为进一步深化人文交流,丰富构建人类命运共同体的文明内涵,中共中央对外联络部国际交流中心和《当代世界》杂志社联合举办第二届“美美与共青年笔汇”活动。有关事项通知如下: 一、活动主题本次活动以深入宣介和践行全球文明倡议为主题,旨在加强世界文明交流互鉴,主要通过征文、绘画、书法(含篆刻)、照片及背后的故事等多种形式,反映参赛者对中华文明的体验和感受,对中国式现代化及中国携手世界共同发展的感悟和评价,特别是对共建人类命运共同体理念的理解和认知。 二、活动对象主要面向世界各国政党、政治组织青年人士尤其是全球南方青年政治精英,在华媒体人士、学者以及留学生等外国青年群体。以个人或团队名义参赛均可,鼓励在校留学生在指导教师辅导下参赛。 三、活动要求本次活动采用征文、绘画、书法(含篆刻)、照片及背后的故事四种形式同时征集的方式进行,参与者可参加其中一项或多项比赛。参赛作品以真实生活和切身感受为创作基础,均须原创,未在其他书、报、刊、网站、新媒体平台公开发表,也未向其他同类比赛投稿。(一)征文要求1.围绕活动主题,题目自拟。作品内容可涉及社会生活的各个领域,可以讲述见证中国改革开放、中国与世界携手同行现代化之路、共同构建人类命运共同体、文明互鉴和人文社会交流等方面的真实鲜活故事,也可以讲述在学习、生活、工作等方面的亲身经历、感受和见闻。2.体裁不限。作品建议以中文撰写,篇幅1000—2000字为宜,字体格式采用宋体、四号字、1.5倍行距;如以英文撰写,篇幅不少于1000词,字体格式采用Times New Roman、大小18号、1.5倍行距。作品发送至文末活动指定邮箱,邮件标题统一格式为:征文—作者护照姓名—国籍—作品标题。(二)绘画要求1.围绕活动主题,绘画作品类别不限、风格不限,形式不拘泥于传统表达方式,鼓励创新。建议附200中文字或150英文词以内作品介绍。2.载体不限,通过电子设备或纸张进行创作均可。如选用电子设备绘画,可将画作以图片形式保存;如选用纸张绘画,可将画作以拍照或扫描等形式转换为电子版图片(JPG格式,文件不低于5M)。3.绘画作品的电子版图片发送至文末活动指定邮箱,邮件标题统一格式为:绘画—作者护照姓名—国籍—作品标题。对于采用纸张绘画的参赛者,鼓励将画作寄送至活动组委会,相关邮寄信息见文末。(三)书法(含篆刻)要求1.围绕活动主题,书法(含篆刻)作品类别不限、风格不限,形式不拘泥于传统表达方式,可与本国文字结合创新设计。建议附200中文字或150英文词以内作品介绍。2.载体不限,鼓励通过书法专用纸张进行创作,并将作品以拍照或扫描等形式转换为电子版图片,发送至文末活动指定邮箱,邮件标题统一格式为:书法—作者护照姓名—国籍—作品标题。同时,鼓励将书法作品寄送至活动组委会,相关邮寄信息见文末。3.如选用电子设备进行书法创作,可将画作以图片形式(JPG格式,文件不低于5M)保存发送至文末活动指定邮箱,邮件标题统一格式同上。(四)照片及背后的故事要求1.围绕活动主题,作品内容可以是社会生活、大众人物、自然风光、风土人情等。2.作品要求构思新颖、画面清晰、布局合理,具有一定的艺术表现力。摄影作品黑白、彩色均可,须附作品简要说明体现照片背后的故事,500中文字或300英文词以内为宜。每人提交不超过2件作品,单幅照片和组照(每组不超过3张,按1件计算)均可。3.摄影作品一律采用JPG格式,文件大小不低于5M。作品发送至文末活动指定邮箱,邮件标题统一格式为:照片及背后的故事—作者护照姓名—国籍—作品标题。 四、发送方式(一)参与本次活动的个人或团队,请务必认真填写《活动信息登记表》(见附件),连同作品一并发送至文末活动指定邮箱。(作品规范及要求参见本通知第三部分)(二)如以所在院校、毕业院校、就职机构等单位统一组织发送作品,请在活动信息登记表中注明单位信息。(三)参与活动的作品及作品简介,可采用附件形式或百度网盘链接+密码形式,发送至文末活动指定邮箱,邮件标题请注明“征文/绘画/书法(含篆刻)/照片及背后的故事—作者护照姓名—国籍—作品名称”。 五、时间安排本次活动时间:2024年11月至2025年5月,具体分为三个阶段:(一)征集阶段(2024年11月至2025年3月)1.电子邮箱提交作品截止时间:2025年3月30日;2.快递邮寄提交作品截止时间:2025年3月21日。(二)评奖阶段(2025年4月)1.活动组委会将于2025年4月1日至4月23日组织对征文、绘画、书法(含篆刻)、照片及背后的故事四个类别分组评审。活动组委会将组织相关领域权威专家对参赛作品进行评选。2.活动组委会将于2025年4月23日至4月30日在《当代世界》多语种网站(https://www.ddsicn.com)和《当代世界》中文微信公众号对最终评选结果进行公示,并对获奖个人和集体进行表彰。(三)宣传阶段(2025年5月起)将在“五四”青年节前后举办“美美与共青年笔汇”优秀作品展、颁奖式,并邀请获奖代表以及优秀组织单位来京参与中外青年“美美与共”才艺展示,展示不同文化和合共生的魅力。同时,优秀作品将在《当代世界》中文刊、英文刊、国别专刊、《当代世界》多语种网站和“CPC WORKS”英文微信公众号等媒体平台以及海内外相关媒体平台推广宣传。本次活动各类别获奖作品,作者享有著作权和署名权,活动组委会享有使用权。主办单位有权将相关作品用于出版、宣传、展览等用途,不再另付稿酬。参赛者应对参赛作品拥有充分、完全、排他的著作权,不侵犯第三方的肖像权、名誉权等其他知识产权以及个人所有权。 六、奖项设置(一)征文类设一等奖3名、二等奖6名、三等奖15名,颁发获奖证书,奖金分别为5000元、3000元、1000元,或同等价值奖品;(二)绘画类设一等奖3名、二等奖6名、三等奖15名,颁发获奖证书,奖金分别为5000元、3000元、1000元,或同等价值奖品;(三)书法(含篆刻)类设一等奖3名、二等奖6名、三等奖15名,颁发获奖证书,奖金分别为5000元、3000元、1000元,或同等价值奖品;(四)照片及背后的故事类设一等奖3名、二等奖6名、三等奖15名,颁发获奖证书,奖金分别为5000元、3000元、1000元,或同等价值奖品;(五)上述四类奖项视参赛人数和作品质量酌情增减。凡参与者均可获赠2024—2025年《当代世界》中、英文电子刊阅读权限。 七、联系方式(一)联系人:何天放,联系电话:010-83908400,活动邮箱:ddsjcn@163.com(二)作品邮寄地址:北京市海淀区复兴路4号《当代世界》杂志社活动组委会办公室设在《当代世界》杂志社,负责组织协调和解释说明等工作。附件:“美美与共青年笔汇”活动信息登记表(点击这里或微信扫描下方二维码)To further deepen cultural exchanges and enrich the concept of building a community with a shared future for humanity, the International Exchange Center and the Contemporary World magazine, both under the International Department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, are jointly hosting the second "Youth Creations on Shared Prosperity" contest. The details are as follows: I. ThemeThis event is themed around promoting and practicing the Global Civilization Initiative, with the aim of enhancing exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. Through various forms such as essays, paintings, calligraphy (including seal carving), and photography with accompanying stories, participants are encouraged to reflect on their personal experiences with Chinese civilization, their insights into Chinese modernization, and their thoughts on China's collaborative development with the world. Particular emphasis is placed on understanding the concept of building a community with a shared future for humanity. II. EligibilityThe competition is primarily aimed at young people from political parties and organizations around the world, particularly youth political elites from the Global South, as well as foreign media professionals, scholars, and