
360影视 日韩动漫 2025-03-21 10:37 4

摘要:This issue will introduce the method basics of the intensively read replica paper "Crowd intelligence knowledge mining method base









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Dear, this is the LearingYard Academy!

Today, the editor brings the

"Yue Lan (126):Intensive reading of the journal article

'Crowd intelligence knowledge mining method

based on co-word Network – application

in emergency decision-making’

1 Method basics".

Welcome to visit!

一、内容摘要(Summary of Content)


This issue will introduce the method basics of the intensively read replica paper "Crowd intelligence knowledge mining method based on co-word network – application in emergency decision-making" in terms of mind maps, intensively read content, and knowledge supplementation.

二、思维导图(Mind Mapping)

三、精读内容(Intensive reading content)

(一)TF⁃IDF算法(TF-IDF algorithm)


This section first introduces the basics of the TF-IDF algorithm: TF-IDF is a classic method proposed by Salton to calculate the weight of feature words in a document. The core idea is that if a word appears frequently in a small number of documents, it is more representative. TF represents the frequency of occurrence of a feature word in a document, and IDF represents the rarity of the feature word in the entire corpus. It is calculated as the logarithm of the ratio of the total number of documents in which the word appears in the corpus to the number of documents containing the word. Finally, TF is multiplied by IDF to obtain the TF-IDF value, which is used to measure the importance of the feature word in the document.

(二)Louvain社区检测算法(Louvain community detection algorithm)


This section first introduces the basics of the Louvain community detection algorithm: The Louvain algorithm is a fast community detection algorithm based on modularity optimization and is widely used in network clustering analysis. Its goal is to maximize the modularity of the entire network to evaluate the quality of community division. Modularity measures the tightness of the community, and the connection weights between nodes and their changes ΔQ are taken into account during calculation.


The Louvain algorithm mainly consists of two stages: first, each node is regarded as an independent community, and its affiliation is gradually adjusted to maximize the modularity; then, the formed community is collapsed into a new node, and the above process is repeated until the change in modularity is lower than the threshold.

四、知识补充(Knowledge supplement)


Network clustering analysis is a technique used to discover and divide communities or clusters in a network. Its core goal is to identify substructures in the network that are tightly connected internally and sparsely connected externally. These substructures usually correspond to groups of nodes with similar characteristics, such as friend circles in social networks, research groups in academic collaboration networks, etc.


In network science, a "community" or "cluster" refers to a group of nodes that are more densely connected to each other than to other nodes. For example, in a social network, a community may represent a group of users with similar interests, while in a biological network, a cluster may represent genes or proteins with similar functions.


Network cluster analysis has the following main goals:

1. 识别网络中的社区结构:找到网络中相互关联紧密的节点集合。

1. Identify community structures in the network: find sets of nodes in the network that are closely connected to each other.

2. 优化网络结构:理解网络中不同部分的作用,优化社交推荐、信息传播等。

2. Optimize network structure: understand the role of different parts of the network, optimize social recommendations, information dissemination, etc.

3. 提高计算效率:在大规模网络中,聚类可以减少计算复杂度,提高数据处理速度。

3. Improve computational efficiency: In large-scale networks, clustering can reduce computational complexity and increase data processing speed.

4. 发现隐藏的模式:揭示网络中可能存在的隐含关系,如病毒传播路径、社交群体影响力等。

4. Discover hidden patterns: reveal potential implicit relationships in the network, such as viral transmission paths, social group influence, etc.





That's all for today's sharing.

If you have a unique idea about the article,

please leave us a message,

and let us meet tomorrow.

I wish you a nice day!





参考资料:百度百科、Chat GPT

参考文献: 徐选华, 黄丽, 陈晓红. 基于共词网络的群智知识挖掘方法——在应急决策中应用 [J]. 管理科学学报, 2023, 26(5): 121-137.


