【先声夺人 | 特朗普“撕裂”欧美联盟,欧洲还能信赖美国吗?】近日,乌克兰宣布准备好接受美国提出的“俄乌冲突暂时停火30天”的提议。在美国战略重心东移、特朗普冲击西方秩序的背景下,欧洲正站在关键十字路口,未来何去何从?巴黎美国研究生院教授乔瓦·托克尔锐评:欧洲领导人之间已经出现严重分裂,一部分人认为不应再将美国视为欧洲的传统盟友,欧洲必须掌控自身安全;另一些则坚信欧美同盟仍然坚不可摧。一起来听专家的分析!As the U.S. and Ukraine advance a proposed 30-day ceasefire, European leaders find themselves in a complex and uncertain position. With Washington recalibrating its strategic priorities, concerns over the future of transatlantic security are mounting. Joav Toker, a professor at the American Graduate School in Paris, highlights a growing divide among European leaders: some believe the U.S. is no longer a dependable ally and that Europe must take greater control of its own defense, while others argue that decades of deep-rooted cooperation make the transatlantic alliance indispensable despite shifting global dynamics.