亚胺连接的共价有机框架(COFs)是结晶的和永久多孔的网络,在解决当前与能源和环境可持续性相关的挑战方面具有重要的前景,包括气体吸附、能量存储、催化、光电子学等。这些结晶网络通常通过在高温下缩合不同对称性和点基团的多官能醛和胺结构单元多天来制备。在这里,作者证明了金属三氟甲磺酰亚胺在环境条件下加速坚固和脆弱的亚胺连接的COFs的合成中的催化作用。作者首先测试了一系列金属三氟甲磺酰亚胺,Zn(NTf2)2、Co(NTf2)2、Mg(NTf2)2和Sc(NTf2)3,用于模型TAPB-PDA COF的合成,并发现所有金属三氟甲磺酰亚胺在环境温度和空气存在下以定量产率提供结晶框架。发现在优化的催化剂负载下,Zn(NTf2)2在不到15分钟内产生最多的结晶框架。Zn(NTf2)2被进一步测试为超过15种不同COFs的催化剂,这些COFs具有不同的结构单元、取代基和拓扑结构,它有效地催化了所有目标亚胺框架的快速制备,包括以前未报道的TAPB-DMT PDA COFs。值得注意的是,这种催化剂还成功地以克级制造了刚性和脆弱的COFs,强调了一种用于合成亚胺连接的COFs的简单、可扩展、低成本、快速和台式的方法,这种方法可以潜在地消除各种应用中亚胺COFs商业化的障碍。Figure 1. (a) Reaction scheme for the preparation of TAPB-PDA COF using M–N catalysts. (b) Graphical extended view of the TAPB-PDA COF stacking structure. (c) PXRD patterns, (d) nitrogen sorption isotherms, and (e) BET surface areas of TAPB-PDA COF synthesized using different metal triflimides.
Figure 2. (a) PXRD patterns, (b) nitrogen sorption isotherms, and (c) BET surface areas of TAPB-PDA COF synthesized using different mol % of Zn–N for 60 min. (d) PXRD patterns, (e) nitrogen sorption isotherms, and (f) BET surface areas of TAPB-PDA COF synthesized using 10 mol % of Zn–N for different times ranging from 15 to 60 min.
Figure 3. Comparison of experimental (red line) and simulated (black line) PXRD patterns for (a) TAPB-DMTA, (b) TAPB-TFTA, (c) TAPB-BPDA, (d) TAPT-PDA, (e) TAPT-DMTA, (f) TAPB-DTDA, and (g) TAPB-DMTPDA, as well as (h) nitrogen sorption isotherms and (i) BET surface areas.
Figure 4. Comparison of experimental (black line), Pawley refined (red line), and simulated (blue line) PXRD patterns for TAPB-DMTPDA COF. (b) N2 sorption isotherm of TAPB-DMTPDA COF; inset: pore size distributions. (c) Representation of TAPB-DMTPDA COF in the view of the 100 facet. (d) Simulated diffraction pattern generated by abTEM. (e) HRTEM image of TAPT-DMTPDA COF. (f) HRTEM image of the boxed region in panel (B), which show lattice fringes. Zoomed image of red TAPB-DMTPDA. (g) FFT pattern of the TAPB-DMTPDA COF with the zone axis [100].
Figure 5. Comparison of experimental (red) and simulated (black) PXRD patterns for (a) TAPB-TFPB, (b) TAPT-TFPB, (c) PyTTA-PDA, (d) PyTTA-BPDA, (e) PyTTA-DMTPDA, (f) ETTA-PDA, and (g) COF-300, as well as (h) nitrogen sorption isotherms and (i) BET surface areas.