
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-20 17:08 5

摘要:This post will introduce the comparative study of pricing strategies in the SaaS monopoly market from the intensive reading master







SaaS 垄断市场下定价策略对比研究(2)”


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"Zhexue (126): Intensive reading of master's thesis

"A study on SaaS pricing game considering market structure differences"

Comparative Study on Pricing Strategies in SaaS Monopoly Market (2)"

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本期推文将从思维导图、精读内容、知识补充三个方面介绍精读硕士论文《考虑市场结构差异的SaaS定价博弈研究》的SaaS 垄断市场下定价策略对比研究。

This post will introduce the comparative study of pricing strategies in the SaaS monopoly market from the intensive reading master's thesis "Research on SaaS Pricing Game Considering Market Structure Differences" from three aspects: mind mapping, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement.

一、思维导图(Mind Maps)

二、精读内容(Intensive reading content)

(1)模型构建(Model building)

1.固定定价(Fixed Pricing)


This article discusses the pricing strategy of SaaS providers under a fixed pricing mechanism. User surplus is defined and user purchasing behavior is analyzed. The profit maximization problem of SaaS providers is expressed as maximizing the profit function. The conclusion shows that the optimal price is 2γ^2 and the profit is 2γ^3/[e^2δ(1+γ/δ)δ/γ+1], which increases with γ and decreases with δ. Formula (3.8) gives the calculation method of the optimal price.


Through mathematical derivation, the optimal price and profit formula of SaaS providers is obtained. Studies have shown that as user preference increases, the profit of SaaS providers will also increase, while as the average risk increases, the profit will decrease. SaaS providers need to consider the two factors of risk and user preference when setting prices in order to formulate appropriate pricing strategies. In addition, user consumption behavior will also be affected by these two factors.

2.按用量定价(Usage-based pricing)


The article first introduces the price design under the usage pricing mechanism, emphasizing two constraints: consumer utility and non-negative income. Then, it assumes user surplus and analyzes user purchasing behavior. When the user does not purchase the service, a specific condition is met. The profit maximization problem of the SaaS provider is expressed as maximizing the profit function. The conclusion points out that under the usage pricing mechanism, the optimal price list of the SaaS provider is given by a specific formula.


The picture content discusses the pricing strategy of SaaS providers when accurately assessing service risks. The conclusion points out that when the risks are known, SaaS providers can formulate the best price list and calculate the corresponding profits. The profits will increase with the accuracy of risk assessment. In addition, SaaS providers can formulate corresponding pricing strategies according to different user risk levels, so as to better meet the needs of different market segments and accelerate the promotion and application of SaaS services in various markets.

3.混合定价(Hybrid pricing)


The hybrid pricing mechanism combines fixed pricing and usage-based pricing. Users choose the purchase method based on the residual value. SaaS providers need to determine the optimal price and strategy to maximize the overall profit. By analyzing user behavior and market coverage, providers can develop pricing strategies that are suitable for different market characteristics.


Under the hybrid pricing mechanism, how can SaaS providers develop the optimal pricing strategy based on risk assessment and user characteristics. The conclusion points out that when the risk is certain, SaaS providers can set the optimal usage pricing and fixed pricing to maximize profits. In order to ensure that both pricing mechanisms have user choices, specific conditions need to be met. Users will choose the most appropriate pricing mechanism based on their own value. The hybrid pricing mechanism helps to attract more users and expand the market. SaaS providers can divide users into different groups according to user characteristics and develop corresponding pricing strategies to increase profits.

(2)模型结果分析(Model results analysis)

1.采纳时机分析(Adoption timing analysis)


The article analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of three pricing mechanisms, and by comparing their profits, it is concluded that when there are fewer high-value users in the market, SaaS providers should adopt a single fixed pricing mechanism; when there are more high-value users, a mixed pricing mechanism should be adopted. This strategic choice helps SaaS providers obtain maximum profits based on different market characteristics.


