Whalesbot Achieves Global Education Robotics Milestone丨全球销量第一

360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-13 13:01 2

摘要:Recently, Shanghai WhalesBot Technology Co., Ltd., a private enterprise in Minhang District, reached a pivotal milestone in its de

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Recently, Shanghai WhalesBot Technology Co., Ltd., a private enterprise in Minhang District, reached a pivotal milestone in its development. According to global strategic consulting firm Frost & Sullivan's in-depth research on the educational robotics market, WhalesBot sold over 1 million units worldwide in 2024 based on full-channel sales data, securing its position as the global leader in educational robotics sales. This achievement signals the rise of China's AI education hardware in the global market, with WhalesBot emerging as a new highlight of "Made-in-China" innovation going global.

"Our 2024 sales surpassed 1 million units, with 60%-70% from domestic markets and 30%-40% from overseas, primarily Southeast Asia. Notably, Europe and the U.S. showed rapid growth, especially in America's consumer market. In Amazon's brick-programming robotics category, we rank No. 1 in sales."Lyu Peizhang, Vice President of Shanghai WhalesBot Technology Co., Ltd. said.Educational robots, powered by AI, assist teaching and learning activities while fostering creativity in youth through customizable projects. WhalesBot has pioneered a full-age product system (3-22 years) backed by over 270 patents and a mature industrial chain.Lyu Peizhang said:"Educational robotics is an entirely new category. To establish it globally, we independently handle everything from chips, motors, and production to application scenarios. Our 1 million units validate our success in this niche field."The company's leadership emphasized 23 years of expertise in educational robotics and credited Minhang's business-friendly policies for supporting its global expansion.As a key Minhang project, WhalesBot will inaugurate its global-first educational robotics industrial base in April at Shanghai Maqiao Artificial Intelligence Innovation Pilot Zone. Spanning 40 mu (2.67 hectares) with 35,000㎡ floor area, the integrated R&D-production-education complex includes a robotics research tower, ENJOY AI (International) Youth Innovation Base, a STEM education hub, and smart manufacturing facilities. The base is projected to generate over ¥2 billion in annual output. The company is actively recruiting to ensure a strong start.Moving forward, WhalesBot aims to achieve 100% domestic production of hardware components, including chips, sensors, and motors, while enhancing R&D and manufacturing capabilities. Aligning with Minhang's Version 8.0 Business Environment Optimization Plan, the district will innovate cross-border services to bolster smart manufacturing supply chains and empower private enterprises in global market expansion.

近日,闵行民营企业——上海鲸鱼机器人科技有限公司迎来发展的“里程碑”。全球投资战略咨询机构“弗若斯特 沙利文”经过对全球教育机器人市场深度调研,按2024年全渠道总销量统计,鲸鱼机器人全年销量超100万套,实现教育机器人全球销量第一。这一成绩标志着中国AI教育硬件在全球市场的崛起,鲸鱼机器人也成为中国智造出海的新亮点。

上海鲸鱼机器人科技有限公司副总裁吕佩章告诉记者:“2024年的全年销量突破了100万(套),国内一般占六成到七成左右,海外占三成到四成,以东南亚为主。从销量来说,欧美增速是比较快的,特别是在美国的to C市场,相当于美国的积木编程机器人,这个细分类目,我们也是在亚马逊(网购平台)上销量是第一的。”据介绍,教育机器人是采用人工智能技术,用于协助进行教学或学习活动的机器人,其拥有丰富的项目设计空间,训练青少年的创造力,而鲸鱼机器人独创的3—22岁全年龄段产品体系,拥有超过270项专利,并已形成了相对成熟的产业链。企业负责人表示,其创始团队在教育机器人领域深耕23年,在闵行发展期间,是政府良好的营商环境,为企业产品出海提供了有力支撑。据了解,作为闵行区重大项目,今年4月,鲸鱼机器人全球首个教育机器人产业基地将在上海马桥人工智能创新试验区建成投用。该产业基地集产、学、研于一体,占地面积超40亩,总建筑面积达35000平方米,涵盖机器人科研大楼、ENJOY AI(国际)青少年科技创新实践基地、青少年科技研学基地、数字化生产基地。建成后,年产值有望超20亿元。目前企业正招兵买马,力争实现“开门红”。据介绍,未来,鲸鱼机器人将实现包括芯片、传感器、电机在内的所有硬件100%国产化,提升产品设计、研发、制造等全产业链技术与能力。而在闵行区优化营商环境8.0方案中,闵行也将创新打造企业出海综合集成服务,聚焦智能制造等领域,做强产业链出海,帮助民营企业进一步拓展全球市场。

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Reported by Dai Lihua, Xu PengEdited by Shi SijiaReviewed by Yue Shunshun, Shi Sijia, Xu Leibing

