摘要:▶ 美国CNN: Small plane with five people on board crashed near a retirement community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, officials sa
▶ 英国BBC: Bahía Blanca: Residents flee homes in flooded Argentine city
▶ 中文:【巴伊亚布兰卡:阿根廷洪水淹没城市 居民流离失所】
▶ 英国BBC: Syrian security forces accused of killing hundreds of civilians
▶ 中文:【叙利亚安全部队被控杀害数百名平民】
▶ 美国CNN: Small plane with five people on board crashed near a retirement community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, officials say
▶ 中文:【据官方报道,一架载有五个人的小型飞机在宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特县附近的一个退休人员社区坠毁】
▶ 美国纽约时报: Boyfriend of Bronx woman found stuffed in suitcase in Yonkers knew she was trying to leave him: prosecutors
▶ 中文:【布朗克斯一名女子尸体被发现在约纳克市的行李箱中,其男友知道她想离开他:检察官称】
▶ 华尔街日报: President Trump has backed Ukraine into a corner by pausing U.S. weapons shipments and intelligence, but the defenders aren’t completely helpless against Russia
▶ 中文:【特朗普总统暂停美国武器供应和情报支持,使乌克兰陷入困境,但乌克兰的防御者对抗俄罗斯并非完全无能为力】
▶ 华尔街日报: An accelerating advance by Russian and North Korean forces is threatening Ukraine’s toehold in Kursk
▶ 中文:【俄罗斯和朝鲜军队加速挺进,乌克兰在库尔斯克的立足之地面临威胁。】
▶ 德国DW News: On International Women's Day, the Taliban said they were committed to safeguarding the rights of Afghan women. The UN continued to denounce the severe restrictions women face in the country.
▶ 中文:【在妇女节当天,塔利班表示将致力于保障阿富汗妇女的权利。而联合国继续谴责阿富汗妇女所面临的严重限制。】
▶ 德国DW News: Storm Alfred lashed Australia's Queensland, leaving thousands without power. "Heavy rainfall, damaging wind gusts, and coastal surf impacts are expected to continue over coming days," PM Anthony Albanese said.
▶ 中文:【风暴阿尔弗雷德袭击了澳大利亚昆士兰,导致成千上万的人失去电力。“预计在未来几天里,会出现持续的大雨、破坏性阵风和沿海海浪冲击”,总理安东尼·阿尔巴内塞表示。】
▶ 德国DW News: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy is to visit Saudi Arabia next week for a planned meeting there between delegates from Ukraine and the US.
▶ 中文:【乌克兰总统弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基计划下周访问沙特阿拉伯,在那里举行乌克兰和美国代表之间的会议。】
▶ 美国ABC: North Korea unveiled for the first time a nuclear-powered submarine under construction, a weapons system that can pose a major security threat to South Korea and the U.S.
▶ 中文:【朝鲜首次展示正在建造中的核潜艇,这是一种可能对韩国和美国构成重大安全威胁的武器系统。】
▶ 美国ABC: Flight cancellations at Hamburg Airport after a surprise strike by workers have affected more than 40,000 passengers.
▶ 中文:【汉堡机场发生工人意外罢工事件,导致航班取消,影响了超过 4 万名乘客。】
▶ 卡塔尔半岛电视台: video captured the moment a Peruvian man miraculously survived after being run over by a train in Lima while he was asleep on the tracks.
▶ 中文:【监控视频捕捉到了秘鲁男子在利马被火车碾压后奇迹生还的瞬间,事发时男子正在铁轨上熟睡。】
▶ 卡塔尔半岛电视台: Large crowds have greeted Nepal’s former King Gyanendra Shah in the capital, Kathmandu, calling for the reinstatement of his abolished monarchy amid dissatisfaction over the state of the country
▶ 中文:【尼泊尔前国王贾南德拉·沙阿在首都加德满都受到大量民众的迎接,民众呼吁恢复被废除的君主制,表达对国家现状的不满情绪】
▶ 卡塔尔半岛电视台: M23 rebels advance as DR Congo gov’t offers $5m reward to capture rebel leaders
▶ 中文:【刚果民主共和国政府悬赏500万美元抓捕叛军领导人,M23叛军向前推进】