德银新晋董事总经理名单(亚太地区) Deutsche Bank's Asia MD list:
Adamas Wong, chief legal officer, Deutsche Bank Asset Management
Amit Sheshinski, head of real estate investment banking, Sydney
Ankit Murarka, Singapore, investment banking
Anne Zhang, Head of China Flow Credit Sales at Deutsche Bank
David Geddes, Head of M&A in Sydney, joined from Credit Suisse in 2023
David Hopwood, Head of natural resources in Australia, based in Sydney
Gargi Bose, Programme Director, Bengalaru
Hugo Tian, Derivatives trader, Singapore
Ikuma Nagata, Rates trading, Japan
Ivan Wong, Global head of cash management, Singapore
Jeremy Koo, Head of institutional clients group macro, Korea
Keith Lim, chief auditor, Singapore
Kelly Mantova, head of ABS Australia
Mahesh Nayak, COO for global technology centres, Bangalore
Mark Castellas, APAC and EM head of market risk
Ole Gerdau, China COO
Owen Gallimore, head of APAC credit analysis
Peter Milliken, head of company research, based in Singapore
Robert Ings, M&A Tokyo, ex-Credit Suisse
Rosetta Dsouza, COO finance centre, India
德银新晋董事总经理名单(亚太地区以外)Deutsche Bank's (incomplete) 2025 MD list ex-Asia
Raphael Bahbouth, institutional client group San Paolo
Abigal Carras, US financing coverage
Julio Castro Zuazo, risk, Madrid
Jean-Francois Clement, London FIG banker
Yaniv Cohen, structured solutions group, New York
Alex Earl, New York
Oliver Froment, France
Micha Gobets, head of the Benelux Instiutional clients group
Jane Gow, global head of employee relations
Marina Gribuk, head of risk and control
Clemens Kaniak, banking, London
Nina Korolyova, EMEA head of loan distribution, joined from Goldman in 2024
Inge-Lise Macskaay, head of ESG solutions
Matthew Matson, head of US leveraged loan and CLO trading
Branco Rodic, New York FIG banker, joined from Citi in 2023
Amber Stevenson, beauty and personal care banker, London
Gervais Vaichere, head of bank credit solutions, Paris
Kaveet Vadgama, chief cost officer, London
Matthew Weber, banking, London, joined from Credit Suisse in 2023
Nicol Wolf, head of North America FX sales
Yixin Zhang
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