
360影视 动漫周边 2025-03-13 19:08 3

摘要:翻译 : Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of extremely carcinogenic organic pollutants. Our previous findings have

翻译 : Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are a group of extremely carcinogenic organic pollutants. Our previous findings have demonstrated that plant roots actively take up PAHs through co-transport with H+ ions. Auxin serves as a pivotal regulator of plant growth and development. However, it remains unclear whether the hormone can enhance the uptake of PAHs by plant roots. Hence, the wheat root exposed to PAHs with/without auxins was set to investigate how the auxin promotes the PAHs uptake by roots. In our study, auxin could significantly enhance the uptake of PAHs after 4 h of exposure. After the addition of auxin, the root tissue cytoplasmic pH value was decreased and the H+influx was observed, indicating that the extracellular space was alkalinized in a short time. The increased H+influx rate enhanced the uptake of PAHs. In addition, the H+ ATPase activity was also increased, suggesting that auxin activated two distinct and antagonistic H+ pathways, and the H+flux influx pathway was dominant. Our findings offer important information for exploring the mechanism underlying auxin regulation of PAHs uptake and the phytoremediation of PAH-contaminated soil and water.



This work was supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2021YFC1809103) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (31770546, 31370521).

Journal of Hazardous Materials Volume 465, 5 March 2024, 133077

占新华,男,博士,教授, 博士生导师,南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院。研究方向:污染生物学与污染场地修复、环境污染与控制化学。

2018-2021 多环芳烃从作物根表向地上部的转运机制研究 (31770546) 国家自然科学基金。

2014-2017 多环芳烃跨作物根系细胞膜的运输机制研究 (31370521) 国家自然科学基金。

Mechanistic insights into auxin-enhancing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon uptake by wheat roots: Evidence from in situ intracellular pH and root-surface H+ flux

Jiahui Zhu ,Ruonan Chen (共同一作),Qiurun Feng,Chenghao Huang,Fei Huang,Jiani Du,Jiawei Wang,Xinhua Zhan

College of Resources and Environmental Sciences, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210095, People’s Republic of China

Regulation mechanism of exogenous nitric oxide on phenanthrene uptake by ryegrass roots

2024, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

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Innovative utilization of plant-derived dissolved organic matter to promote polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons removal in constructed wetlands: Unraveling the synergy among substrate adsorption, plant uptake, and microbial degradation

2024, Process Safety and Environmental Protection

Citation Excerpt :

It has been confirmed that the transport mode of PAHs from soil into wheat root cells is driven by H+ -ATPase. Therefore, increase of H+ ion caused by auxins has been observed to enhance the PAHs absorption in wheat root (Zhu et al., 2024). Plant derived DOM contains multiple complex components, which includes large number of organic acids or substances containing acidic functional groups such as carboxyl groups, sulfonic acid groups, or sulfonic acid groups.

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Indole-3-acetic acid enhances the co-transport of proton and phenanthrene mediated by TaSAUR80-5A in wheat roots

2024, Environmental Pollution

Citation Excerpt :

Exogenous spermidine treatment alleviated polyethylene glycol osmotic damage in the roots of wheat seedlings and significantly increased H+-ATPase activity in the root plasma membrane, while the results were opposite under methylglyoxal-bis-(guanyl-hydrazone) (MGBG) treatment (Liu et al., 2005). Zhu et al. (2024) reported that adding auxin to wheat roots raised the H+ inflow rate, which in turn magnified the uptake of PAHs and the activity of H+-ATPase. The transmembrane proton potential is maintained and energy is provided for substance transmembrane transfer driven by the plasma membrane H+-ATPase, which uses the energy produced by ATP hydrolysis to pump H+ from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space (Falhof et al., 2016).


59 场地土壤污染成因与治理技术