The conclusion points out that when the average user preference in the market is low, the fixed pricing mechanism is the best choice, because at this time there are fewer high-value users in the market, and most users are low-value users. The fixed pricing mechanism can ensure that SaaS providers obtain stable profits in the early stage of the market and attract more users. When the average user preference in the market is high, the mixed pricing mechanism is the best choice because it can expand the user base and increase profits. In addition, SaaS providers can also formulate the best pricing strategy by identifying user risks. Figure 3.1 shows the trend of a function over time.

2.用户消费行为分析(Analysis of user consumption behavior)


The article analyzes the consumption behavior of users under different risk environments, especially the choices under usage pricing and fixed pricing mechanisms. The article points out that user surplus changes with user preferences and risks, affecting which pricing mechanism users choose. In a high-risk environment, users tend to choose a fixed pricing mechanism; in a low-risk environment, users may prefer a usage pricing mechanism. The article also discusses the minimum threshold for users to switch from usage pricing to fixed pricing, and how SaaS providers can attract users by adjusting pricing strategies under different risk environments.


Then the conditions for users to choose pricing mechanisms under a mixed pricing mechanism are discussed. The conclusion points out that in a high-risk environment, only high-preference users will switch from usage-based pricing to a fixed pricing mechanism. This is because high risk reduces the user's utility, and only high-preference users can still get enough value from SaaS services under high risk. The fixed pricing mechanism is independent of usage, and users bear less risk. The conclusion also points out that user choices will be affected by preference and risk factors and follow specific conditions.


Corollary 3.1 points out that in a high-risk environment, the number of users who do not purchase SaaS services increases, and users are more inclined to a usage-based pricing mechanism. As the risk of SaaS services increases, the market size gradually shrinks, and some users will switch from fixed pricing to usage-based pricing. Figure 3.2 shows the impact of risk on user choices under mixed pricing, illustrating the changes in user purchasing preferences under different risk environments.

3.社会福利效应分析(Analysis of social welfare effect)


First, social welfare is defined as the sum of provider profit and user surplus. Under the fixed pricing mechanism, user surplus and social welfare are calculated by formula. Then, under the mixed pricing mechanism, user surplus consists of two parts, corresponding to fixed pricing and usage-based pricing users. By comparing the social welfare under different pricing mechanisms, it is concluded that the social welfare under the mixed pricing mechanism is greater than that under the single usage-based pricing mechanism. Further comparison of the social welfare under the mixed pricing and fixed pricing mechanisms shows that the social welfare under the mixed pricing mechanism is greater.


Figure 3.3 shows that when the parameter γ is much greater than c, the social welfare of the mixed pricing mechanism is greater than that of the single fixed pricing mechanism. This shows that the level of unit transaction cost is a key factor in whether the usage-based pricing mechanism can create value. The function in the figure gradually rises after an initial decline and eventually stabilizes.

三、知识补充(Knowledge supplement)


Social welfare effects refer to the impact of an event, policy or behavior on the overall welfare of society. Social welfare usually includes economic growth, income distribution, employment, education, health, environmental quality and other aspects. Social welfare effects can be positive or negative, depending on how the relevant factors interact.


Positive effects:


1. Economic growth: increase social wealth and improve people's living standards by improving productivity and employment opportunities.


2. Income distribution: reduce the gap between the rich and the poor and improve social fairness through means such as taxation and transfer payments.


3. Education and health: improve the accessibility and quality of education and medical services, enhance human capital, and promote social stability and development.


4. Environmental protection: protect natural resources and the environment through sustainable development policies and improve the quality of life.


Negative effects:


1. Uneven distribution of resources: may cause some groups to benefit too much while other groups benefit insufficiently, exacerbating social inequality.


2. Economic fluctuations: certain policies may trigger economic instability, such as inflation or increased unemployment.


3. Environmental damage: overexploitation and pollution may damage the environment and affect the welfare of future generations.





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参考资料:谷歌、Chat GPT






