【新刊速递】《太平洋评论》(PR), Vol. 38, No. 2, 2025 | 国政学人

360影视 国产动漫 2025-03-09 22:18 2

摘要:《太平洋评论》(The Pacific Review)是太平洋地区研究的主要平台,作为跨学科期刊,其宗旨和目标为打破研究领域之间以及学术界、新闻界、政府和商界之间的壁垒,重点关注政策问题。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2024年该刊


《太平洋评论》(The Pacific Review)是太平洋地区研究的主要平台,作为跨学科期刊,其宗旨和目标为打破研究领域之间以及学术界、新闻界、政府和商界之间的壁垒,重点关注政策问题。根据Journal Citation Reports显示,2024年该刊的影响因子为2.3。


1 俄罗斯对乌克兰发动军事行动后中俄关系的改善

Sino-Russian rapprochement after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

2 应对危机:日本外交政策的变化与对乌克兰的官方开发援助(2014—2023)

Responding to the crisis: Japan’s changing foreign policy and ODA to Ukraine (2014–2023)

3 东南亚LGBT的权利主张和政治参与

LGBT rights claiming and political participation in Southeast Asia

4 小国拯救国际自由经济秩序的关键权力:来自东亚的案例

Pivotal power of small states to save the international liberal economic order: the case from East Asia

5 中国地位的提升:一种关系视角

The rise of China’s status: a relational approach

6 马来西亚信息通信技术行业的政策制定:迈向发展型网络国家

Malaysia’s ICT sector policymaking: toward a developmental network state

7 网络领域的旭日:日本向积极网络防御的战略转变

Rising sun in the cyber domain: Japan’s strategic shift toward active cyber defense



题目Sino-Russian rapprochement after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

作者Gaziza Shakhanova,布拉格经济与商业大学简·马萨里克国际研究中心。


The goal of the present article is to analyse if there was an observable change in the impact of Chinese normative power on Russia after the start of the war in Ukraine. The article finds that despite Russia’s growing dependence on China there have been no significant changes in the measure of success of Chinese normative power in Russian discourse. Russian officials refuse to copy Chinese initiatives and instead produce competitive initiatives of their own. At the same time the article observes a significant change in the perception of China among the Russian elites: while before the invasion they had a tendency to look down on China, after the invasion they portray China in a radically more positive manner.


题目:Responding to the crisis: Japa’s changing foreign policy and ODA to Ukraine ( 2014-2023 )

作者:Kamila Szczepanska,图尔库大学东亚研究中心;Olga Barbasiewicz,华沙社会科学与人文大学社会科学研究所;Viktoriya Voytsekhovska,利沃夫国立理工大学经济与管理系。


The Russian aggression on Ukraine (2022) has marked a significant critical juncture for Japan’s foreign and security policies, and Japanese government has deployed a multitude of political, economic/financial, and limited military measures to support Ukraine. The article investigates a less-explored aspect of Japan’s foreign policy change in the post-2022 crisis setting, namely the development assistance provided to Ukraine. The manuscript discusses this subject from a long-term perspective, exploring the trends in—and directionality of—Japanese development assistance to Ukraine in the context of Japan’s evolving role in the international community between 2014 and 2023. It utilises a role theoretical approach to explore the frictions between the ambitious proactive contributor to peace national role conception promoted by PM Abe Shinzō (2012-2020) and the issue-specific role conceptions guiding Japan’s foreign policy behaviour towards Russia that shaped Japan’s response to the Ukraine-Russia tensions. The article elucidates how the fluctuations in Japanese ODA flows to Ukraine may contribute to our understanding of role conflict and how it was managed, as well as the rebalancing of and changes in Japanese foreign policy that have been occurring since 2022 under PM Kishida Fumio’s leadership.


题目:LGBT rights claiming and political participation in Southeast Asia

作者:Anthony J. Langlois,科廷大学商业与法律学院应用伦理学系主任。


In this paper, I read the creation of the ASEAN human rights regime, the development of SOGIESC rights claiming (where this denotes sexual orientation, gender identity & expression, and sex characteristics), and the social conflict associated with homophobia and the backlash to LGBT rights through modes of participation analysis. This framework is used to interpret the different uses of rights and values-denominated language and institutions in the context of advocacy for sexuality and gender diversity rights protection. I first explicate the modes of participation approach and reprise how I have previously used this to analyse SOGIESC rights claiming. I then show its utility for understanding the emergence of the elite level human rights regime in ASEAN, before indicating how it can also be used to analyse non-elite resistance to SOGIESC rights. Both elite and non-elite resistance can be linked to the older anti-rights discourse of “Asian Values”, which I illustrate with refence to three states: Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore. Taken together, these examples illustrate the capacity of modes of participation analysis to provide a persuasive account of the often contrasting and competing politics of human rights in the region.