international students in China. Participants may enter as individuals or as teams, and international students are encouraged to participate with guidance from their instructors. III. RequirementsThis event invites submissions in four categories: essays, paintings, calligraphy (including seal carving), and photography with accompanying stories. Participants may enter one or multiple categories. All entries must be original works inspired by real-life experiences and personal reflections. Submissions must not have been previously published in books, newspapers, magazines, websites, or new media platforms, nor submitted to other similar competitions.1. Essays(1) Essays should center on the theme, with a title chosen by the author. Submissions may explore various aspects of society and can feature real, vivid stories that reflect China’s reform and opening up, its path to modernization alongside the world, its efforts to build a community with a shared future for humanity, mutual cultural exchange, or other forms of people-to-people and social connections. Personal experiences, reflections, and observations from studies, daily life, or work are also welcome.(2) There are no restrictions on essay format. For Chinese essays, a length of 1,000–2,000 characters is recommended, using Song typeface, 4-point font, and 1.5 line spacing. For English essays, a minimum of 1,000 words is required, using Times New Roman, 18-point font, and 1.5 line spacing. Please email your essay to the address provided at the end of this notice, using the subject line format:Essay – Author’s Name (as on passport) – Nationality – Essay Title.2. Paintings(1) Paintings should center on the theme. All categories and styles are welcome, and innovative approaches beyond traditional forms of expression are encouraged. A brief introduction of up to 200 Chinese characters or 150 English words is recommended.(2) Participants may use any medium, whether electronic or paper. For digital paintings, save the work as an image file. For paper-based paintings, please photograph or scan the artwork to create a digital version (JPEG format, minimum 5MB).(3) Submit the digital version of your painting to the designated email address provided at the end of this notice, using the subject line format:Painting –Name (as on passport) – Nationality – Title of Work. For paper-based entries, participants are encouraged to mail the original artwork to the Organizing Committee; mailing details are available at the end of this notice.3. Calligraphy (including seal carving)(1) Calligraphy submissions (including seal carving) should align with the event’s theme, and all categories, styles, and forms are welcome. Innovative approaches beyond traditional forms of expression are encouraged, including elements from your native language(s). Please include a brief description of the work in up to 200 Chinese characters or 150 English words.(2) While any medium is acceptable, we encourage the use of dedicated calligraphy paper. Submit your work as a photo or scan in digital format to the designated email at the end of this notice. Use the subject line format:Calligraphy – Name (as on passport) – Nationality – Work Title. We also encourage participants to mail the original piece to the Organizing Committee; mailing information is provided at the end of the notice.(3) For works created on an electronic device, please save the work as an image file (JPEG format, minimum 5MB) and send it to the specified email, following the subject line format above.4. Photography(1) Photographs should capture authentic moments connected to themes like social life, public figures, natural landscapes, local customs, and traditions, either in China or Belt and Road cooperation countries.(2) Entries should be original, well-composed, and clear, with a certain level of artistic expression. Both color and black-and-white images are welcome. Please include a brief description (up to 500 Chinese characters or 300 English words) that conveys the story behind each photo. Each participant may submit up to two entries, which can be either single photos or photo series (up to three photos per series, counted as one entry).