《Delvis·色彩之声》沉浸式艺术展 The Sound of Colors of Delvis

360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-13 13:02 2



The Sound of Colors of Delvis is an immersive, multi-sensory exhibition where sound and color merge to unveil the hidden beauty of natural materials. Delvis invites you into a world where science meets art, transforming raw elements into captivating works through macro photography. This exhibition honors craftsmanship, reverence for nature, and Chinese culture.

展览地址 | Venue


Delvis Showroom, 86 Sinan Road, Shanghai


As a testament to authentic Italian design, Delvis unveils its showroom, showcasing meticulous craftsmanship and a deep commitment to nature and Chinese cultures.


Curated by INVENTI, with macro images by Beauty of Science, The Sound of Colors of Delvis is a poetic fusion of science and art, transforming nature’s raw essence into a captivating immersive experience.


Simultaneously uniting tradition and innovation, the exhibition features a cross-cultural ensemble: artists Alberto Sanseverino and Eileen Tao (bridging heritage with experimental approaches), the artisanal fragrance house 'S White Dew, and Tibetan musical trailblazer Kelsang Dorjee—collectively redefining interdisciplinary artistic dialogue."


The Sound of Colors by Delvis takes you on a musical journey through its materials, starting with .Harmonies of Metals, where structured and decorated metals shine, followed by .Resonance of Wood, featuring Oak and Acacia. Next, .Tactile Expressions brings leather and fabrics to life, and .Stone Melodies highlights marble


Through macro photography, these materials are transformed into art, enhanced with color codes, musical notes, and scents that resonate throughout the space. Together, they compose The Sound of Colors.


Each artwork is paired with a color and musical note, forming a living symphony that resonates throughout the space. The experience is further enriched by the signature scent ’S White Dew (之白露), seamlessly weaving each chapter into a unified journey.

【匠心共创工坊】Interactive Workshop

在本次展览中,由艺术家Eileen Tao (陶佳丽)领衔的自然材质手作课,邀您将原始素材蜕变为独特艺术品,在创作中重拾与自然的深层对话。(需要提前预约)

Hands-On Creativity: Led by Eileen Tao, this workshop invites guests to transform raw materials into unique art pieces, deepening their connection to nature and creativity.(By reservation only.)

装置艺术工作坊 – 器物

Installation Art Workshop – Vessel

日期:4月5日/ 4月6日 / 4月12日 / 4月13日




工作坊将带您探索金属丝线的独特魅力。体验铝丝在指尖缠绕时自然形成的有机形态,感受线性材质非凡的延展性与造型潜力。用 Delvis 提供的大理石与木块基座,既为装置增添稳固性,又赋予更多趣味可能。玻璃管的融入将提升作品的实用性,可化身花瓶或香薰载体。让我们亲手打造专属家居的完美艺术装置!

In this workshop, participants will be able to explore the unique charm of metal wires. By experiencing the organic shapes that naturally form as aluminum wires intertwine in their hands, they will discover the exceptional malleability and sculptural quality of linear materials. Additionally, we will employ high-quality marble and wooden blocks provided by Delvis to add stability to the installation while infusing them with greater fun. The integration of glass tubes will enhance the practicality of the piece, allowing them to be used as a vase or diffuser. Join us and create the perfect art installation for your home with your own hands!

装置艺术工作坊 – 挂画

Installation Art Workshop – Painting

日期:4月5日/ 4月6日 / 4月12日 / 4月13日




参与者将将开启一场艺术创作之旅:深入观察展览中的微观影像,从中汲取灵感,捕捉细节中蕴藏的创作巧思。我们精选 Delvis 优质布革面料,搭配非遗传承人黄大师的棕榈线等天然植物材质,这些丰富媒材将化身独特"颜料"任您挥洒于画布,绘就自然之美。通过触摸、感知与创作,让自然与艺术在画布上交织,打造独一无二的艺术品。

In this workshop, we will embark on an artistic creation journey. Participants will delve into the exhibited micro-images to draw inspiration and capture the creativity hidden in the details. We specially selects high-quality fabrics and leathers provided by Delvis, paired with natural plant materials such as palm threads meticulously crafted by Intangible Cultural Heritage inheritor Master Huang. These diverse materials will be transformed into unique “pigments” to be freely applied on the canvas, painting the beauty of nature. Through touching, feeling, and creating, allowing nature and art to interweave on the canvas, creating one-of-a-kind pieces.

