witness stand because,
let's face it, you're somewhat of a loose cannon.
2. 言行变化无常的人;脾气容易一触即发的人
He is a kind person, though sometimes loose cannon.
You really have to be mindful of what you say to Jake. He's a loose cannon, and the smallest things will send him into a fit of rage(勃然大怒).”