(3) All entries must be in JPEG format and at least 5MB in size. Send your photos to the designated email address at the end of this notice, with the subject line format: “Photo and Story – Name (as on passport) – Nationality – Photo Title.” IV. Submissions1. Individual participants or teams must complete the Registration Form (see Attachment) and submit it along with their entries to the designated email address provided at the end of this notice. (Please refer to Part III for entry specifications.)2. If entries are being submitted by an institution (such as a current or former university or employer), please indicate the organization’s name on the Registration Form.3. Submissions and descriptions of the works can be sent as attachments or as Baidu WebDisk links (with passwords, if applicable) to the designated email address at the end of this notice. Please format the subject line as follows:“Essay/Painting/Calligraphy (including Seal Engraving)/Photo and Story– Author’s Name as per Passport – Nationality – Title of Work.” V. Event ScheduleThe event will be organized in three stages from November 2024 to May 2025:1. Submission of Entries (November 2024 - March 2025)Deadline for email submissions: March 30, 2025Deadline for postal submissions: March 21, 20252. Jury Reviews and Final Results (April 2025)From April 1 to April 23, the Organizing Committee will conduct expert-led evaluations in four categories: essays, paintings, calligraphy (including seal carving), and photographs with accompanying stories.From April 23 to April 30, the final results will be published on theContemporary Worldmultilingual website and the official Contemporary World WeChat account, with awards presented to winning individuals and groups.3. Publicity (starting May 2025)An exhibition of outstanding works from the contest, along with an awards ceremony, will be held around China’s Youth Day in 2025. Award recipients and exemplary organizing groups will be invited to Beijing to participate in a multicultural youth talent showcase, highlighting the beauty of harmony across cultures.The selected works will be featured inContemporary Worldmagazine (Chinese, English, and country-specific editions), on its multilingual website, on the English-language WeChat account "CPC WORKS," and promoted across domestic and international media platforms.For all winning entries, authors retain copyright and authorship rights, while the Organizing Committee retains usage rights, allowing the organizers to publish, promote, and exhibit the works without additional compensation.Participants must have full, exclusive copyright of their submissions and ensure they do not infringe on the portrait, reputation, intellectual property, or personal rights of any third parties. VI. Awards and Prizes1. Essay categoryThe jury will select 3 first prizes, 6 second prizes and 15 third prizes.Winners of first, second and third prizes will receive award certificates, as well as 5,000 yuan, 3,000 yuan and 1,000 yuan, respectively, or prizes worth the equivalent amount.2. Painting category3. Calligraphy category4. Photography category5. Possible adjustmentsThe awards in the four categories outlined above may be adjusted according to the number of participants and quality of submissions. All participants will be granted access to online content of the Chinese and English versions of Contemporary World magazine published in 2024 and 2025. VII. Contact Information1. Contact: He TianfangPhone: 010-83908400The Organizing Committee, based at the Contemporary World magazine, is responsible for coordination and will answer any contest-related questions.Attachment: Registration Form for the "Youth Creations on Shared Prosperity" Contest(Click here or scan the QR code below via WeiChat)摘要:为进一步深化人文交流,丰富构建人类命运共同体的文明内涵,中共中央对外联络部国际交流中心和《当代世界》杂志社联合举办第二届“美美与共青年笔汇”活动。有关事项通知如下:
"Youth Creations on Shared Prosperity"
Contest Organizing Committee