润色专家意见: "It is worth noting that SCFA transporters and receptors are also present in the ENS" "It is worth noting that," as it is redundant and does not add value.
译文: "It is worth noting that" 这句话显得冗余,并没有增加价值。
1. 避免冗余表达:在写作中,尽量避免使用“it has been reported that,” “it is observed that,” “it was demonstrated that”等表达方式,因为它们通常不提供额外的信息。可以直接陈述事实或结果,以提高句子的直接性。
"It has been shown to restore the mammalian target of rapamycin signaling…"→"It restores…"
"It was reported that the expression levels of HSP22, pAMPK/AMPK, and PGC1α were significantly increased 24 hours after SAH in animal experiments." →"Animal experiments showed that the expression levels of HSP22, pAMPK/AMPK, and PGC1α were significantly increased 24 hours after SAH."
2. 使用主动语态:尽量使用主动语态而非被动语态。主动语态通常更简洁有力,使读者更容易理解。
"A study by...demonstrated that…" →"Vicentini et al. (2021) found that…"
"A significant correlation was observed" → "…revealed a significant association"以增强句子的主动性和精准性。
"Propionate has been shown to reduce colonic motility" → "Propionate reduces colonic motility"。"…has been shown to reduce…"显得冗余且被动, "…reduces…"表达更为直接。
"As observed by Yao Shi and colleagues in vitro…" → "In vitro, Yao Shi et al. observed…"
3. 精简表达:在写作时,寻找可以删除或合并的多余词汇。使用简洁的词语和句子结构,使文章更易于阅读和理解。
"In our review, we examined the existing literature on" →"This review examines…"
"It is worth noting that the composition of gut microbiota is linked with various clinical features in PD..." → "Gut microbiota composition is linked to various clinical features of PD..."
"After a 2-year follow-up of the included PD patients, it was observed that"这句话显得冗长,简化为"A 2-year follow-up of PD patients showed" 这样更直接地传达相同的意思。
"…create a conducive environment for the ENS to be exposed to…"→ "…expose the ENS to..."
"Further analysis of the correlation between SCFAs and clinical characteristics in PD patients has shown" →"Further analysis reveals" 将"has shown"(现在完成时)替换为"reveals"(一般现在时),使表达更加直接。
"Warranting further study" 比 "warrant further investigation in future research" 更简洁因为"further investigation" 和 "future research" 是多余的。
"Did not exhibit statistically significant correlations with" → "found no such correlations at" "No such correlations" 有效地指代之前提到的负相关,使句子更流畅。
"Evidence from patient data and animal models indicates that…"→ "Patient and animal model data suggest…"
"Leading to the formation of "→" promoting"避免冗余并改善句子的流畅性。
"Exerts beneficial effects that protect" → "promotes" 使句子更加流畅, 表达更加直接。
"Displayed a higher number of activated microglia" → "increased microglial activation";"Provide protective effects against" → "protect against" 简化表达, 但没有改变原意。
"The hypothesis regarding their anti-neuroinflammatory properties continues to hold promise" → "Their anti-neuroinflammatory potential in PD remains promising" 修改后表达更加简洁明确,且更具学术性。
4. 直接引用数据和证据:在陈述结果时,直接引用数据和证据,而不是使用模糊的表达方式。可以直接说明“X实验显示Y结果”,而不是说“有研究表明Y结果”。
"Research has indicated that a balanced diet is beneficial." → "Johnson and Lee (2022) demonstrated that a balanced diet reduced the risk of chronic diseases by 30%."
"Evidence suggests that stress management techniques can be effective." → "Patel et al. (2019) showed that participants who practiced mindfulness meditation experienced a 50% reduction in stress levels."
"…while the submucosal plexus influences mucosal electrolyte flow, hormone secretion, and the permeability of intestinal epithelial cells…" 这里的 "influences"一词不够准确,建议明确说明是如何影响黏膜的电解质流动、激素分泌及肠道上皮细胞通透性,是促进还是抑制? 突出需要澄清的重点,使内容更具吸引力。
"GLP-1 also plays a critical role in gastrointestinal motility" → "GLP-1 also regulates…",这样表达更清楚。
"…has a protective effect on neurobehavioral disorders…" → "…improved neurobehavioral disorders…" 修改后使表达更加明确。
6. 专业术语的使用
"The muscular layer of the intestinal wall (肠壁的肌肉层)" → "the intestinal muscular layer (肠肌层)"。
"Various immune cells in the gut" → "gut immune cells", 后者表达更直接。
7. 逻辑结构:确保文章的逻辑结构清晰,每个段落都有明确的主题句,并且各段落之间有良好的过渡,以增强整体连贯性。