摘要:第一段:"Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens."第二段:"A friendl
第一段: "Postcards always spoil my holidays. Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in public gardens."第二段: "A friendly waiter taught me a few words of Italian. Then he lent me a book."第三段: "I read a few lines, but I did not understand a word. Every day I thought about postcards."第四段: "My holidays passed quickly, but I did not send any cards to my friends."第五段: "On the last day, I made a big decision. I got up early and bought thirty-seven cards. I spent the whole day in my room, but I did not write a single card!"通过大声朗读并结合情绪,强化记忆。你可以模拟在度假地的感受,想象自己坐在花园中,体验那种懒散又有点无奈的情绪。
"Postcards always spoil my holidays." 语气里可以带有一点无奈,想象自己每次度假都被寄明信片的事情拖累。"Last summer, I went to Italy." 可以稍微放慢语速,强调"Italy",带出兴奋和回忆。"On the last day, I made a big decision." 语气转为坚定,但又带有一点滑稽感,因为最后没有做到决定。在日常生活中,模拟一个类似的情境。例如,某次度假时你为了寄明信片耽误了时间,结果最后还是没写。你可以用英语复述这个场景:
"Postcards always spoil my holidays! Last summer, I went to Italy. I visited museums and sat in gardens. I met this friendly waiter who taught me a few Italian words and lent me a book. I tried reading it, but didn’t understand a word! Every day I thought about postcards, but I didn’t send any. On the last day, I bought thirty-seven cards, but guess what? I didn’t write a single one!"场景2:和家人谈论度假时的懒散和拖延:
"You know, postcards ruined my last holiday. I went to Italy, had a blast visiting museums, and learning a bit of Italian from a local waiter. But then every day I kept thinking, ‘I’ll write the postcards later.’ I ended up buying thirty-seven cards on the last day, and guess what? Didn’t write a single one!"你可以把这段话和自己的一些真实经历结合起来。比如,某次度假时你原本打算寄明信片,却总是拖延到最后,甚至什么都没写。
"I totally relate to this. I remember my last holiday. I went to Spain, visited some beautiful places, and met a lot of friendly people. I even bought postcards, but I just couldn’t bring myself to write them. Every day, I thought I’d do it later, and in the end, I didn’t send any!"这段话中包含了不同的情绪:懒散、无奈、幽默。通过想象自己在这些情绪中的状态,可以帮助你记住句子。下面是如何通过情绪来帮助记忆的具体示例:
懒散和拖延想象自己在度假时的懒散状态,打算写明信片却不断拖延。你可以想象自己躺在床上或坐在咖啡馆里,心里想着“明天再写”。用轻松但有些拖延的语气说:"I kept thinking, 'I'll write the postcards tomorrow.' Every day passed, but I never wrote a single one."无奈和自嘲
最后,当你决定买了明信片,却又没有写时,可以想象自己带着些许无奈的表情,感叹自己永远都完成不了这个小“任务”。你可以用自嘲的语气来表达:"I bought thirty-seven postcards on the last day. I spent the whole day in my room, but I didn't write a single card! How typical of me!"幽默和轻松
整个故事有点幽默,最后没有写明信片的行为显得有点滑稽。你可以用轻松、幽默的语气来说:"I bought all those postcards, but they just sat there in my room, untouched. Guess I was too busy relaxing!"