国际可持续发展与碳认证体系(ISCC) 国际可持续发展与碳认证体系(ISCC)是当前全球公认最具权威性、含金量、影响力的可持续性绿色认证之一。它是首个满足欧盟《可再生能源指令》,并得到欧盟全部成员国认可的标准,目前已覆盖100多个国家的4800余家企业。其中ISCC EU是生物能源及其原料进入欧盟市场的强制认证,ISCC PLUS代表了所认证产品不仅符合严格的可持续发展标准,更能基于风险指标进行持续的检测和调整,保证全方位的高质量和可靠性,实现全生命周期的绿色管理。 International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) is one of the most authoritative, valuable and influential green certificates in sustainability. It is the first standard that complies with the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED), and has been well recognized by all EU member states and adopted by more than 4,800 enterprises in over 100 countries. The ISCC EU of which is the mandatory certification for bioenergy and its relative raw materials to enter the EU market, and the ISCC PLUS represents that its certified products not only can meet the strict sustainability standards, but also can be continuously tested and adjusted based on the risk indicators to ensure all-around high quality and reliability, and realize green management of full life cycle. 近日,采用恒誉环保新一代智能连续式生产线的轮胎综合利用项目,顺利通过“ISCC EU/PLUS-国际可持续发展与碳认证双重认证,标志着恒誉环保生产线的裂解产品品质,满足了进入全球高端绿色再生能源市场的硬性要求,在欧盟碳关税(CBAM)加速落地背景下,采用恒誉先进连续化热解技术、装备、运营等整套解决方案成为优选,为循环再生企业提升国际竞争力、拓展高附加值市场、实现国际绿色贸易及碳减排交易提供了成功示范。 Recently, Niutech’s tire recycling project, utilizing its next-generation intelligent continuous production line, successfully obtained both ISCC EU and ISCC PLUS certifications. This milestone confirms that the quality of the pyrolysis products from Niutech’s production line meets the stringent requirements for entry into the global high-end green renewable energy market. Against the backdrop of accelerating EU Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) implementation, Niutech’s advanced continuous pyrolysis technology, equipment, and integrated operational solutions have emerged as a preferred choice. This achievement sets a successful precedent for circular economy enterprises in enhancing international competitiveness, expanding high value-added markets, and achieving global green trade and carbon emission trading. 技术的科技含量是产品绿色含量的保障,也是循环经济企业面对国际市场竞争的底气。恒誉环保作为中国热解技术领域【标准制定者和技术引领者】,坚持走“高端化、智能化、绿色化”热解路线,深度参与并主导多项行业国家标准制定,深刻洞察全球产业政策方向,把握上市公司产业基础与先发优势,积极参与国际循环经济高端市场竞争,在国内外市场拥有丰富的实践案例,助力支撑客户建设百万吨级的智能热解工厂。 Technological innovation underpins the sustainability of products and empowers circular economy enterprises in global market competition. As China’s standard-setter and technology pioneer in pyrolysis, Niutech adheres to "high-end, intelligent, and green development strategy”. The company has actively led the formulation of multiple national and industry standards”, demonstrated deep insights into global industrial policies, and leveraged its first-mover advantages as a listed enterprise to compete in high-end international markets. With extensive practical experience worldwide, Niutech supports clients in building million-ton-level intelligent pyrolysis plants. 恒誉环保·高端热裂解环保装备制造产业园 此次获得ISCC双认证,是恒誉环保荣获国家科学技术进步奖的“工业连续化轮胎低温裂解资源化利用成套技术及装备”又一次成功实践,也代表了公司该套核心工艺和装备获得国际权威可持续组织的认定。未来,恒誉环保将持续在循环再生领域发力,推动先进热解技术与关键装备的研发和应用,培育新质生产力赋能行业高质量发展,为全球循环经济与可持续发展贡献力量。 This ISCC dual certification marks another successful practice of complete set of technology and equipment for Niutech’s Industrial Continuous Low-Temperature Pyrolysis Technology and Equipment for Tire Recycling, which won the National Science and Technology Progress Award, and it also signifies international recognition of the company’s core technology and systems by a globally authoritative sustainability organization. In the future, Niutech will continue to make efforts in the field of recycling, promote research and development of advanced pyrolysis technology, cultivate new driving forces to empower the industry’s high-quality development, and contribute to the global circular economy and sustainable development.摘要:国际可持续发展与碳认证体系(ISCC) 国际可持续发展与碳认证体系(ISCC)是当前全球公认最具权威性、含金量、影响力的可持续性绿色认证之一。它是首个满足欧盟《可再生能源指令》,并得到欧盟全部成员国认可的标准,目前已覆盖100多个国家的4800余家企业。其中I