“TikTok refugee 来小红书要交猫税” 的梗起源于 2025 年初TikTok 用户因平台在美国面临被禁的风险而大量涌入小红书。这些美国用户自称 “TikTok 难民”,在注册账号后,很多人会发布自家宠物照作为在小红书的第一条帖子,其中猫咪照片居多。 有人在小红书上问 “要怎样能快速的融入这里”,于是有人指点说 “那就交上你的猫猫照片或视频来‘缴猫税’吧”,甚至还有人做了猫税收据,提供 “完税证明”。这一行为被中国网友戏称为 “交猫税”。 The meme "TikTok refugees need to pay the 'cat tax' when coming to REDBOOK" originated in early 2025. Due to the risk of TikTok being banned in the US, a large number of American TikTok users flocked to REDBOOK. These American users self - identified as "TikTok refugees". After registering their accounts, many of them, almost spontaneously, posted pictures of their pets as their first posts on REDBOOK, with pictures of cats being the most common. Someone asked on REDBOOK, "How can I integrate here quickly?" Then someone suggested, "Just submit pictures or videos of your cats to 'pay the cat tax'." There were even people who created cat - tax receipts and provided "tax - paid certificates". This behavior was jokingly called "paying the cat tax" by Chinese netizens.摘要:“TikTok refugee 来小红书要交猫税” 的梗起源于 2025 年初TikTok 用户因平台在美国面临被禁的风险而大量涌入小红书。这些美国用户自称 “TikTok 难民”,在注册账号后,很多人会发布自家宠物照作为在小红书的第一条帖子,其中猫咪照片居多