
360影视 2024-12-01 09:48 8

摘要:This issue of tweets will introduce the intensive reading doctoral dissertation "Research on pricing decisions and dynamic coordin










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"Zhexue (78): Intensive reading of doctoral dissertation

"Research on pricing decision and dynamic coordination of competitive green Supply chain considering fairness preference"

Research on green supply chain pricing strategy

considering fairness concerns and manufacturer competition (2)"

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This issue of tweets will introduce the intensive reading doctoral dissertation "Research on pricing decisions and dynamic coordination of competitive green supply chains considering fairness preferences" from three aspects: Mind mapping, intensive reading content, and knowledge supplement. The research on green supply chain pricing strategies considering fairness concerns and manufacturer competition.

一、思维导图(Mind Maps)

二、精读内容(Intensive reading content)

(1)考虑制造商竞争和双向公平关切的定价决策(Pricing decisions considering manufacturer competition and two-way fairness concerns)


In the study of green supply chain, Model FF explores the interactive relationship between two fairness-conscious manufacturers and a fair and neutral retailer. The manufacturer's utility function takes into account its profit and fairness concerns with retailers and other manufacturers. Proposition 3-2 further explains the optimal pricing strategy and profit of manufacturers and retailers under this two-way fairness concern, as well as the optimal profit of the entire supply chain and the manufacturer's utility.


Corollary 3-3 shows that in model FF, the optimal transaction price, the optimal wholesale price, and the optimal retail price are positively correlated with consumers’ green preferences. This means that as consumers’ preference for green products increases, these prices will also rise.


Corollary 3-3 shows that in model FF, the optimal transaction price, the optimal wholesale price, and the optimal retail price are positively correlated with consumers’ green preferences. This means that as consumers’ preference for green products increases, these prices will also rise.


Corollary 3-5 analyzes how manufacturers' vertical and Horizontal fairness concerns affect the optimal product greenness, wholesale price, and retail price in the green supply chain. The study shows that product greenness is negatively correlated with vertical fairness concerns and positively correlated with horizontal fairness concerns. When consumer green preferences are below a certain threshold, wholesale prices increase with increasing vertical fairness concerns and decrease with increasing horizontal fairness concerns. The trend of retail prices is similar to that of wholesale prices and is affected by wholesale prices. These findings emphasize the need for manufacturers to balance fairness concerns with consumer preferences and market competition when formulating strategies.


Corollary 3-6 reveals that manufacturers have higher utility when horizontal fairness concerns are low. Under certain conditions, the total profit of the supply chain is positively correlated with the horizontal fairness concern coefficient η, which indicates that at an appropriate level of horizontal fairness concerns, the supply chain can achieve higher total profits. These findings emphasize the importance of balancing fairness concerns and economic benefits in supply chain management.

(2)决策对比分析(Comparative analysis of decision making)


According to Proposition 3-3, manufacturers' vertical and horizontal fairness concerns and consumers' green preferences jointly influence pricing decisions. When manufacturers compete moderately and consumers prefer green products, fair behavior may increase wholesale and retail prices but reduce product greenness. However, as competition intensifies and green preferences strengthen, manufacturers may increase green innovation inputs and may eventually reduce wholesale prices to meet market demand, which in turn affects retail prices.


Corollary 3-7 points out that as the degree of vertical fairness concern increases, the difference in optimal product greenness between different models shrinks, while the increase in horizontal fairness concern expands this difference. In addition, the strengthening of vertical equity concerns may lead to an increase in the difference between wholesale and retail prices, while the opposite is true for horizontal equity concerns. This shows that fairness concern behavior has a significant impact on product greenness and price differences.


According to Proposition 3-4 and Corollary 3-8, under certain conditions, the retailer profit in Model FF may be higher than that in Model NN. The change in retailer profit is negatively correlated with the degree of vertical fairness concern and positively correlated with the degree of horizontal fairness concern, that is, an increase in vertical fairness concern will reduce the change in profit, while an increase in horizontal fairness concern will increase the change. The comparison of manufacturer and supply chain profits will be further explored in the case analysis.

三、知识补充(Knowledge supplement)


The impact of vertical and horizontal fairness concerns on supply chain efficiency is multifaceted:


1. Fairness concerns and cooperation efficiency: Studies have shown that when retailers or both sides of the supply chain have fairness concerns, cooperation efficiency may decrease within certain intervals. However, by reasonably designing the fairness concern coefficient, supply chain members can improve cooperation efficiency.


2. Vertical fairness concerns: When only manufacturers are concerned about fairness, cooperation efficiency will increase with the increase of the fairness concern coefficient. Manufacturers can set the fairness concern coefficient within a reasonable range to improve cooperation efficiency.


3. Horizontal fairness concerns: In a closed-loop supply chain with dual-channel sales, the horizontal fairness preference of offline retailers can prompt the two retailers to compete to reduce retail prices and increase recycling rates, thereby increasing the utility of manufacturers and the entire supply chain system. However, this preference may also lead to a decrease in the utility of the two retailers.


4. Supply chain pricing strategy: In a vertical supply chain, the fairness preference of suppliers or retailers can be satisfied through wholesale price contracts, thereby achieving optimal supply chain profits and the highest efficiency. In a horizontal supply chain, manufacturers with fairness preferences can significantly improve the profits and performance of the entire supply chain through Cournot game, even if the wholesale price contract cannot meet their fairness preferences.


5. Supply chain coordination: Although fairness concerns may not have a direct impact on the profits of retailers and supply chains, they will have an important impact on the utility of retailers and supply chains. The larger the fairness concern coefficient, the greater the impact.





That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a nice day!


参考资料:谷歌、Chat GPT

参考文献:葛根哈斯. 考虑公平偏好的竞争型绿色供应链定价决策和动态协调研究[D]. 北京科技大学, 2023.





