
360影视 2024-12-02 17:44 12

摘要:近日,复旦大学包文中团队以「A universal optoelectronic imaging platform with wafer-scale integration of two-dimensional semiconductors」¹为题在Chip上

近日,复旦大学包文中团队以「A universal optoelectronic imaging platform with wafer-scale integration of two-dimensional semiconductors」¹为题在Chip上发表研究论文,开发了一种基于二维半导体材料的晶圆级集成通用光电成像平台,实现了高性能、多功能和大规模集成的成像系统。第一作者为复旦大学的博士生王馨雨、王蝶、田雨琛,通讯作者为包文中(复旦大学、绍芯实验室)、陈红雷(中国科学院上海技术物理研究所)和邵雷(苏州大学)。Chip是全球唯一聚焦芯片类研究的综合性国际期刊,是入选了国家高起点新刊计划的「三类高质量论文」期刊之一。


图1 | 光电导(Photoconductive,PC) 和光伏(Photovoltaic,PV)特性。典型 PC(a)和 PV(d)光电探测器的结构图。PC(b)和 PV(c)光电探测器在光照下的能带排列示意图。d(i)金属半导体接触结构,d(ii)基于二维材料的垂直 PN 结结构,d(iii)基于二维材料的水平 PN 结结构, d(iv)P 型二维材料和 N 型硅组成的 PN 结结构。PC(e(i))和 PV(e(ii))光电探测器在黑暗和光照下的 IV 特性;(f)通用测试系统的工作流程。


图2 | 光电探测器器件的特性。PC(a)和 PV(b)光电探测器件的结构图和光学显微镜图像。PC(cd)和 PV(ef)光电探测器件在暗态以及不同波长和光照强度下的 IV 特性。PC(gh)和 PV(ij)光电探测器件在不同波长和光照强度的下的时态光电流特性。


图3 | 读出电路(ROIC)结构和耦合系统。a, 用于耦合的印刷电路板示意图。b, 读出电路的分区布局模块。c, mxn阵列的探测器的示意图。PC(d)和 PV(e)探测器的内部整体电路设计图。


图4 | 光电探测器和 ROIC 的集成。a, 成像系统的实验装置。b, 线扫描成像的基本原理和灰度映射关系。c, 成像过程中的不同阶段。



A universal optoelectronic imaging platform with wafer-scale integration of two-dimensional semiconductors¹

This groundbreaking study presents a universal optoelectronic imaging platform that integrates two-dimensional (2D) semiconductors on a wafer scale, pushing the boundaries of imaging technology. The research team has developed an innovative approach to combine different 2D materials, including MoS₂, WSe₂ and PtSe₂, with silicon-based CMOS readout circuits using advanced transfer printing techniques². This novel platform demonstrates high performance imaging capabilities over a wide spectral range, including visible, near-infrared and shortwave infrared wavelengths, overcoming the limitations of traditional silicon-based image sensors.

Fig. 1 | Photoconductive (PC) and photovoltaic (PV) characteristics. Structural diagrams of typical PC (a) and PV (d) photodetectors, d (i) represents a metal–semiconductor contact structure, d (ii) showcases a vertical PN junction structure based on two-dimensional materials, d (iii) illustrates a PN junction structure comprised of a p-type two-dimensional material and n-type silicon, d (iv) depicts a horizontal pn junction structure based on two-dimensional materials. Schematic diagrams of band alignments in PC (b) and PV (c) photodetectors when illuminated. Dark and illuminated IV characteristics of PC (e(i)) and PV (e(ii)) photodetectors. General workflow of the universal testing system (f).

Researchers have successfully fabricated large-scale integrated arrays of 2D semiconductor photodetectors, achieving high-resolution imaging with millions of pixels and frame rates exceeding 100 fps. The system's multifunctional imaging capabilities include color imaging, near-infrared imaging and short-wave infrared imaging, all integrated into a single platform. This versatility is made possible by the unique optical and electronic properties of 2D materials, combined with the team's innovative integration and fabrication techniques.

Fig. 2 | The characteristics of our PD devices. Structure diagrams and optical microscope images of our PC (a) and PV (b) PDs. Dark and illuminated IV characteristics of our PC (cd) and PV (e, f) PDs at varying wavelengths and intensities of illumination. Temporal photocurrent characteristics of our PC (gh) and PV (i, j) PDs under periodic xenon-light illumination at various optical wavelengths and intensities, respectively.

Fig. 3 | The architecture of our readout integrated circuit (ROIC) and the coupling system. a, Schematic diagram of the PCB used for coupling. b, Layout module of the partitioning of the ROIC. c, photograph of our detector; internal circuit diagram for mxn linear array PC (d) and PV (e) detectors on PCB.

Fig. 4 | The integration of photodetector and ROIC. a, the experimental setup of the imaging system under working conditions. b, the principles underlying line-scan imaging. c, the stages of the imaging pipeline. Abbreviation: ROIC, readout integrated circuit.