题目:Pivotal power of small states to save the international liberal economic order: the case from East Asia

作者:Trissia Wijaya,立命馆大学亚洲日本研究机构;Jessica C. Liao,北卡罗来纳州立大学;Ewon Baik,南加州大学;Saori N. Katada,南加州大学。


Small- and medium-sized states acquire significant influence when regional and global orders are in flux, as in times of power transition. We have observed such dynamics especially since the 2008 Global Financial Crisis, when the competition between two superpowers of the United States (US) and China has intensified in such a way that it affects the soundness of the liberal international economic order (LIEO). These smaller states have become influential in the institutionalization of regional political and economic orders when conditions are right. We argue that the following three aspects of a small state’s attributes influence heavily in shaping their proactive approach to LIEO. The first is its economic structure that shapes its motivation. The second is its polity type that defines internal constraints. The third and final component is its international status that imposes external constraints. This study examines trade policies taken by Vietnam, Indonesia, and South Korea from the 2010s and onward and compares their respective approaches and their impacts on economic order-building in East Asia and beyond.


题目:The rise of China’s status: a relational approach

作者:Seulah Choi,高丽大学国际研究生院。


To what extent has China’s status risen, and how? Despite the pivotal role of China’s status in shaping its foreign policy and global phenomena, there is no scholarly consensus on where China is ranked in the global hierarchy and how it attains such a position. Building on empirical studies that use diplomatic exchanges and extending them by employing social network analysis, this article provides the first systematic analysis of China’s standing in the global status hierarchy. My findings show that China’s status has experienced significant growth with a substantial increase in the number of diplomatic recognitions received. While the United States garnered more recognition than China, the gap between the two has narrowed significantly over the last three decades, and, when considering the quality of diplomatic ties, China’s status even surpassed that of the United States by 2005. Additionally, my findings suggest that both exogenous and endogenous factors worked in concert to elevate China’s status. The rise of China’s status did not occur automatically with its economic or military capabilities’ growth. Instead, relational dynamics were also important: recognition from the most prestigious country, the United States, in the 1970s triggered a domino effect, prompting other countries to recognize China. Furthermore, China’s emphasis on aligning with the developing Third World enables it to uniquely position itself in diplomatic networks by engaging with both well-connected and marginalized countries. This diplomatic portfolio, in turn, equips China with significant social and brokerage power, suggesting that its influence is far more formidable than its material capabilities alone would imply.


题目:Malaysia’s ICT sector policymaking: toward a developmental network state

作者:Greg Felker,威拉姆特大学。


The history of Malaysia’s efforts to develop an internationally competitive information and communication technology (ICT) sector demonstrates how state interventionism has shaped its development trajectory. Early ambitions to ‘leapfrog’ Malaysia’s development by launching a cutting-edge innovation-based ICT sector failed, yet recent dynamism has established an internationally competitive shared services/global business process outsourcing sub-sector, as well as created a thriving eco-system for ICT-based start-up entrepreneurship in industries such as digital platform services and creative content. The renovation of the state’s role exemplifies key features of O’Riain’s model of the developmental network state (DNS) including the decentralization and networking of public agencies implementing industrial policy across the enterprise development life cycle, as well as a fast-follower approach to targeting. Unlike the DNS model, however, in Malaysia an enterprise ecosystem policy approach has not eroded the state’s overall economic leadership by embedding public authority in networks with private business interest group constituencies.


题目:Rising sun in the cyber domain: Japan’s strategic shift toward active cyber defense

作者:Dai Mochinaga,芝浦工业大学系统工程与科学系副教授。


This paper provides an in-depth analysis of Japan’s evolving cyber defense capabilities and explores its future challenges. National security has transformed in the twenty first century, with cyberspace becoming a key conflict domain. Japan, like other nations, has adapted to these changes. In 2022, the Japanese government introduced its active cyber defense concept. The National Security Strategy of 2022 stated the government’s posture for active cyber defense, which pre-emptively neutralizes adversary computers. This marked a turning point in Japan’s security and defense. This strategic shift, which occurred notably between 2000 and 2022, exemplifies Japan’s transition in the cyber domain. The scope of protecting cyberspace has evolved from primarily safeguarding civilian infrastructure to adopting proactive measures. This evolution is analyzed in the paper, which contrasts Japan’s approach with Western nations’ military-driven cyber policies. Additionally, the multifaceted challenges and opportunities arising from this paradigm shift in cyber capability development are explored. The analysis encompasses key aspects, including the policy formation, international cooperation, budgetary allocations, and the progress of organizational structures regarding the cyber domain. Furthermore, the study explores Japan’s future trajectory in cyber defense, with a particular focus on its role within the ‘Multi-Domain Defense Force’ and the dynamics of the Japan-US alliance.


审校 | 张潇文

排版 | 崔笑蓉

本文源于《太平洋评论》(PR), Vol. 38, No. 2, 2025,本文为公益分享,服务于科研教学,不代表本平台观点。如有疏漏,欢迎指正。