By exploiting the exceptional properties of 2D materials and wafer-scale integration, this research opens new possibilities for next-generation imaging systems. The platform's broad wavelength coverage, high integration density, excellent performance and multifunctionality offer significant advantages over conventional silicon-based sensors³⁻⁴. These advances have potential applications in various fields, including medical imaging, machine vision, autonomous driving and environmental monitoring. The study not only advances the field of 2D materials in optoelectronics, but also paves the way for future high-performance, multifunctional imaging devices with superior capabilities and versatility compared to existing technologies⁵⁻⁶.


1. Wang, X. et al. A universal optoelectronic imaging platform with wafer-scale integration of two-dimensional semiconductors. Chip3, 100107 (2024).

2. Long, M., Wang, P., Fang, H. & Hu, W. Progress, challenges, and opportunities for 2D material based photodetectors. Adv. Funct. Mater. 29, 1803807 (2018).

3. Xu, J. et al. Tunable linearity of high-performance vertical dual-gate vdW phototransistors. Adv. Mater. 33, 2008080 (2021).

4. Jayachandran, D. et al. A low-power biomimetic collision detector based on an in-memory molybdenum disulfide photodetector. Nat. Electron. 3, 646-655 (2020).

5. Jeong, M. H. et al. Multilayer WSe₂/MoS₂ heterojunction phototransistors through periodically arrayed nanopore structures for bandgap engineering. Adv. Mater. 34, 2108412 (2022).

6. Xing, S. et al. Photomultiplication-type organic photodetectors for near-infrared sensing with high and bias-independent specific detectivity. Adv. Sci. 9, 2105113 (2022).




Xinyu Wang is a PhD student in the research group of Professor Bao from the School of Microelectronics, Fudan University, specializing in the research of optoelectronics.


Die Wang is a PhD student in the research group of Professor Bao from the School of Microelectronics, Fudan University, specializing in the research of optoelectronics.


Yuchen Tian is a PhD student in the research group of Professor Bao from the School of Microelectronics, Fudan University, specializing in the research of optoelectronics.

包文中,复旦大学微电子学院研究员,博士生导师。国家级领军人才,绍芯实验室副主任。从事新型半导体材料的相关基础和集成电路应用研究。发表英文论文200多篇,总引用四万多次,科研成果多次被国际和国内媒体采访和报道。多年入选「科睿唯安全球高被引研究者」和爱思唯尔「中国高被引学者」。曾获得2016年国际物理纯粹与应用学会(IUPAP)青年科学家奖(凝聚态物理),以及 2017年的求是基金会杰出青年学者。2023年获得了「上海市青年科技英才」。主持承担了国家科技部重点研发、国家自然科学基金、上海市集成电路科技支撑专项等多个项目。

Bao Wenzhong currently serves as a Researcher and PhD Supervisor at the School of Microelectronics, Fudan University in Shanghai. He graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Physics from Nanjing University and earned his Ph.D. from the University of California, Riverside, USA. Following that, he pursued postdoctoral research at the University of Maryland. In recent years, his primary focus has been on the development of wafer-scale integration processes for two-dimensional (2D) materials, leveraging these advancements to construct prototype devices featuring novel 2D structures and principles, thereby driving the future practical applications of 2D semiconductor materials. He has published over 130 English-language papers in fundamental science and engineering applications, which have been cited over 30,000 times, earning him inclusion in Clarivate Analytics' 2018 list of Highly Cited Researchers.


Honglei Chen is a senior researcher at Shanghai Institute of Physics and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is mainly engaged in the design of infrared photoelectric detector readout circuits and testing technology of infrared focal plane detectors and components, and is responsible for the design of infrared focal plane detector readout circuits, testing technology, and detector reliability research in a number of national major aerospace engineering projects, and is responsible for the following research projects as a project leader As a project leader, he has undertaken major national projects and scientific research projects supported by the Academy of Sciences, etc. He has published more than 20 SCI/EI articles, and several papers in high impact factor journals this year. In recent years, his research interests include large-scale high-speed and low-noise infrared focal plane readout circuits, digital focal plane readout circuits with integrated ADC, digital infrared focal plane detector test research, infrared focal plane detector noise characterisation, and new type of two-dimensional photodetectors.


Lei Shao is a senior laboratory technician at the School of Electronic Information of Soochow University, mainly engaged in research related to detection and control technology, embedded system design, Internet of Things and other fields.




Chip秉承创刊理念: All About Chip,聚焦芯片,兼容并包,旨在发表与芯片相关的各科研领域尖端突破性成果,助力未来芯片科技发展。迄今为止,Chip已在其编委会汇集了来自14个国家的69名世界知名专家学者,其中包括多名中外院士及IEEE、ACM、Optica等知名国际学会终身会士(Fellow)。

Chip第三卷第四期将于2024年12月在爱思维尔Chip官网以金色开放获取形式(Gold Open Access)发布,欢迎访问阅读本期最新文章。

